Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1931, p. 33

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of ighland Park will join the group there'and act as leader in the study of plant, hf e at the Waukegan mnoor- lands, as they are often called. Mrs. William C. Fox, 831 Forest avenue, will have charge of the flow- ers which the Wilniette Garden club) talces -down to thé booth. in ýthIe North Western depot for the Clhi- cago Plant, Fol.wer, and Fruit guild Tuesday,. June 23. She *will send for flowers that anyone has to donate to the guild, on NMonday eveni ig. June 22. Mrs. Hayes McKinney was hostes>s at the booth june 9. She reports that a large supply of flowersg vas sent in. Mirs. Dan Greene, guild chiairni ,of the Wihttte* Gardlen club, accom- panied the guild.chairnien of Evans- ton gard en clubs, on a tour of the fiveinstitutions ithat receive- hie TIuesdav. flowers of the guildý, Tue~ dav, .1une 94 Plans Church Beneit St. %Iar\"s society of St..Frci Xavier chiurelh Will hold a lawni so- cial on Th'lursdiay, July 9, at t1w lhoine of Mrs. CGeorge.' E. udwig. 27,58 Bro)ad\%av avi2nuc, !Iviiston. 'fla ai- -fair. will hbc given -fr the benleit o the ncw chuirchi fund. Tfhere wvili Tbe special attractions aurthie youuigeras .well as the older oncs. Mirs.,I- ratk ýA. iN\ltctr of 114 Fourîla street, \*l mette, as chiairinan of arrangvîiiîts, for the social. At Shawnee LUncheon Last Monday afternooia the u vn miembeirs of s$lîawnec COuintry' clubi entertaîned thecir iricaads at tiluconi, and pivo Ainîoag tliose \vhoi hiad rcseýrvations .eeMs. Aaroil M. Spuer, Mrs. CÇharl.Ls \\.' Moody,ý Mrs M. L. coureli,, Nrs. J. E Vr theni, and iMrsý J. '\.,lirashecars 04 WilmtteMrs. VaUlace. R. Livings ton of Wiinietka, and Mrs. J. Lind of Kenilworth. Nort bridge Club Notes, Tfhe r(ýguIar meeting of the North- trI.ýe üians lub wa i eldon The marriage took place at the home of the bride's mother at .5 o'clock, Tuesday afternoon. Jurie 9. in the pre sence of the famnilles of the bride and groom. Miss Anna Caro-. line- Crane was her sister's maid oni horior and Hugh Paterson served bis l)rother as hest mani. Mr. Paterson and bis, bride have departed by mo- tor for New York City via Canadaý %vl-ere they will1 spcnd the suinm er. Tfiey will be*-at home after Septem- her 15. at 506 South. Grant, avenue. Crawfordsville, Imd. Both Mr. -and. Mrs. Paterson are grà'duates of Nortbwestern univer- sity. The forme'r is now director of recreationalI activities and instructor in economics at Wabasb college. Catholic Club- Bene it Swells War Vets' Fund ýAlthoiugh its flower 1)ogths and :Other garden, party. features bad to be abandoned because of the-,cool we4hrTaesdayof. Iast week, tlve North Shore Catholic \Woman's league benefit affair ivas greatly, en- joved by thceJiundreds ,of --womeni at- tending. Financially it was very suc- cesuthe war veterans' departmnent clearingseveral hundred dollars. This as thie one big annual affair given for the veterans at Great Lakes hos.- aital by the commritt ee of which M.\rs. P. \V. Trudeau is chairmnan. Thie bridge tables were set up ni- d(hors at ,Mrs. Trudeau's home, 254 Scott avenue, Hubbard, WVoods. The house ivas enitirely filled with- the tables ciglity-seveni of therm. On the big staircase a fortune teler wvas l)usy ail aftérnoon. reading palmns. iFloNers decorated the rôoors and re- fresbmeints were servcd at the bridge tables at the end of the alternoon. Honored at Lunc1heon, 1On .Tuesday, Ju te 9, Miss Bernice l3utilIcy o.f 220 Sheridan. road, Kenil- 1 North, entertained at a luncheon for MNrs: Roger P. Behan (Estellv Far- ley). Mrs. Behan-and bier smnall son have left for Boston where tbey, wilI with Iiis parents, arles W. Robh, 816 Greenteaf aveni Mr. ai-d Mrs. Paul x~. Knapilund'oi Madison,ý Wis., with their children are, spending- several weeks with Mrs. nalnspaen tsMr. and. Mrsi W.X inge 611 Forest avenue. Coolce iave gone to tneir suiumer lionte in Minnesota. Don Cooke will rernain in Kenilworth for à few weeks attending summier schiooi. -o- Irving Moss of 316 Cuinnor road, Kenilwortb, spent.last w eek-end vwith bis grandpa rents, Mr. andà Mrs. Wil liam Patoni of Austin. :6.50o, in ourse. kill very reasonal white, blue and yellow., SECOND FLOOR I

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