Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jul 1931, p. 30

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Five operas wiIl have their irs- hearings this season at Ravinia dur. ing the third weék,, which begins or ..Sunday,'July 5. .'"Tales ofHoffmann,' "Andrea Cheniier," "Martha," "l'os. ca," and "Th'e. Bartered Bride" wi!I be heard,, while "Madame Butterfly,' "Manon Lescaut,". and "La Bobetne'. will be repeated. On Friday eveningk of. this week, July 3, "Samson. and Delilah" will bc sung by Giovanni Martinelli and Ju- lia Claussen in the titie roles. This is one of Mr. Martinelli "s great roles, one in whicbhe . seems to surpass himnself each time he sings. it. Others in tbe cast are Giuseppi D'anise as the -high.priest, Leon' Rothier as the odHebrew, and Louis. Hasselmans will conduct.. The ballet will dance. O0n Saturday evening of this week, July 4, -Puccini's charming,.- tuneful opera, "La Rondine," will be Sung for tue. firat time this season by Lu- crezia Boni in the title noie, one which is so e xactly suited to ber aristocratic,. delicate air of singing and acting. Since the opera was first addedto the Ravinia rprtetwvo years, ago, Madame Boni has neyer failed to fui the bouse, -for to siný with renewed freshiness and charw-ý Edward Johnson bias the role of: Ruggero, and the two comedy parts will bc played by Florence *Macbeth and Marek \Vinýdheim. Nfr. \Wind- heimn is'replacing Armand Tokatyan, who created the role at Ravinia. His sense of coniedy is piquant, and un- doubtedly he wIll corne up to all ex- pectations. Genxa-ro Papi. conducts, while Ruth, Page and Blake Scott bead the ballet. AlII-Aarican Program On Sunday afternoon, the- orches-, tra is playing an ail-American !. Pro- gramn, with Mr. -Weichei4- fiFst vi1o- linist, as soloist. -This is an innova- tion,* for in other years Amiericati composersdid flot baàve an afternoon. It will be interesting to see whether the concert is well p)atrcniized. by those who have been loudly extolling our native talent. QI 1VIU51c1las bOC1ty Harold B. Maryott was receùtly elected president of the Society of tAmerican Musicians for the coming year. Frank Van Dusen was elected vice president; Edward J. Gemmer, secretary and treasurer, and Edoardo Sacerdote, Rudolph Reuter, Howard Wells' Robert Macdonald and Mrs.' Daisy Waller. Stephen directors. The society will give four appearan ces1 to, young artists with the, Chicago Sym- phony orchestra in. the popular' and young people's-series, two recital ap- pearanices, under Bertha Ott',s direc- tion, andci a high school. cornest with. the prize of a grand piano open. to students in Illinois, Indiana, Wiscon-. sin and Michigan. Offer's Prize for..Chamnber Music Work for String 1s Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge bas of-, fered a prize of one thousand dollars, tbrough the music division of the Li- brary of Congress, for the best chain- ber music work wiritten. ior six string instruments without piano. The con- test closes September 30, 1932. Com- munications should be mnade to ýthe- mnusic division, Library (>f Congress,1 Washington, D. C. thia" will be sung by Florence Mac- betb, Mario Chamîcèe, Ina Bourskaya, Virgjlio Lazzari', Vittorio Trevisan, and Mr.- D'Angelo. Nir. Tiassciinians will conduct. The third cildrenis concert will be given on Thursday .ai ternoon, J uly 9, by the Chicago Synxphony orchestra, with Eric DeLainarter, conducting.. The orchestral: concert will be fol- lomwed by an entertainniient by the Barnéy Google Animal circus. On Thursday evening4, July 9, "MNa- non Lescaut,, by Puccini,' will be ne- p-ated, with the sanie cast as before, Lutcreziaý Boi, -Mr. Martinelli,. Ina l3ourskaya, Mr. Defnenr, M Nr. D'An- gelo, Mr. Wiindliéim, N.. Cavadone, .&I. Oliviero, Mn. Anaia-n, witb MnI. Papi conducting, On Friday evening, July 10, -Tos- ca" will be swi ng by i vonne Gall in the tîtle role, aJid with Edward John- Daniel Saidenberg, first 'cellist ol the Chicago Symphony orchestra which accompanied the Ravinia Opera company again this season, im American bora. Mr. Saidenberg studied with Ancire Hekking at the Pairs Conservatory, and, later with Felix Salmond .in the lUnited States,. In 1927 'he 'on the Naumberg Foundation prize in a na- tional compétition held in New York. He was .with the Philadeiphia orches- tra for a number of ýyears,'and bas had . extensive- quartet. ,experience both here and abroad. He is a mei- ber of the Misclia Miscbakoif String