S BOBBIE. by Alexander.*A greai collie whose story is stranger thai fiction. GREYFRIAR'S BOBBY by At- kinson. About an intelligent Scoutc! terrier told, in, Scotch dialect. SPUNK, LEADER 0F THE DOC, TEAM by Bartlett. "Being the story of a dog.wbo won-àL%-e.pate at the head of the dog team and a berniit'., son who migit neyer have, been what he became, had itiflot been fôr Spunk."p POLARIS.by Baynes. Charmingly toli narrative of -a famous Eskimo, dog. WO0LF THE STORM LEADER. by. Caldwell. Truc. story of an- Alas, kan*buskie %who.pulledlthe mail sle.l. STORIES 0F BRAVE DOOS by Carter. Tales of-dog friends re-tol'i f rom St. Nichola s magazine. BALDY 0F NOME by Darling. Racing and other sports with slecl dogs. in' Alaska. Excellent informa-: tion about Alaskan dogs. NAVARRE 0F T1HE.NORTH bv Darling. Thrilling exploits of an Alaskani dog wbo later goes t.. France and is enlisted in the Sled Dog division. Folloâws "Baldy of Nome." MOUFFLOU AND OTHER STO- RIES by De la Rame. The adven- tures of -a white poodle who lived ini -PIERROT, DOG 0F BELGIUM%. by, Dyer. Courage and intelligence shown by a dog: who goes to war. LITTiE DOG TOBY by Field. A littie London waif joins a Punch anO Ju4y show. Good to read aloud +o smialler children. GOOD DOG BOOK. Well-knoii stories of famnous dogs. CHARLEY AND HIS' PUPPY 1~3iiu. ~,IC e -Char- lie" books. The others are >"lCharli-- and His Kitten Topsy," "Charlie and His Coast Guards," and "Charlie and His'Frienrls.". TAWN'Y by Hinkle. The truc ty of a dog wbo' lived on the etern prairie in olden days. DOG HERQES 0F OTHE R LANDS by Ives. Dog stories of various countries, including our own.J -THE PUPPY BOO0K bv Lemnio't *ror.,tiuuu graders. Kead also, "Bobbv of Cloverfield Farm,"Summer at Cloverfield Farni, "Winter at Cloverfield Farm" ~TIM AND TIP by Otis. Tbe ad- ventures of a boy and his dog who, runaway :froin an,,unkind guardian BLACK-EYED PUPPY by Pyle. SAbout, a little trick- dog who could Sgrin. LITTLE -LUCIA AND HER PUP- tPY by Robinson.. A littIe .iland, r ber dog., There iÏs also "Little Lucia" .-SARAH'S DAKIN by Robinson. ySar-ah, was musical; 80 was Dakii, her Collie. BEAUTIFUL J0E by .Saunders. tHow he. was. rescued from a, cruel Master and. found a happy and kind! farnily. TYKEY: HIS BOOK AND HIS: 1MARK by Whitney. For the ratlier young dog-lover. MY DOGS IN THE NORTUI- LAND by Youn'g., Adventures of thg. author with sonie of bis Eskimo dogs. Foot Speci&ifist to Be in Wilmette Next Week The newest and most advanced methods developedl by Dr. William M. Scholi, internationally famous foot autbority, forthe eifo vr type of foot trouble, will be denion- strated free of charge by one of bis personal representatiyes- at Taylor's store. 1123-27 Central avenue, WiI- mnette, FridaY and Sattirday, August 7 and 8. Dr. Scboll's representative will ,work in conjunct ion with Charles i Taylor, manager of the. foot comfortj departinent at Taylor's store. Charles, who is a son of William Taylor,* owner of the store. is a recent gradu- ate of thie Scboll Orthoveclic Train, inig séhooI. -- Patrons of Tavýlor4s Store bave been invite.d to discus :tbeir foot troubes with Dr.'SchoIl*gs representative Fnr-- day and Satu rdayof next week, and Mnr. Taylor emphasizes that there is' nlo charge for this service. Free p)edo-' tzraphl prints 'ill be taken nevealing thie exact nature and extent of eacbi individual's foot troubles. Persons visiting the store will then be sbown bow to ol)tain permanent relief. FOR APPOINTMENT Phone WiImette 3154 151/2 of tennis, a round of golf, . . . and thon a formai dance ait nigh - . . no problem af al with a Realistie or--Frederic per manenti This i a wave ready for anything the. daye, or night, mI maybrngi91 Ask Uýs About Our, S pecia.l FIVE MONTH Service Wifh The. Wav.s Central Avenue Asic Our Adivice oit Coametie and Potoder Biendisg DearNlMadani: 10% of our business THE * Ladies' Shoes altered. . . made longer or wider * ÉKeiilworth Shue Rebuildimg. 404 Green Bay Rouad, Kenlworth Pis. Kenil. 159 *When you want us. simply pick up your phone and cal Wilniette 400 or 40,1. We'll calI. for-fill and deliver your prescription or other ordet&s promptly. No charge for tbis service, of course. Cordially. E. C. CAZEL. PuhUp Wav, ai $7.50 VANID U IH' l3eauty Salon DRUG COMPANY;' Wilmette sud Central Aves.. Wilmette 400-401 ISIfNlif) lit "il! Avizi -f *tiýz e j-ý 1 . 1. .