0 o- Mr. and M-es. Sam S. Holdes their son, jack, of 527 Warwick tUo £1011 t of jeru. 1be calleî mountain last week for a few days. mnh iain hc o --O-.prised the tesson-sermion was the fol- Mr. and Mrs., Nicéholas Yahl, have lwgfrm. the Bible:6- dBelo ved, . mvdfrom 2233 Lak>le avenue to 54(l wish gabove ail things thit thon Illinois road. Wilmette. mayest prosper and be in 'health, even asthy soul prospereth. I bave tio greater joy* than to, hear that mv: ODé hildren' walk .in truth" (111 John T 21 124. The lesson-sermon also included the following passages from the Ca Sn Christian .Science textbook, " Science CV IJfVand Health with Key to the. Scrip- tures," 1w Mary* Baker Eddy 732-Zth T. Prayer tannot change- the unalter- able Tru.th. nor cal prave lnegý us. an understanding of- Truth; but bu are> assured .of having prayer, coupled with a fervent habittu- and competent chauffe f.al desire to ýknoiw aid do the *ill ýo, Hou or T~ pGod, WIll b ig us.'nto ail T iuth" Mr. aild( Mrs. Kenneth H-ess of 521 Longwood avenue,. Giencoe. hav e leased their home for the sumimer ancé are at the Kenilworth In&i. On Sa- urday thev -will miotor East to le joined later by ICenneth, Jr., vho ha-, Ieen going to summiiier school at, Ne>ël Trier. Miss Virginiia Beit, 202 Abingdoln avenue, Keiiilwvorthi. left last Mondai' for Delavan Lake,.AVis., to be gont- 24-HOUR SERVICE WIEBOLDT'S BASEMENT -EVANSTON Davis Street WiImeffe I1100 OAK HALFmSOLES, pecil fer Thais Week Tiresome- FIymSwatting Elkay's FIy-KiI is the mnod- ern mrethod of ext erminat- à Painter ani Decoeator a oU Geenhàf Phono 27U READTHE WANT ADS at the Work Done WIile Yogi Waat or Delivered Free to Your Home! Shoe-Repair Shop - W:eboldt's Basement-Evanston, C.miraI-Walm.ttq, Avenue$ Phun»en: Wiliàette 28 and 2U Mrs. D. D. Craft -of 195 Ridge1 ave-ý nue,, Winnetka, are leaving Friday, July 31 ;for a short visit to Wakanzoo, Mich., to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McNally of Winnetka. Mr., and Mrs. ChartesE.D river and family, 423 Abbottsford. ,road, Kenilwo6rtb, are- taking an extended, motor trip through the East and nKa-Ja-Wan, and found many people i. who, because of lack of knowledge -d regarding the excellent use being n m~ade of the funds, did not contribute ýy as they should. In the past week L niade a visit to Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan i- and was so imPressed witb the -won_- 1- derful *work being carried on that I b eVlieve others should hear of it so ithey may be well informed. à '0 howv týheir iioney is used. Camp, Ma.ý-Ka-Ja-Wainis l1 tedat e northwoods about haif ~y be-o een Antigo. and. Crandot Wis., .1 he camp proper. is divided, 4ito vil- *es for which Indian nanf&î have ie chosexi. Eachi of these villages eiccupies a knoll above tlîet lake- and is separated. from -the other villages bY some distance. There are about. cight tents in each village, eaclî tent bei.ng occupied by four boyýs. The tents are arranged iii circles with the opnngg toward the center of the circle Whiere thé camp fireszare built.ý From the villages tlieie aie %walks leading to the :main buildings whiclh I.consist of a large mess haill a store,- a hospital and recreation building, a laundry, ice-house, and exectutive offices. The buildings are ini the best :yf Condition, some of them piracticallSr new, and have meant the expeliditure of much mionev and the untiring efforts of those in, charge. Thé eqipi- ment of the grounds lias also tak-en much time and nmonev and ar e a pfleasant siight to beliold with the stately -birch trees, Ichaki colored tents and loiz buildings. Most of the effort at vresent is be- ing put toward arrangement of suit- able housing qijarters for those nmen, and their famîli4s who mutst sp)end their time in tht service' of- the - MganiIft ionto drëct- the activities of the camp). As thé- BoN, Scouts owni the entire lake frontage around, Spring Lake. much work, liad to be dJone to clear roads aiid gfrounids -.to establish a familv camp across the lake t 'o take carie of the,,s.cou.t leaders, executives. and visitors. Five cabins have been built in the »)ast vear and three tents with platfcorins set up. There is a great deal of work Yet tobecldonc here. such as irnprovinig e Telepis WILME1 WJLMETTE 2 1 HERBON GARAG When. using Our cabs yoi ai thoroughly experiencedi Rtes by Mer e