For a, Beautiful Summer hurt, and it often is much les. becoming than wc think it's going tô b ... and altogether, it is fortu- *nate that Wieboldt's have any number of excellent remedies for the many ills our skin is heir to!1 Wieboldt's Perfunied'Wator.Softener and"59 bath salts, 5-lb. bag, only, A fuil-size firat aid kit lu a.ssen- tutl to a secure sudhippy vacs. Eurnh a-m's sf25 Lotiom A soothing snd refreshing lotion for :removing tnan sd frecklés. DO rothy Gray's Cleansuing Cream $1 It liquef ,s , p drt'g h oe and ioosening e11 grit end dust! ýR"binstelinýf'ýCream Sua i sud wndprooft whe skaiis *xposed sun or wind. $1, Dier.Kiss 'Talcum Powder, a necessity for every vacation kit, special, Dusting Powvder in 1oofleaee with large soft puE! July value at SOc.Unguentine, a s plendid remedy for extreme or slight .sunburn, 65e. Witch *Hazel, quart size, a cooling, rubdown, good for bites, only. Mosquito, Lotion, soothing remiedy for mosquito and othe r însect bites, now... 49-c boxes, >30C 49,c Films Deveoed, 10e Rol $8 lIawkeye Kodak, 5.95 li an alumiinum cage, leatherette. bound, these kodaka tke 2!/x4%y pictures. Keep a listing record of your trip! Drugs, ?'oiletries, .Kodaks-First Floor Marviplous, to extrenie Du Barry Kit- lntroductory week-end kit package- of Madame DuBarýry Skiai Prep- arations. Real -value at $1. Il PIay... But lDon't Buin. St.ore-wWiede Soapàwandm-Towel Sale Famou "Canon"Towels 3 OC Each 4 Favýorite 1OIiv>I"0 Soap N ~,, I Regulaw[y i0,è.Bar 68c,~ a n Dàvis Street OLDT'S- 1V4 -Shop, Wlihk Charge Accouàfin JuIy LNSTON r %YL 'IBLPA, 89C