Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jul 1931, p. 5

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tests atid stunts will -mark Kenil- worth's twenty-ninth annual 1Fourtb of july celebration Saturday. The celebration is 'arranged under thc auspices of the Kenilworth club. Walter A. Knoop, is chairman of the club's Fourthý of july committee., Others on the committee* are Leoni B. Allen, Jacques, de la Chapelle, HarôldF. Tidei-nan, D. S. Campbell, Louis B. Jones, AlfredS. Wiltberger, Herbert B. Taylor,, Tomý Dix, -Frank WV. Barrett, Charles E. Driver, Her- bert W. Bartling and, Dewitt S.. Still. iaii The- parade will start at 2 o'clock. It Wit fornm at Keniilworth avenue and Warwick road. and the ine of imarch will be east on Keniilwvorth. avenue to Lecicester road., soth on Leicester to Wý,oodstock avenue,,east to Raleigh road. north on Raleigh to Kenilwvorth -avenue. and west ta Founitain square. *Kenilvorth residents are heilng urged to enter.thei r chil6rn, 'oth volung rantd old. in the parade. The order of mardh i w11be: the. colons, Kenilworth Boy Scouts. Kenilworth Sea Scouts. Wilmette Post No. 4C), Amierican.,-,egiot Drum ýand Bugle * Corps. Keilworth Cuh Scouts, Jùniiior' Hikers. Keililworth GirlScouts, Camp Fire Girls., decorated vehicles of al kinds. coinic entries, costumed chli- dreu ,atidscliool childrcn. Many Attractive Prizes Seven attractive parade prizes ill l)eavrddflovn th.e flag cere- iiionv Mu the. park across fromn the Kéi!worth club. The prizes -vilIl)be for thebest decorated bicycle or tri- cvcle, for the best decorated vehicle other than bic-ycle or tricycle, for the best historical character, for the best costuined boy. for the best costunmed * girl, for the best comedy entry and. for the b)est cild_ù1der five vecars of age. Every child taking. part iii the par- ade will receive tickets ta be ex- chianged. for -ice ýcream cones, the comumittee ini ch.arge of arrange.ments has àaninounced. Leon B. Allenand Louis D. Jones wilbe the parade niarshals. Mrs. AI- fred.R. Hodge, Mrs. A. B.. Spach and. Mrs. Theodore E. M.,oritz '.will be events.,. Judges for these events will be asf fo11ows: f or boys and girls six yearsr old and under, Arthur Bonnet; for boyseven and eight years old, Tom Dix; ,for boys nine apd ten- years old, Music for the dancing wifl be furn- ished by the Fox-Hobb Century Seren- aders, well known dance band. Radio-. Keith-Orpheum stars, including the famous Pavley-Oukrainsky dancers and four' other specialty numbers direct f rom the R-K-O. circuit, Wvîll. entertain. Dinner xvill be at 8 o'clock. Tables will be retained throughout the evening, and the party will be conducted in the manner of a ight club.Danigw be in the main diningroom and on the, porch. A big prograni of golfing évents hasbeen arranged for this W>Ieek-end at the Wilmette, club.. On the morn-, ing of the Fourthi there mill be p rimes for the low net foursome.ý The Play- will lie eighteen.holes, niedal play, handicap. There will also be prizes for. Io-,, net in eachi class, A, B, C and D. In the afternoon a four-ball mixed, foursomne event will. be played, with. prizes for the iow net foursome. The p)lay xvill be for eighiteen holes, with iuli handicap allowance. A low g-ros s xedal event is on the' calenidar for Sunday, the 5th. Five.Wilmette Boys. to Be at Camp Highlands Five boys f roin Wilmette wvill spend their sumtpmer vacation at Camip High- lands situated on Pluin lake in the northern part of Wisconsin. Ed- ward Thompas, Jr., is returning ta Highlands for his second summer.- The, othier boys enrolled are new- corners: .Robert Henderson, Frank Hooper, Charles Ripley, and Ashton Taylor..' This stimmer m-arkcs the twenty-eighth successful season of Camp Highlands which is under. the direction of Dr. W. J. 