Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jun 1931, p. 56

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Rates-" cents a line ln one paper. 25 cents a. lino ln any two papers. 3cents a lune ln all three papers. MINIMUM CHARGQE ONE DOLL AR~. Average of fivo words to the lino, No black face type used. 10% diarônnt on al cashb wlth order advertiseients when brougbt teone_ offie at 128» Central Ave.i, Wilmette, or e501 Llneoin Ave., Wlnnetka. * ediefrISertions-_lassftedadvertisements .will bes- th. WILMETTE LIFE or al three papers; Wednesday 9 b1ciock for the WINN ETKA TALK and Thursday 5 'clock for, the GLENCOE NEWS.* Telophones: Wilmetto 4300, Wlnnetkg 2000, Gréenleat 4300 gr Sheldrako 5687. i NOTICIES $1,OOO REWARD FOR INFORMATION RESULTING ,'IN, establbshing the identity and in the apprehension of* the drivi of the auto- mobile whlch *trpck down Mr.. Chester Corey at the corner-nf Forest avenue and Davis, street, Evankiton,. about, 11,:00 p. m. on Saturday,,May 2, 1931. This offer of rewardflot open. after Juiy 20, 191. Address ail Information to Chapman -and Cutier, 111 Weqt Monroe- street, Chicago. ILTN8-1tr a LOBr AND VOUNO LOqT-JUNE 8TH BROWN ÀND TAN collie, Il months old. Reward. Ph. Déerfieid 235. 2LTNg-ltc S ANTIQUES MD, BLACK WALNUT BEDROOM1 sot, Wedgwood, Satsuma and Koza!, pieces. Sampier, 132 yrs. old, 8221 Ellis Ave. Chicago Ph. Stewart 10069., 5LTN8-ltp B*UILDING AND C@NUUAOTINOa CARL BENNSTON CARPVINT3R AND BUILWER RMQDLIN0 ~AND BREPAIRINQ PHONE WINtiETINA 2480 SLTN44-tto AUl Kindue o Carpenter Work Doue JOHN BOESCII Ph. Wilmette 2165 SI.T536tfe Diressmaking -Retmodeliïg' COLLEE SOiIURS-Wlnnetka 1011. ILTN-Iltp WILI,. GIVE MY BEAUTTFU'L greed Chow to a. famliy witho dren. A large yardor estate r Mrs. J. Tarrant Ph. Hollycourf 26L' DR. P. C. BUSCHBOX, DOG AI boopital. Cllpping, Stripping., Bordlng.1000 Ridgfe Rd. iF mette 50&4.26 1 .26A SADDI.g MORSES WBE ALWAYF3 HAVE ON HAND about 16 head of, hlgh-grado three- and five-gaited saddle horsos. We, specialize, ln training for pleasure use and furnlsh. horses perfoctiym-an- nered, for the novice rider. Pricep from $200 up., Write for circular. Al bm-es guarantoed. Drakewood Farnn, Deerfield, 111. Phone Deerfioid 386. 26A-LTN45-tfc 30 LOA94à MONEY 'W0 LOAN ON FIRST MORTGAGE LARGE TRlUST FUND WANTS FIRST mortgages Up to $20,000 on North Shore homes, Indian.,hili section pre- ferred. See Mr. Heinsen. BILLS REALTY. INC. 1649 Sheridan Rd., Wilmette 3'740 ________________p__ 38LTN8-ltc' LOANS TO PROPERTY OWNVIRS Make and. buy lat and 2nd mortgages. UJVANSTON BOND & MTew. CO. 418 Grove St. Qreenleaf 5800 41 SITUATION WANTED-FICMALE * XPEIIUENCED RNELP We place only experionced holp. References personally investlgatod. Cali any- of our offices. Wlnnetka 2662- Davis 7777 Highland Pk. 2520 L.ake Forest 359 PAULINE~S EMP. AGENCIES 41LTN3-tfe AM PLACING THIS AD) TO SECURE, a position as eook-or general work for mymaid who has boen with me 3 yeairs. Ph. Mrs. Roland Whitman, *Winnotka 243. 41LTN8-Ite, REFINED YOUING WOMAN WITH hospital training to assist lin home. Careo0f aduit' or children. Drives. Write B-82, Box 40, Wilmette t chUl- Nurse. E±xp. Best ref. Tel. Wentworth luir-ei. 1665. 4ILTN8ltp Ng-1tp EXP. LAUSDRESS WANTS WORK - to take homne. WilI caîl for and de- D CAT. liver. Ph. Wilmette 3509. 41LTN8,ltc thnk, .Wil- WASHING IRONING, OR CLEANINO N8-tfe by day'. Cal Davies 2017, 4ILTN8-ltc EXPERIENCED WHITE MAI!) wants position, nurse maid or general bousework. N. S. rcf. Phone Buck- ingham 7444. 41L8-ltp GERMAN WOMAN, FORTY,* GOOD plain cook and ýhousekeeper,,wànts po-. sltionlth ýsmall family. Phone Wil- mette 5004. 