Why are. our Sales more jr months in,1929? E QUA IT Y i tIîe firs.t-five months of 1931 than during, the. sarfe' five Because' we are sticking' strictly to pur slogan Of, We are: not selling .cheap merchandise, but Quality Merchandise at Economy ýPrices PeppereélSheets, 19, 72É99. 81*x90.. Economy Bod Sread1 I4ge size 81 x 15, pink, green, blue, orchid, in a moire stripe. Fine for.the. sleeping porch or summrrer cottage. Economy,,.39 Sale Bath Towels, Cannon m'ake white with colored ends, extra large siue. Economy Sale25 eaçh. Wash Cloths., shades, la rge should buy theq Economy Sale per dozen .. in ýpastel size; >'you dozen. 60e Take advantage ofýour'Five-.Day Sale and 'save money fo4r Fourth of July Vacation Economy the WOMEN'S NEGLIGEE, of fancy figured $2 2 rayon fabric, an unusual value. Economy Sale$2 2 Ms ses Dresses cf. Novelty Print Fabrics, Sizes 13-15-17 or littie womnen's suzes Economy Sale$ 3 7 5 Two for $7.00 Women' S Ik 'Dresses ,of sillc print, plain crepe or Shantung, many of these have 5.95 Silk' Hose, chiffon or se $1.50 and Knit,,Hose. Sale, pair- full. fashione d ervice,,weight., $ L.95 Wayne Economy $I.2 9 R~ayon- Paties, of. non-run fabric, al sizes in pink. Economy Sale, pair 55c, 2$I0 paiir . . $10 many 'styles, values up to $3.50. Econo- ~Q mny Sale ... $[081 Children'sCotton Dresses, in summer weight, bought' for this sale. Economy Sale 1 $1.2 95 sizes 6x9 feet. Economy S~'~ ruit Cases. or Over Night Sal V o irt I- e nIl s Bags. Econorny $ each$2.5 118 Wlweu Av. .Phoue, 588-539 Sale, eac . 0 '4