A Very. Special Purchd-se!1 For the Fir st Time ii Mýen. 'sShort.s Sale Of Cc q Shirts FOR $1 c4 The Shorts Are regular fuit cul garments.of striped andi fancy broadcloths in 3-builon yOke front style -witb panta- Y.. Decidedly wonl sfockings are s foot. Chiffon h cradie foot. Nc other shades. summer s SUPpO it the HOM'i The Shirts Are snug-fitting styles in a medium Swiss rib knt., andl corne in sizes 34 +o 44. WiII not stretch. Anficipate your summertilrme needs and buy in this sale. Mail and Phone Orders Filled Pro m>tly Spec 'a'! B oys4 Swimming Suits iaiTa czen at is i~price. LORD'S 3Men's Store-I)irect Enfrance Iito Section ÀFrom Orripigton Ave. gre n Mes 8 fOTO14 Years. Int the Boys' Section-LORJYS FirSt Floor, Orrington Ave. a nd $1.95