~REE 14E EWI III. '121 I.,. h Lawsonîa GCounry Club was builtlum ished.and landscaped ata cost ol nearly Mw million dd/ars.AII roozs are equipped.wiih twin beds,combinction tub and showercirculotins8 ice water, end the Motel 'is stictly mfodem and lireproof in every detûil. Lwsonia is an rcteuro/Wjewe/ in the centerfcia seitiný of 1200 ocres, formnerly thepae estate of Midrfr Lowsoi,the late milli ionire publisher of the Chica3p Daily News Wïltin these private Irounds are 22 ml/es ofo'vedorads, Law- (Ir il/ustrated Polder, ri LAWSONIA COUNTRY CLUB MOTI or inquire at our CI-fi 520 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite GREEN LAKE, WISCONSIN FÇf rie Superior 44fi~ wI~