Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jul 1931, p. 28

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mtions mnust be accompanled by the eas of the wrlter. Articles for pub- reach the editor by Tuesday moon &rance -lu currentIssune. fcondolence, carda of thanks, obitii- of entertainments or other affaire ttance charge la published, will be lur advertlslng rates. Grade Separation Will Save Lif ej Let'a Hasten the Day! Even those who love their neighbors as tbernselves- uncommon, people., - doubtless put some faith in the statement, "Gzood Good ences fences n a k e good, neighbors." T hes and* Neighbors: rare people, generotis to a f ault, nîust.,at some time or other f eel: a certain. need f or privacy. 1l'y means of f ences people "defend" them- selves, kçeep off "offenders." Not oui d(o fences prevent dogs, cows, and smiall chul- dren f rom trespassing on you r property. they also cherish whatever self-resp)ect ,onie bas ,,,achieved f rom. owning property. It is well that you should be on good ternis with your neigbibors, but it is possible at very rare intervals for even your nearest and. dearest to intru(le on privacy. Good, neigh- bors, to remain good. miust keep their dlis- tance. And fences are a great aid ini the keeping of distances between people.., It is surely true that the miore civilizéd people become, the more f requent becomies the use of f ences.Sage herd together like cattie. Civilized inen 'and womien ereet un- objectionable -barriers betWeen. themselves.,ý You and1Il at, times, like to' be alone with our thoughts. and-,f eelings*. So don't be insulted if vour neighbor pgts up'a f ence between vour.lot andi his. Renîem.- ber that good fences m:'nake good. neighbors. *The 11adlev Corresponidence school Iocêated in WVinnetka hias already 'proved its great value by helping nîany blind people to becomie self -supporting. And' it 1710 j>hs renclered nt n lv t how smiall. If one will but remiember that j costs the sehool over' $10.000 a veartocre t for the 500 enrolled students and1 will also remember what education mleans to the blinýl, surely lie will make- out bis cbeck for a gen-' erous amun ad mail it -to .Clarke WT'ash.- humne, treasurer ôf the, school. nient of buildings and occupations as nmay be observed in No Man's Land. Gas and oil stations, movie theater, shops, real estate offices, barbecue, club, .studios,, apartments-and the latest, 50, far as known, an archery range., Any- thing in the lune of amfiuse ments for any- body. Only.a:,few years, ago this piece.of land traversed l)y heridan road ivas- unoccu- pied. except for one or. two insignificant frame bouses. No gas station, no mùovies, no0 barbecue. Real estate rates were Mot different froiîthose of other properties in the vicini.t. Then came the transformation. Vacant prol)erty wvas leased for various The influenc(e of Spain began. to make it- self. Vista <ciLlago, Teatro del Lago, ec.until nue almiost bl)eied hiniseif tio visiiting somne far off Hlispanola. Spanish architecture.l)revailed. Real estate values rose. No Man's 'Land! Terra -del* Nullo 'T'arly to bed and early to rise makes a, pian healhhv. wealthy. -and wîse." Many per- sons have taken tis. 01(1 axiîm to heart so seriouslv that even though thieir, Early early. rising hias broughit them no Risers extraordiniarv health. wealth, or wisflom. they still? go to bed with the chickelis and rise with the bird who gets the wormi. \'<e have knomwn men whose onie.and onlv f ormiula f or bulsiness, suècesswàs early, risingf, Mlauîy an .01(1 gentleman liasattributed bis accuîlation -of wealth to the fact' that. lie alwas gt to hi s office or»shopa hour or so ahead of everyone else. ýWhathe did dur- ing that early hour, or 50 he neyer revealed'. At any rate he never failed to impress each new employe withi the superlative value of. find To come close to-1 X-Thile north shore residents are resting at home before and after golf gamies they might. eMploy their timfié profitably by elim inating thistles >and other nc'xious1 weeds. on their own. and. neighboring. lots., BE CAIRF-FUL-THAT'S A GOOD MOTTO: XXhy, even Fil Ossif'er, caini and thoughtful as lie cali be, isnt a1ways imimune f ronm teniptation. Xriting ýa long and dielighltful letter telling of his. travels ini Michigan, WVisconsiîi and Minnesota, Fil' Ossifer, nevertheless, Ica ves us. a littlé sad. "For* ýsomethiiig weflt wron g ývith 'hiiin W'isconsin. -He tells of. staying at a, place inWisconsili"ziot far f rom Devii's Lakeé, iii which wvé hathed, finding the experience îlot in. the leastdevilishi.", Now, %who but old Lucifer 'could. have inspred Fil Ossifer to concoct such a- puui as the foregoing? WHILE FIL. OSSIFER IS TRAVELING by auto' and brewing puns after swim'ming in devils' lakes, Bill Maxwell of thenighit cornposing room is making historv on foot. 'Tw2s iulst 2 urs very y ay f Imemember flow a Chicago newspaper came out with a headline sayilg that Mique de- clined accepting the toga of weather prophiet? One can't biaine Mique for waving the toga away. It %voukj be terribly hot to.wear one on a night like thîs. Oh, Mique, please corne back to, your column and predit Sorne cooler. weather. -The Night Editor. wnore an ad charged at zn Nvo ozaae of grass 10o abes ie» siums. T/he evnng 7with ils pleasapit shade For others, not for Mhent, tas made. Thtey>i tiptoc softly ipt rny heart Recause 1 se them w/zen they play, Recautse I, hear t/zem uhitIhey laugh--ond cr3';, It -hurts, me, t/zeni t ionder why Tho, pust trip up and dot» sail day> In that moit cruel city heat, (7pon, a butrping, dirty street. I. think the an.;els tuhen theyv light Thc, stars, the flovuers of heaen, t saiiglt, Place a cool hapid on cach vee oate That has bile, harricd liv the sun, And let, t/en. in thrir drelasing, prep Int uto!is garden u'hilc they sic e/.. -Rebecca Anthony. "ýLif e," imans one w.riter, "is a long headache in a .duistv street.". Well, that's ail changed nowv suice paved roads anidsprinkling wagons are the vogue. Spcaking of dust, our suggestion is: Don't miot-kev with that hiav f ever. Speaking of streets, our holiday observation is thiat if. a pro s' carefùl '.ýhen hie crosses one of those paved roads, li rnay nlIast even long cnough to get a..g-ood headachie. FOR A SAFE AIN DSANEF suburban Fourth of Nu]y e rcrmmend, liglhtning bugs as fireworks. 'Ihvhave plenty, of flash, mike no, dist.urbing noise, and, as f ar as. our zoological knouiledge goes, mill flot bite Or sting, or otherwise injure or, maim the sl)ectatqrs.

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