Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jun 1931, p. 43

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*Dr. M. H. Bickham, superintendent of the Central Placement Bureau for Handicapped Workers of Chicago, who is a resident of Minette, was called to Minneapolis last week to report on the developments in plac- ing ýhandicapiped workers during the unemplovmient crisis. Reports'of this workc have been given inpeou issues:of WIMzT'rE Lii5E.e *Basing his conclusions on the. de- velopments lu the Chicago opera- tions and research work in, other *cities, Dr. Bickham is recommendinoe the formation of' a* national council for .han dicapped workers. 'This agéey is designed to meet the de.- . pressed social and econompic condi- tions of hancicapped* workers. -Dr. Bickham's plan . provides for raising * a national endowment of- $lOOOOiOOD- and the' development of oneý hundred placement centers along lines simhilar -othe Chica-go center. Stich a m iove will go9 far toward relieving one segment of ùnemploymienti and a s egment in which the evideiice shows much social distres§ prevails, it is explained. *Dr. Bickham's studies show that handi. apped persons are increasing more rapidly than the social means for meeting the consequent economie problems of these workers. Statistics show that at least2,500,OO children are physïcally handicapped. Hearing, sight, hands, feet and legs or heart1 and lungs and other vital organs mnay tories and homes- of the nation. The latest compilation shows that over a million aduit persons with in- dustrial' handicaps are iiow caughit in, the mreshes of our -involved iii-. dustrial'system. Most. of theni with- out emétployment. ,These ,handicap- ped w'orkiers, are marginal vorkçers adsoon pushed out in any .uin-.. ploynent crisis. So action on a nia- tional, scale, is 'needed to meet the social -and economic ý problemfs- of these hiandicapped'wo rkers. Dr. Bick- ham's reports and plans subm itted to the national ,coniference of, sociail work are directed toward meeting these problems in our present unr- employment crisis, andI the years tliat lie ahead. Mr. and Mrs. Murdo Ross of 727 Cummings, avenue, .Kenilworth, with their three children, motored to Cleve- land on Wednesday, june' 24. With them > were- Mrs. Ross' f ather and mjther, M~r. and Mrs. J. F. Jockers, wbo have been recent guests at the Ross home. George Forest Gillett of 533 Roslyn" road, Kenilworth is home f rom. Sewanee, Tenu. With him as. is guest is Sam Fouikes of Selma, Ala. 0o Mr. and M.%rs. Lewis A. Stoner, ofý 152 Robsart road, Kenilworth enter- tained at a small dinner June 15, for Mrs. John Wilds of kenilworth.. worth avenue, Kenilwôrth f or the sum- mer. Mrs. Horner is the sister of XIrs. S. H. Moore of 707 Laurel ave- nlue. 0o Mr. and Mrs. HienryTaylor of 431 Essex ýroad, Kenilworth spent a re- cent .Week-end with former residents of Renilworth, Mr. and Mrs. Alex- ander' Reichmnann of Bârrington. 0o Cedric' Smith' of 205 Essex road, Kenilworth is awaor'y on.a business tnpý for -a month. *Mrs. Alfred McDougal of 325,. Abbôttsford road, Kenilworth, is en- tertaining ber niece, Miss Eleanot Jackc of Peoria. Miss Jack bas just grad-. uated f rom Smith college. -o- Joe Wbite, son of Mrs. J. J. White of, .159 Sheridan. road, Wiiinetka re- turned Friday, June, 19, f rom Andover, Mass. Miss Betty Knight, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Stanley Kaight of 515 Kenil- Worth avenue, is *visiting bher aunt at H-azelhurst, near Minocqua, Wis., Butterscotch and Vanulla Pecan, Ice Cream LET US REJUVENATE YOUR GARMENTS WITH ACATION per hour. wonderful Send us your vacation' togs; you'l1 results of. Puroclean. at. the LEANERS, Inc.ý Telephonç Wilniette 781 Glencoe Phone-Glencoe 634 I I

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