upen n z3tuJru'4y With William Tell By R~uTHEDA L. PRETZEL Ravinia opera lauinches into its twentieth season this week, Saturday evening, June 20, wheti "Williani *Tell," with its charining Alpine back-I ground, will be sung by four of the« famous Ravinia ,.stars,, Elisabeth R.ethberg,, Giovanni Martinelli, Giu- seppe Danise, Virgilio Lazzari and others.-' Geninaro Papi w ill conduct. Statistics of ,the development of the artistîc- roster and repertoire since 1914 are given in. another section of this issue. In spite of èvery. shadow* cast by the demon financial depréssion, Ra- vinia %vill have its, customary. spien- dor, its' scintillant voices and mnes- capable* enchantment this 1 season, which. promises to be. a great one in* many ways. Nothing bas been sheared or shorn, and al is to -be- as bright. and carefree and unexcelled. as,.always. Tickets mav be reserved1wbytele"- phoning the Ravinia box office with- out toîl, Highland Park 2727.,Tickets so ordered must bce paid for in per- son, by mail or by Western Union telegrapb by Il 'o'clock the follow-- ing morning. Tickets reserved',upon the day of the perforiance, must be paid for by '3 o'clock in 'the after- noon. Upon paymeént of the, animal se rvice charge, -tickets May be re- served and hèld until called :for. Symphony Concert Siuday On Sunday, afternooi, June 21, at 3, o'clock, the Chicago Symphony orchestra will give its flrst concert, directed bY Eric DeLamarter. John WVeicher, first io1inisýt, will be the soloist, playing' the Nleiilelssohii.con-. certo' for violin. The prograni includes the overture to "Ruisslan ,aid Lud- milfa," bv Glinka; " *Siegfriëd IdN-I," Wagner; 'Hungarian Rhapýisody ,, i 1 ýG-'Minor," Liszt;, selections from the "Peer Gn suite bN Griecg; lSa( - 0w and Sea GuIL'" and *'Hungariani Dances," by Brahms. Thcrc is ano charge for reserved:-seats on Snday afternoons. the gate admission leu coveriing eerthng ouis C. Eck-- stein annouinces that childrei 1.4 Madame Gilderoy Scott 'will pre-2 sent her vocal pupils in recital at the Fine Arts building, room 825, on Fri- day evening, june 19, at 8 o'clock, Amongr her pupils.. wilt -be MiSS Peari ifJoqse, 'Wilmnette' contralto, howill be heard in "Know'st Thîou Not" from "Mignon". by Thomas; "Meine: Liebe ist Gruen,". Brahms; '4Sonigs My Mother Taugbt M, D-voak;-' and ."Theý Year'.s at Ille Spring," Beach. She. will alsoý sing at the commencement program for the piano.pupils of Walter Knupfer on Fniday. evening, june 26, in Cur- tiss hall. Madame Scott is, well kntown to ntorth shoremusic, patrons, silice she is. director of. the Senior and junior choirs at the Wilniette Baptist- church. She -was recently elecicd president of the Chicago Artists' as- sociation.: She 'is also, head of the voice department in the Walter Knupfer',studios,' in Chicago. Appreciate Opera "The first requiite for true appre- ciation of a grand opera performance is a proper mental attitude,"' says Isaac Van Grove, conductor of the Chicago .Civic Opera companiiy. in, a recent article on opera appreciation. ..'Empty your mind of the pettýv im-, portances and busy- nothings of, the affairs o f the day," he savs.: ;and prepare, thus to be filled anew by revivin g ,erotion 'stimulated bv -the most ingeiious device the art of man has produced to redeemi himself emo- tionally, a drama whose passionatË conflicts have been intefsified a thousand foid and have. beeni puni- fied in the intense white lieat of in- spired musîc,, 'music swept froin the soul of genius, poured through (leep and open throats of singers and. multi - voiced> and van - colored orchestra. Worth'..Hearing Oftený Otiie. pup16 t be har4 o the "Yo, may> complain that it i h 'i .. june 19 program will be Grace La- second or fifth