R te,.15 cents a unie ln one paper. 25. cents a lino ln o.ny two pa pers. a' 0vents, a line ln ail three papers. MINIMUM CHARGE ON£ *DOLLAE. Average of five words 'to thie lne. No black face type used. j@*à digeognt ois ailecash with order advertlsemuento.when brought te, our eust i UPCentral Aveo., Wlm'ette, or 561 Lincoin Âve.9, winaetha. Deadline for Insertion$__caeptéded adeto Tesdaen.9 owlo1be the WILMe-TE LIFE or aIl three paPers; Wedniesday 9o'cllock. for the WINNETKA TALK and Thursday .5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NSIWS. Telephones: Wilmette 4300,, Winnetka 2000, Greenleaf 4300 or Sheldrake 5687. 8LOST AND FOUND PREMO FILM PACK CAMERA IN leather carrying 'Case, lost at Ash- land Ave. Beach, W"ilmette on Satur-, ayafternôoof, June 27. Finder please d(nhlunieate with F. C. merreli. 833ý Glencoe Ave., Highland Park 3842. 2L9-ltc LOST - SQUARZE GREEN GOLD wrist wvatch, with sapphire stem and bron pig kin strapi, ut Fisher's lanie beach, Hubbard 'Woods, Monday pa. le'Ward. Phiofe Winfletka 463i. 2LTN9-lte FOUND-2 COLF BAU;S WITH- CLUBS. Owner mjay hiave saine by idlentif.%ilng sanie and iniyiîîg foi- this ad.' Ph.ý Wilniette 21941. 2T-t FOUND AT N. W. STATION AT WIN- netka - a traternity pin, Notify B-90, 13ox 40, 'Wiirnette, 111. 2LTN9-ltc POUND LAI)Y'S. W%ýATCI-1 AT WIL-. mette Ave, station Juiie 3t).'%%riteB-', Box 40, Wimette. LN-p LOST A CANARZY BI , BLACK spots on head and tail. Lilpschi. Pli. POUND TRANSPORTATION 1TICKET. ýWrite B-S8, Box 40, WjIi1etttý. 2L9-ltp 0* BILDING AND CONTRACTING CARL BENGSTON CARPENTER AND BUILDEIR REMODELING AND REPAIRING PHONE WIllNýNETKA 2480 SLTN44-ttc BUTLER-WAITRESS-SERVE LUNCH and dinners. together or single. Heinz and Louiise, Ph. Diversey 10491. 9LTN9-Itpý as-A ISA DDLE HORSES WE ALWAYS RAVE. ON HAND about 15, head of higi-grade three- and(i lve-;aited saddie homses. We. specialize ini tr.liing foi- pleasure use and furnisif' horses erfcl nînnered for the nov;ce rider. Pnices. front $2200 up. Write fo>r circular. Ail hofrses guaranteed. t)rakewvood Farm, I)eerfield, 111. Phone Deerfieid 386. 26A-LTN45-tfc 38 LOANS LOANS TO PROPERTY OWNERS, Make and buy Ist and 2nd mortgages. EVANSTON BOND & MTG. CO. 618 Grove St. Greenleaf 6600 38LTN36-tf, ai siTuÀATION wANTrED>-PEMAL. EX"ýPERIENCED HEI.P A better employnient sen. !ce for theý North shore homes. References personally investigated. NO CHARGE TO MLYR Telephones 'Winn. -62,'~ Davis 7777, Highld Pk. 2520 P1AULINES1 EMP. AGENCIE1JS 748 Eli St. 634 Davis St, .8 North lst Winntetkaý- Evanston Hlighld Pk. - 41LTN9-tfe *EX P El,1 ENC ED LAÀUNDRESS - ivat. work for Mont. and Tues. 4321 East Itailroad Ave. Wilmette.. EXPERIENCED LA4UNDRrtSS to, do work at homne. . Will caîl forand deliver. North Shore refer. Ph.' Wil- mette 1987. 41LTNý9-inc CO.M1'TENT WOMAN WISHES TO take,,care of chi idreni day or nighit, 35 cen ts per hour, also coliege girl that cati do saine. Ref. Ph. Wilmette 748 Elrn AGENCIES .Winnetka 2662 41LTN9-îtc A. REFINED RELIABLE WOMANI wIll take good care of children or homne while mother la away. B3est of references.. Ph. Wilmette 4023. 41LTN9-lnc MOTHER WITH 5 YR. .CHILI) DE- aires householdposition lnn emall fam- ily or couple employed. No. laundry. Small wage. Ph. Wilmette 4971., 4lL9-lnc REFINED NURSE- COMPANION will attend Invalid or infant. Reason- able. Write Lowe, Apt. 610A. 59 Ken- more, Chicago, 41L,9-ltp WOM.IAN Z WANTS'.LAUNDRY WORK or cleani.ng by the hour or day. Ref. MIrs. Marshall. Ph. Greenleaf 9006. 