Just. a few of the hun- dreds of Pro Inventory speciels t. b. found throughout the store. M FRENCH KID GLOVES, slips. on and i -clasp 1styles,, 4- bulton Iength, no blackor white. $3.50 to$57àvl ues, now, $2.95. GOTHAM LIGHT-WEIGýH.T SERVICE HOSIE, hem top, Bis!. welt, fuII-fashioned, ail sizes ',ut no in vr çolor.:.3 pairs for $2.75.: 60-INCH GARMENT BAGS, 8-garment size, snap fas- fening, rose and -pinlc, $1, values, 79c. COTY'S ICOMPACTS in ai- most every wanted shacle ,of powder, whil, 69, laist at 49c. :OUNDATION GARMENTS. including m a ny Shadlow: Voiles for sum mer. wearI, aevey one a. $6 mode!,: aSmot ev-ery size, $.5 Z1~ re $4.95 $:25 Limit.d number of. ight-, weigbt w o o 1 e n frocks, ideal for summer travel. Print.ed crepes, organdies, plain creps and feeth.r- weight wools. $10 ~15 Early shoppers wilI find plahiand pinfed chiffonis and tub sa &sini Ibis group. Prnt.d chiffon. pi1 a i n, crepes, net, and wol- exfraordinary' values. Vlues to $49.50-good lookingprne crepes, chiffon,, organdyad oos Uta-smartl Dresses of rich plein cropes thet mey b6e worw ailSuffimr--Superb t"buys" 'if we have your sie. ALimited Number .of c QATS Underpriced for Clearance At $ 19.lS-just sevên coats, plain and fur trimmed, mostly gray and tan tweeds. At $29.50-seventeen plain andc fur-trimmed coats that are truly sensation values.ý At $39.50---one coat ol, hly rme with beaver, priced now at less than V/2, At $49.5O-stunning late models whose price tags should read double this price. Furrecil in the Apparel Section-LORD'S---Secozi Pooçr Vatch LORD'S Crow! ss s rSize N4*l Ranges Are ncomplete in /EVERY SALE MUST BE FINAL 1 e $1 99>751.