41L-tp, YOUNG- WHITE WOMAN WANTS position as nurse or second maid by the day. Phone Winnetka. 2690. 41L8-ltp Hl. S. GRADUATJE WISHES CARE 0F- children or light housework daya or evenina. Ph. Wilmette 1913. 4lL8-inc EXPERIENCE!) LAUNDRESS WANTS' work on Monday and Tuesdays. 43? East R. R. Ave., Wilmette. 41LTPN8-lnc WOULD LIKE A POSITION. FOR MY experienced. iaundress, TuesdayR dur- lng July and August.,,Ph. Wilmette, 3251. 41LTrNS-ltc PINN.TISH MAID, EXPF>R. 000'K A'N! hotusework1, 'wisbe's position lu pi'vàte fa.mily. Ref. Plhone Winnetka 2728. 41LTNS-ltp WANTED. WASHING ANI) IRONING to take home, will eall and dellver. Ph. Wilmette 3246. 41LTN8-ltc UEFINE» CHILDUEN'S NURSE, Winnetka referenceè.. Tel. Wilmette 4470. 41LTN-ltp EXPER. WHITE WOMÏAN WANTS day work or care of children. Ref.. Phono Wlnnetka 2445. 41L8-Itp COMPETENT COLORD WOMAN, cieaning and laundr-es. B3ost. N. S. 'rot. Phone Winnetka 2886. 41L8-ltp 9lXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS washing, ironlng and cioaning. Ref- erencos. Ph. Wilmette 480. 4XLTN8-lnc WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN AF-, ternoons, evonings, or by houir. Teýrl. Davis, 1244. 41LT8-ltip GERMAN CO0K 30 YRS. OLD EÈx- cellent ref. Pauiine's, Winnetka 2662. 41LT48-l-te IF IN NIEED 0F REALLY' HIGH class nuirsemaida, eail Pauline'si Winl- netka 2662. 41LTNS-ltc. WANTED WASH1NG, LRONING AND cleanIng by the day, by Swedish womn- IuuUseman, also good reerences worlced 7 yrs. iast place. Ph. Davis 2277, 42L8-ltp EXPERIENCBD CHAUPPEUR AND gardener. Good references. Cail Uni- versity 23 67. 42LS-ltp EXPERIENCED MAN, 'WASH WIN,- ,dows,, care ô0f aiaws, gardon -work, etc. Wintnetkeé 1552. 43LTrN8-3 tp A-1 Ut'[.- 32I rs. omu Mirrieu, wants po.sition. . Bollloff. Tel.. DiverseY 10491. 42LTrN8-ltp) EXPER. CHAUFFEUR, 'GARDENER. and houseman, ha.ndy with ail tool-. wiants position in private fàmily., Phone Wi ..netka 3011f. Call after e o'clock. 42LTrN-ltp EXPERIENCED GARDENER, WANàqTS, any kind of .Work, renewing lawns, spray -inseets, etc. Phone Winnetk-a 3690. .42LTrN8-lttp RELIABLE -WHITE MAN WANTS cleaning, gardening or any 'kind of odd jobs. Ph. Wllmette 3254._ 42LTNq8-Inc E'XPERIENCE!) MAN WANTS GAR- dening- and housework.* North Shorel-- referenoes. Phone Wlmette 3073. 42LTN8-Ine 43 UIT. WTD.-MALE AND FflMALE FUKE SERVICE TO EMPLOYERS Everything ln- HI-GRADE HELP Roferencos POSITIVELY INVESTI- GATED. &SK YOUR NEIGHBORS LEE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 1631 Benson Ave.. Evanston, Davia 811 UNDEU STATE SUPERVISION 4SLTN8S4 YOUNG GERMAN COUPLE WT north shoro 'refer. wants position. Muà chauffer, gardoner and housema, Wife general housowork.ý Living qua: ters over gar. preferred. Cail iW mette 3073. 43LTNS-1i COUPLES 3 white couples with reference of 31 5 yrs. PAULINE'S AGENCY 748 Elm St. Winnetka 26( 43LTN8-11 44 HELP WANTED>-FSNALE TUTOR FOR FIFTH GRADE WORI wlth one child ln sunimer camp fio month of August. Mrs. W. D. M( Kenzie, Winnetka 143., 44LTN8-lt WHITE GIRL FOR GENERA' housowork, small family. 1314 Asbur Ave. -Hubbard Woods. Phono Wiin ietka 251L 4LN81 WHITE GIRL 'OU GENER.AL-HOUSE work. and aSsist ith carée. f child Refor. roquirod. $7. 'Call Northbrool 286. 44LTN8-lti 40 HEL.P WTD.-MALE B FEMALE WANTED 3 COUPLES for North Shore h4 ine's Agency, 748 Eim Win] Ln. kr- te. tc ry te . te 1 OR 2 ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UN- furnisbed. Reasonabie.- Phono Win- netka 2359. 51LTNS-ltc ROOM WITH- BATH IN FINE RESI- dence. 3 blocks-.Hubbard Woods sta- tion. Glencoo 1935. 51LTN8-ltc FURNISHED ROOM. CONVBNIENT to transportation. East aide. ali Wl- mhette,2764. 1Tlt - lý:. 1 , 1 - 17

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