Devis a4harge OLT No.12 For Thursday .and Friday AW.ONDERBOLT. isen *xtraord.ary value - giving eventl Stee Cabinets, Ne ver Beforé Pric-edL 'So Louw' 2 4 $3.85,$4.85 VthI? f ahd 6 Sh?!vt;s ConsfrUc4c!.f of !;eavy gauge steel, enameled i-sidé and out, equipped >wth excellent hardwarel 6-SHELF CABINET, $4.85 ...66x12x18 nches, green, blue, gray, or green and ivory. 5-SHELF CABINET, $4.85* . . 55x.1I2xI18 inches, rernovable. shelvesi finished in green. witb ivory. 4-SHELF CAB!NET, $3.85 44x12x18 nhas, in 3-SHELF CABINET, $2.45 Se of' Footwear In, Summer. Modes Famous P Elmo KCobi MOI', ELMO Products. vi ural . . kid, linon. Cool sa clucl.d.* Not.v.ry stylei . but .very sz. hcludl.d et-fi Pootwear-Pirsg Fioor Margo Face 75c Jy CIérance o Powder Dru gs, Toilctries-First PIc~or Devis