uartet in Chicago.. He became prin- cipal 'céllist of the Chicago Sympho- ny orchestra- last season, making bis debut in the Lalo D-minor concerto for violoncello, whichi he pl.ayed at Ravinia. last, Sunday afternoon, . vth Eric DeLamarter conducting. He played a J., B. Rogeëri 'violon- cello, a masterpiece of the. great Bres- cian mlaker of the ye-ar 1701, frorn the Ernil Herrnnn collection~. Words and Music Now-Paving Way, for World's'Fair Doivn in tinipan allev and up in hall bednooins, a steady streain of. words' and mnusic is* being pounded out in! celebration- of Chicago's. Century of, Progress .e xposition- in 1933. Sixtv -odes, marches, jazz sangs and otlier poetic and musical compositions ha'e. already been subinitted to ex- position officiaIs for .everytbing f rnm officiai recognition to publication. And every week finds a new 'lyric' or meoyon the desk of 'Charles A.- Thurman, of the manger's -office. Afew of the poets and Composers are persons of recognized standing. Most are amateurs. NZot a,11are amr- bitious for material gain. The.ima-, jority apparently -seek the glory as- sociated Witb composingthe official exposition ode.or lynic, of writing.the, 1933 counterpart of "Let mie Off in Buffalo," "Meet mie in St. Looie, Looje," aind "Caliiornia, Here 1 c,,-np! f t s Rcecordi as Liancer By Rutheda L. Pretzel Blake Scott, who has begun biF second season as premier danseur of the Ravinia Opera company, bas a distinguished record. as aàctor. and He began dancipg as a curative ex- ercise after-the World war. His first. app earance was in "The Rose of Stamboul," -and then in . 1922-23 he ~danced in the Ziegfeld Fôllies. He appeared in six of the, "Grand Str eet. Follies," in "Hassan," Lord Du nsany's '41f"'and with Irene Bordoni in "Mozart." ,He vas witb Fokine and Fokina at the Lewishon stadium- when Tschakow .ski' "Pathet- i que Symphony" was. given. M\r: Scott staged the dance in the opening performance of the Civic Repertory theater'in New York, for "Saturday Night," and be ba s been'a membr of Miss. Eva Lie GCenes permanent acting company for îour seasons. For' three seasons hé lias staged complete productions of "'Peter Pan" for Miss Le Gall ienne. He bas als.o created, the dances for - 'The Would-Be Gentleman" by .Mýoliere', "The. Living Corpse," by Tolstoi; ..Romeo and Juliet"; and "CÉarille," of -the Civic Rep ertory company. Recently Mr. Scott staged the dances for the dramnatic version of "Peter Ibbetson," %vith Denîîiis King. * Dances Role off a Soldier *Mr. Scott is the only dancer in this couiitrNv to bave minxed and danccd the role 0f the soldier in "L'H istoire du Soldat,*' by Strawinskv. This dance draina ivas1 presented at the Goodmian theater last wvinter under th e auspices of the Society of Con- temporary Nusic. Ruth Page,pr > ieé danseuse, at Ràviniia, had the noie of the Pnincess, and Jacques' Cartier that of the devïl. ln the. >Stnaintsky %work, MN Scott .shoWed a remarkable insighit into th.echaracter of tbe soldier, as. represented by-tbe music. A flarrator reads the storyas the three charac- ters act it ouf to, music, wbich is econoinical and piquant. Only one w-ho posses ses genius could, have as ni the Kethberg, and Giovauni )M;tineili in- -On Sunday evening, J ul 12, "La the Icading roles, for which they are Bohenie" wiil be sutbg witt» Lucrezia famous. Others in the cast- are Ina Boni again heard as Mimi, while Bàurskaya, Mn. Danise, Ada Paggi, Prederick jagel will be beard as o Mn. Cehanovsky, Mn.,D'Angelo, Mr. dôlfo. M.iss Maxwellihas the noIe'ol Windlieim, Mn. Defrere, Mr-. Olivie- -Musetta, Mr. Basiola, Mr. Lazzari ro and Mn. Aiianian.. Mn. Papi will and Defrere are the tiiree t$ohe- conduct. mians; Mn.. Windheim and Mnr. Ana- UM.~~n W.dnes aNght nian are also in thé c st.Genr On Wednesday night, July 89 "Mar- papi conduicts. l'in -oing' to takeasi Dpt Chi; -easi In my littie aeroplane, With my .huckleberry Jane, l'il' let yQu tny-to guess the reason why." Tbe second stanza ends with the statemnent "We'll ail be thene togethen, wben my HucklebernyJn-are me." *I111t wonS* b, T I$L a v T. i UIATIA U 'J'JaI award an-d first place in, a national contest sponsored .by the National Fedenation of Music clubs. The final contest was held in San Francisco two weeks ago, and Mn. Thaviu was said to be the most gifted member. He played the. Saint-Saens'concerto for violin, a. Sonata by Gunalla, and Ernest Bloch's "Niguin."

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