ýJu'I.y 8th Thru JuIy lltb *Heré if is ...Mis, great quart.rlyeventto whikh the Nort h Shore has- learn.-d to loýok foffwardl. And Mn accorda nce with true -W.iiboldt oly the ývalues a0re.greater tbis year than, ever before 7 1~ c- ' Every FLOOR SAMPLE is radically reclucecl for this tremendous salel There is nothing battered mnd morred about these lovely pieces. They are al inW excellent condiion, since they have been used merely as show pieces and have not received any wear and tear. Now is the. timei to select the kind of furniture you have always watd. . . . t prices far below what you might expect to pay1 Listed below.are but a few of the many values. Living Room Suites-- Davenport andi Chair . Was $ 129.... ...ls $98 O.venport and Chair6 ... W.. $224 ...... $174. Dav.nport ... Was $69..75 ........... Is $59.75 Love Seat . .. Was $59.75 ........... Is $49.75, <Handsome R ugs - - Worsted Wilton.. Was $119 ........ Is $79.50ý Domestic Oriental...Was, $85........ $69,75 Lounge.Chairs - Engjlish Lounge Char ... Was $27.95.. Chairs.. Were $39.75 andi $49.75... Chairs ..* Were $49.75 and $59.75.. Chairs . ..Wr $54.75..... .. ...Is$17.95 . Are $27.95 . Are $39.75 *Ae$44.75, BS'tdroom.Suits -- Dresser, Beci, ChIest ... Was $9&.50.. Exquisite Walnut Set ... Was $118 .... *.Is $68.40 Davis treetWE WIU. CLOSE AT 6 P. M. SATuRDAys DuRiNc JULY AND AUGusT WI.teIIO 1100 Davý*8ýs Street