41L9410p RELIABLE ýH. S. GRADUATE WISH- es cai'e of childreà evenings.- Wed., Sat., aft.ernoons.- Ph. Wilmette 1913. 41LTN9-rnc REFINED) H. S. GIRL TO: TAKE care of chiidren.. Regular or by the1 hour.. Phi. Kenilworth 3683.- WVELI, CULTURED WITE WOM-ýAN Nvjshes position as housekeeper or any work you have to offer. Phi. Mrs. Bowen, Davis 1825. 41LT9-ltp YOUNG GIRL WANTS TO TAXE care of children afternoons and .eve- nings. Phi. Giencoe 450 afternoons. 41LT-N-tp WOMA> WNT WASHINCG, CLEAN- ing, and ironing. Ref. Ph. WVilmnette 480. 4lLTN9-lne WOULD LIKE TO TAXE HOME ,washings, wiil cail for and deliver. Phi. Wilmette 1739. . 411LTN9-ltp -WANTED POSITIlON AS MOTHER'S hoelper. girl scoult, honest and reliabie. Ref. Phi. Kenilworth 2246. 41LT9-ltp SIT. WTT. B3Y COLORED M-OMAýN- oook, housework, or day work. Ref. Winnetlca 1780. 4lL9-ltp ELDERLY GERMAN LADY WISIIES llght hswk. or care for chiidretn. Ph. Wilmette 2567. .41LTN9-lnc EXP. GERMAN, WOMAN, VANTS work by day. Best refeirences given. Ph. Nules Center 934. 41 L-tp 42 SITuATION WANTED-MALE THOROUGHLY EXP. 'WHITE MAJD for gen. housework. Must be fond of cbildren and have local rcf. Ph.Wln- netka 1318 a.fternoons and eves. 44L9-ltp SALESWOMAN TO SELL ELECTRIC dlocks. popular priced. Large commis-ý sionis, fast seller. Write Wilmette, Lite, B-93. 44LTN9-ltc WANTED- WHITE MAID FOR GEN- erai housework. M1ust be neat and élean. Ref. Phone Deerfteld.400. 44LTND-ltc GIRL FOR GENERALI HOUSE WORK, homie nights. Ph. Wilmette 356L. 44LTZN9-ltc WHITE, GIRL F011 MOTHEVS HÊLP- ef, $5 a week. Ph., Wllmette 395-4. 44LTN9-lte 46 MIELP ,WTDp.-MAL 9,AND FEMAIE COUPLES WANTED Aant white couple, A-i butier, and cook. must havýe excellent referencees. $20o Two positions at $150 mo., 3 Pésitionsat $125 mo. SPAULIN1E'S AGENCIES 748 Eln St. Wiieitka 2662 46LTN!)-ltc 81 FOR RENT-ROOMS 1 OR 2 COMFORTA BLE IWOOMS -east sd home. Light, airy. Large groundýs a nd porches. Bathr om facili- * ties unusually good. Private bath i desired. Garage optional. Acceéssible al 'trawip. References. Ph. Wlet .204. 1-1- 2 JIOOMS & BATH, FUII.>NISHIEL)FOR lklht housekeeping. Separate enitrance. R1eaUsonable. Phi. Wilmette 3839. NEM-LY D4I/1iO.. BLOCKC TO "L. For Sale-Baby2 carrnage. Ph. W'ilmette 3Ô07. 321~ Fourth Street. 51LT-Nu-ltp LARGE CLeA-N ROOMNS SUITABLE for 2, hot .and cold wateri hotel ser'v- i ce, $5, $6 and $7. per wk. Central Hotelz, 629 Main St. Wil-mette 1080, 5îLT.S-f COOL, COMFORTABLE ROOMS, NEW- ly. decorated,, in private family of 2. Near, station. Phone WiVnnetka 415. 2 FURNISHEDROM WITH BATH, in private . farmily. Close to trans. 910 Elm. St. Winnetka 2336. 51LTN9-ltc NICE ~ ROOM IN T~PRIVTE u 1T-lOlMM EXP. INFANT'S, NURSE. HOSPITAL training. Best. N. S. ref. Greenileaf 3726. floom 502. 41LTN9-ltp) SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERI- enced woman, general housework. Bestnef. Ph. Greenleaf 5479. 41LTN9-ltp DRESSMAKING OR PLAIN SEWING. Ph. Wilmette 4871m 41LT9-1»c YOUNG COLORED COUPLE WITHI N. S. reference. Wants position-Man, chauffeur, gardener, houseman, Wife general housework, good cook. Ph. Glencoe 639. 43LTN9-ltp GERMAN COUPLE UNDER 40 Yffl. thoroughlyý experienced, first clase North' .Shore -reference. .Pauline's, Winnetkca 2669 43LTN9-lt 56LU 4 ROOM KITCIiIFNMTTE~ APT. phreyBuilding. Cail Winnetca 3328. 56LTD 37 FOR RENT-PIJRNISHED AI FURNISHED AND UNFIIRNI apartmentà .for rent. 1Reas priced. Winnetka 690 or 1948 57LTI ae, 'T D .C. BUSCHBOM, DOG AND CAT luspital. Clippinig, Stripping, eogthing, Soardine 100 idge Rd.,Ph. Wil- mette 504. 26LTN8tfe 2-tfc