'v M0.SýT FOR YOU R MO0N E.Y v li- twelve 1 del Lago on-,the evenin A T THWE ,HuB1 Our Evanston Shop. BOYS.!'.DEPARTMENT. r Shabres inOu Store-Wd Rebuiin Sal ~2 5and 30 5It's almost unhelievahe - tese famous long Lytton Hi S u its Extra:::use:,r $2.50---------------------- .1 2 $16.5 0 and s20 C nter smas ,n*,:u Svin4:u $1 ( s 2 -Knicker J 1L here 'by scores. Sizes 7 to 16--------------5h~ . JI Crisp, cool fabrice,, smart patterns. Suazcs 3 to c $2.25 91 8 i years. One of the dreatest opportunite W c" h 'lits motherB have ever scen----------------- 8 9 $1.95of linen and covert clothi linen, kLaki and coveriShort n ii k Pants.' At just one-haif their former prie 8 , Vaues ufi to 15 JSIirts Percales aInd Brobadelothsa in patterne; also solid coloerd Broadcloths, too. Sport style> Shirts worth*up to $1.50-, 69c less Sweaters LigLteiéht wools in whiite and paistel sliades. Size8 28 t. 38. This is certainly' P an unpa ralleled value--------------------J Orrington and Church-EVANSTON Phone Winnetka 188-(No toll charge) Evanston Shpp Closes nt 6 p. m. during July and Auguat $3 Sleevei De st