time you are to licar zant, Susie Grande, Gertrude Lar- the opera, and you fear boredomi,",ý son, Esther Baillie, Beatrice Anden- he continued. "The contrary Nvil l)be M1iss Pauline Ma,'4,cster, Glen- son, Bernice Néitz and the Scott vo- true, for now.,vou will- notice. per- Coe ianist, sailed this wveekon cal ensemble. haps for the flrst tine, 1mw the over- the S._S.Lafayett,___________ro. ture. prophesies the moods, meanings. tue . S Laaveteto tud aboadand mëlodies of the stucceeding acts.; fo aver. Af ter touirin i ln, M r adZings iflleii, how the varied colors of the orches- France, Italv and Swit.zcrIand dii>-- Benefit Concert Nov. 9 tral instrumients are tsed to, musi- ing thec si<imer. shc will loin Es- ... * calh- rCl)reSCit the cliaracter upon, Mle wigrtWile lete CeMt, )i ary Garden will ne neard in a the stage. the oboe for pathos, the '~l Swgar, J'îmctc 'dllsi,~» benefit concert at Orchestra hall on clariet. for tendcrness. -the bassooni Berlin, and will beflin a vcar 11tuy *Novcmbier 9, whien she wvill sing the 1 ûotesrnsfrsniet wcith the *rnz'w pianist and songs slie lierseif likes to sing. Pro, the brass for dignity, and how they teacher,.4iArdue>- Schnabei. . ceeds will go toward the endowmient are hield* together and balanced by _____________fund of thieCountry Homiefor Con- the conductor, whose know.ledge of iians takes the baton for tis, at- ing. Mrs. William J. Chalmers 1is makes irn responsible for tilt u1ityý tractive opera, wrhichi lias alwvavslheld president of the home. Tickets miay of performance. a higli place ni Raviinia favôr.* be secured f rom lier at 1100 Lake 'X'ou will notice g1§0 o lioýw the 1> The, repertoire lingers in France, Shore drive, or froni lier special coin- îgtn nlecstedaai f presenting Charpentier's "ouise" on11 i ttee viciiWlde Ms1Cirlsfeet; the iystery, of the 1blue s, thbe W'ednecsday .night-, june 24, with ,Swift 7M r s. P. A. Valèntine, M.r. i eliesoftea1brteyaso Yvonne Ga-Il, Edward Jolinson, Leon 1Henry Field, Mrs. Samuel. Chiae, .fte esaa hitro o h Rothier and Julia Claussen in Iead- iMrs.ý Arthur, Meeker, Mrs. 'Filioîa lf ns. Y ilbeoecn ing roles.. Louis.'DAngelo will sing Hinde, Mrs. Waller Borden and Ms the liaunting melods, of the rag Francis jolinson . iscou of scenic investiture., corn- picker, Giuseppe Cavadore heads the . Position and perspectives!. 'lou vill Montimarte revels, Miss Page Wvl compare miake-up), costumning, pos- dance, and Mr. Hasselinans will con-il Quart riTo Opera by ture and gestuire. X'ou will have in * mmor .libretto,,- arias, duets andi * 8 8* W .8 W8888 cn8flsU 1 Tuesday nighit, ,june 23, turns to the Frenchi scliool by offcning one jif its most exq ui site ,ope ras ini Masseni- *et's 'Manon,"i wi th- Miss Bon astlie seductive charmier of the title role. Mn. Chamice will bc the Chevalivr *des, Gnieux, Desire Defree. is to be Lescaut, :and Leon Rothier ýwill .be heard as. the father. . Louis Hassel- '*' Iruf"- flitsI t t ,.V U~1~I l ant "Manuf"ifit * ntothe Arabia ïigits, and thîe deligl.tiul spirit xnl m-hinisv and misehiex will be hogî out to its fullest extent *v ivonne Gall, Marlo Cliamîce, ILeo-.î Rothien, Madame Clauissei, \Vittorio, Trevisan, 1%v., D'Angelo,. M are k %\indlieim iýand Mr. Cehanovsky. Miss lia ge ant Mr., Scott add to the col.on- Mn. Eckstein brings >out a trumip card for Saturday èvening, June 27, whien Duccinli's "Manou Lescaut" will be sung by Lucrezia Boriand Giov- anni Martinelli in leading roles. Mr. Defrere will be tescaut, Madame Boýurskayýa sings the unpaid Musico,, and Mn.Papi willtonduct. 1 orm ,the background of the final scene. IN CLEVELAND OPERA Members of the Chicago Civic Opera comipany will 'pa-ti.cipate ii Cleveland" opera at: the new Stadiuiîî this summer.,