Everything youli want to make a 46gratnd and glorious" Fourth. And at 10w priççs, tool at A& P Foiod-Stores. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY VailaWalers. *LB. 19C FlftESIDF, ,Marshinaflows. . Ki.: 15C SUNNVFIELD BhEAKFAST SLICE D Bacn WELLO~D.* pL .29c GRtANDMOTWERq'S SANDWICH240Z Bread e,. * 'ne. 26 2-LBUC re anut uButter B-25 EDELWEIS (LIGHT OR DARK) Deverage . 5 BOTS. 25c: (PLUS BOTTLE DEPOSIT), 1L.32t Buy them at A & P and, enjoôy a wçrthwýhile saving, because A & P has reduced retail meat prices to correspond with lower mnarket prices. NATION.ALLY ADVERTISED SMOKED Skinned HamS STRNG LB. YOJR. CHOICE 0F ARMOUR, SWIFT, CUDM'IY Picn iCS O >I;ELB. 15C tnt. ~ O RaAteLU.TE iing a series of five radio talks along these hunes, to be given on1 succes- sive Wednliesdlays. Also as a tiniely toj)ic, 1rought to evervone's atten- tion of late throughi the publîcîty on1 iCôook CotuntN-'b troubles; the lea gue IS is sponISOrinl.g.four radio .talks oi "ýCouiity Goverunienit,' l)reseflted on M'ondays, clring Julv. The colfll)lCte progratilfollows RADIO PllOdRA«4% WOGN. 360)1>),r«, ke hotel 2 :30 p.ini. aylight saviig tuie July I-'The Young Plan" by Dr. J.V. Bell, Depnritiicnt Of Econoniiies,, Northwestern Universi ty, July 6-",0ounty Goveriiiient -~ What. It Is," %frs. Laura Hughex, Lunde, Leg- islatîve Chffirman, Illinois Lieague. July ,S - "Methods for International Adjuimienit.," M.%r4. W. A. Roberts, eChairnian, Sehool of Foreign Affairs, Cook County League. July 13-"Our County Offi ciaI.s," %,rs. Laura Hughes Lunde.ý Juiy 15-'ýCurrent Nevs of Foreign Affairs," Mrs. WV. 'A.,Rowell, Hinsda1e. July 20 - "',County Welfare Work," Mrs. Laura Hughes Lunde. Jul!y 22--The Americain Citizten andi the World Court," Mrs. (George H. Tomn- linson, Evanston. July 27-"How thie Counity Assesses and Collects Revenues,"* Mrs. Laura Hughes Lunde. July 29-'China," .Mrs. 1-L. T. Ec.h(os, FlÔssm-ioor. Dutch Mill Candy Shop Now Seiling Iee Creamn Aunouncement was macle this -,week tha.t the Dutch Mill candy shiops are ulow making their own ice crearu and ices. The Dutch ý Mill shop ini Xil- mette is at 1,187 XiImette aven ue op- posite the Village hall. A variety of ice creamns and ices are ou sale, in- cludin'g- toffee, French lemion, niessel- rode pudding, bananaý aple pecan, strwberv.chocolate. and vanihla ice' creaanl and rasl)lerrx andl orange' ice S TROLL in at any time for a h delicious Ice Cream in the form Or take home a quart to regale the bulk .form. Brick soc per Q):uart gbig dish, of fancy sundae. ï, in brick or 60e SILVERBROOK (PRINT O 1R TUB) Butter CRAMRY, DEL MONTE Coffe SMOICED HockIess. The HOT WEATHER 'FOOD Two innovations have been niade-- the place of meeting has becij changed and the prlce of the lunch- eons lowered. The meetings are to be in a build- ing in which the league has not miet before. The' place of mneeting ý,iIl he mnale.,public when thic ar.1book. is .Printed.. Only the board memlbers *know, of it at present. Te 1u cheons are. to benmna In price, like guild luncheons, ýo that no on e. in theseliard times, need stav awav because of, the cost, fromi the popular lunch eon meetings of the league., The programns, too. are to be of a popular nature, given bw the, most interesing of the 1l .eague's speakersý. The.first date is * Monday, October 26., Mark it on Your calendar, now- and in the fall, send in vour. luncheon res- ervation to the social chairman, Mrs. Nfurdo Ross of' KenilworËtli. .Lunlch-' eon reservations. mai, be made with Mfrs. Ross for the year. Al ivomen who are not niembers of -the league are invited to becomne members. Newcomers in the village will enjoy meeting their neighibors at the luncheons *and meetings. To become a nernler one is a5ked, to commiinicate witli the. menbership, chairman, Mrs. J. D. Kinne ar, 2241 Chestnut avenue, Wilmette, ýthe! league announces. PLAYS IN -RECITAL', Tuesday evenïng of last wveek thé Illinois Piano college held its thirtv- sevent aniual commencement eX- ercises. Miss Virginia Cordell, dauigh-. ter of the Henrv Cordelîs of 924 Greenfleaf avenue, who wvas in charge of. the program, played the 'Rhap- sody in C Major" hy Dohnanyl. NMis: Cordeli, is aà member. of the faculty. She is a graduate of' New Trier High' sehool. Food %S' 1 I's e 's