'Monilaw, Chi- cago, former, medical' examiner and head of the department of physical education in the, elernentary and high schools, University of Chicago. and eight years olI, kFrankc Uarrett; for girls nine an-d ten years oId, Har- ry Olin; for girls eleven and twelve years old, John -H. Lawson, and -for gkirls, thirteen 'and fourteen years old, Harry Williams. tion board, is niuch indebted to these Wîlmette merchants as well as to the Recreation board staff: Adams Electric Shop, Albright Beau- ty Shop, Dr. George Ambuehi, Ar- mands, Art Furniture Co., Belrose Barber Shop,, Beyrer -Electric Shop, Nick Bleser, Paul Bleser,.Blue Goose, Market,. Bonnen Theý Tail.or, Burns Toggery, Busscher, Carlos Photo Studio, Cayr-leen Beautyý Shop, .Cheek and Himes Beauty, Shop,, Consumners Grocery, Central Shoe Shop, Costnas Bros., Dannemark Electric Shop,. Paul' Davey, Jewveler; De Nelda Beauty Salon. East End. Meat Market, Ebers Tailors,. Edington & Allen, Ed's Coffee Shop, Ermine Cleaners, Elizabeth. Hair Shoppe, First National Bank, 4th Street Auto Service, Ben Gerschefske,».Good- win Barber Shopi Goodwin Beauty Shop, Hammond Ice Creamn Co., N.' A. Hanna Co.,: Heberhotz Barber Shop, Hlavacek-Florists, Hitler Shoe Shop, Hoffmann Bras., Hoffm1an Florists, Lloyd Hollister, Home Laundry, Mar- tin jacobson, Phimber; R., M. Johnston & Co., Kellog Barber Shop, King's Tire Service, Keystone Confectionery, Kien Suds Laundry, Kutten Bros., L. B. Confectionery, Lake-Ridge Garage, La Jeunesse, Lasser's Dry Goods, Lind Awvninfg Co., Linden Crest Garage, Lin- den Market, Lyman DOrug Co., joe Lynam, Lulias Restaurant, Loblaws, Main'Street Market, Margarite Sweet Shop), Drs. 'Mee and *McGrath, Mest- j ian Bras., , Millen Hardware Co.,' M.\isst's Shoe Repair Shop, Motors Service, Ime. National Te.a Comnpany, Nelson Laundry & Dry Cleaning Sys- tem, Neiw Trier Upholstei-y, Normancly Tea Room, North Shore Camera Shop,, F. W. Norton Gas Station, D. Pagli- arulo, Jeweler; Palace* Cash Market, Papageorge Bros., Paulsom Shoe Store, Patty Shop, Penn Oil Station, Publix Cleaners and Dyers,' Public Service Co., Rapp Bros. Market, Renneckar Drug Cýo., Rensch*. Fireproof Wareh ouse, Ridge Aven ue Barber Shôp,' Ridge Avenue Pharmacy, Ridge Avenue Flor- ists, Ridge Baking Co., Riley & Goss, (Continued on page,8) ýà - - 1 from $200 Up. W rie for circu- lar. Ail horses gitaranteed. Drakewood F'armn, Deerfl eld, 111. Phone Deerfild 386. next year. Although th-e assignment of teachers to fil1 vacancies lias flot been completed, appointment of the new members of the 1931-1932 fac- ulty was an.nounced this week. Vernon L. Replogle will be assist- anit principal at the. Stolp 'school, working under Supt. J. R. Harper, whoj will actas principal of the Cen- tral school'group. Mr. Replogle also will'give some instruction ititmanual training. He is a graduate of the.Uni- versity o f Illinois and li .as had two years' experience as manual training teacher and . athletic director. at the Eldorado, III.,township bigh school. He will take .work 'at, Northwestern university in connection ýwith bis teaching lhere. Miss. Marcelia Schreiner, another new. member, of the. faculty, will corne to WVilmette from Davenport, la., bier home. Durinig the.past year she, bas beeni in the kindergarten departmnent of the University of Chicagoý elemnen- tary school. She lias had six years' teaching experielce at OttÙmwa,i., and another year at Malcom, la. Northwestern Graduate Miss Mildred Flaskered, a graduate of -the Northwestern university school of speech, will teach dramatics and English literature here next year. She directed the Christmas play, "Why the Chimes Rang," presented by Wilmnette Publie school pupils last winter. Miss Kathryn Wilhiarm will teacli music and art at the Howard school. She cornes from Minneapolis and is a graduate of the Ulniversity of Min- nesota. Two Wisconsin girls, Miss Frances Andersoni of Antigo and Miss Lois Sawtelle of. dshkosh, also will be members of - the Wilmette Public schools facultyý next year. Among the 'teachers who are'flot returning are the following: Miss Edith. Franks, fourth. grade teacher at Howard, Who is to be mnar- r ied this summer. She,will liveý at Eveleth, Minn. Mrs. Lois B. Larson' of Evanston, fifth grade teacher at H-oward, who is ing the same series tis week t students at Garrett'-Bib lical nsi Evanston.

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