Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jul 1931, p. 8

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drinksl. Ask Worit . . . tod ay. Eght O'clock Coffee' MILD AND. MELLOW 3 B.50C Red CircleLB. 23c Rich and FuII-Bodied. Bokr *2 MB. 55,e Exquisite Aromai and Ftavo No Finer coffees are grown than these blends of EiShw O'clock,'Red Circle. and by the greatest -number of coffec, drinkers. MEATS B!uy them at A &- P and enijoy a worth'while, saving, because A & P bas reduced retail meat prices to correspond wi th lower market Prices. R olied Ri*b- Roast *LB.27C. Native Sirloin Stealk LB.1 35e~ Fresh Dressed Broilers Boneiess Ham Roulettes LB. 33c LB. 20c COLD MEAT SUGGESTIONS Stliced Corned Bei Dewey Loin'Rail Boked Hosm Bomied Ham Spiced Park Loaf eef being a favorite. A~nd quite appro-. priately, the Young People's. depart- ment of the public library bas some new "vacations" on its shelves. What c'ould be more thrilling- and cool-than, a trip "In. Coldest' Af rica," -with Carveth Wells as lead- er, and guide' With bim, one' fol- lows the Tanganyika game trails- Roosevelt's favoite-and becomes as familiar witb hyenas as .with cats, and much> more faniiliar witli the sight of* zebras than with borses. With.hirn,.too, one eau motor ,,to "A frica's eqijatorial arctic" as lie calls it-the Ruwenzori mnountains. which combine aretic and tropic civ- iliÎation. and uncivilization. One inîust read the book' to understand .jt how it can be done. Carvetb Vclls,'*second book-and iîîcidentally writteu l)efflre "Lu Coil- est Africa"-is "Six*Ycars in à a Malay Jungle." The title, romantic as il is, does not (1o justice to the talcs hce lias to: tell of ants tînat squirt p)oison 0o their eneniîs-and fricnâs -Lof fish that fighri glass bottles, of Malays, and Chinesc coolies, and a Buddhist magician who eould sec throuigh brass, anid-but one nust, go straighit to, Welsý for his owîi telling of t.hese ivonders. If you prefer to spend y our sumi- mer "shiootinig" lions -photograph- ically sp)eaking-.Martin Johuson lis the mnan for v-ou, and bis "'Safari"' the book.. Lions, elephants, rhinos, -they are ail ini the dav's work wben, -Or, if you prefer to roamn nearer home, there is that other lad who writes so well about wbere he goes -Deric Nusbaum. His books are "Deric ini Mesa Verde" and "Deric with the Indians"-both accounts. of experien.ces in 'the western part of our country. To turn fromn places, to mneans of' transp ortation, there is the colorful picture* book for. the- vcryýyouug voyager-"The Picture Book of Tra- vel," whose, bright, colors done by .the Haders give a good irlea oftlic wav mnethods of travel have pro-. gressed aid 'of how primitive thcy stili are 1in somne countries. Iii. short,. a vers' good motto' for the Julv vacaitinist mighit )e. "Travel hy Books"ý-and you may obtain v-our ticket at the public library. Mr. and. Mrs. Knight Blanchatrd,, 1015 Chestnut avenue, and their son, Robert, are leaving, the. latter part -of the week bv miotorfor Fox Lake, WNis., to speud thcir two or threc Weeks', vacation. -o- *Miss' Marjorie Oleson, of 24l". Woodstock avenue bas returned tn Kenilworth .from Boulder,.Colo., and., a visit in.'Casper, Wyo. Austin Phelps of 328 Leicester. road, Keniliwortbi, is home frofi XNew Haven, Conu., where lie. bas 1heeji studving biology. BEAUTY. * To attain tit konly in k nowing lw here." It's sur.- prising what a few treéat- men ts at Van Duerms wiII. do toward revealing your real. yputhful Ioveliness. V AN )ULRSI'S. IBeauty Salon il :51/' Cenltral A véne Ask Our Àdvice on Coamttcs and Potvder Biending ,% I~*. I mma 1 là

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