co unt sheep fence XTOSI R! The guest .N have in. mmld had own cure : for insomnia!, we his He asked us to furnish a thermos bottle fuit, of hot milk, s0 that he could have i1t by'his bed, in case he ýwoke' up at night, 'take a dÉink. - and then get to sleep a gain! Thermos boules and hotinilk. aren't part of the standard, equipment of United Hotels ... but we. do have large, airy high-ceilirig rooms, with a feeling of pleasant freedomll .and the beds .welljîf. you ' v.e ever Slept i one. of Our ho tels'you, know how, good theyare! So there's very rarely occasion for insomnia Hotels listed below. wvere the highiights of the .past week; in our wornen's golf. events. In re- turning such a remarkable card Mrs. Pardue led the cIassy fild in td'e Women's WVestern G'olf association open tournament at the Skokie Coun- try club, and Miss Armstrong's 8l was tbe iow medal card in théeW W' G. A. North Shore team mat,ëhes at Indian Hill. To play a course like Skakie in 2 strokes over women's par is fine go1' and Mrs. -Pardue bas sho-wýn that.,shc is at the t6 of lber game by bier play in both of these' eventg. In the. North -Shore-teami matches theý Indiail Hill team- nearly swamped. the ather contestants. Mrs. Pardue. piayed aý, No. 1 on the Indian, Hill teamn an-A bier card of 85 vas good enougb ,.ta dlefeat the No. 1 plaver. on the.other i leven teamis. This annexed 33 point!r for the Winiietka. club.- Miss Helen M a 'c.\orran. %vho. played% at No. 2. sccîrcd another 85, and.added 33 -more poinits to the Indian Hill total., Miss Arm stronk's 83 Miss Armstrong plaved at N. and. w~e lbave never seeni a. ma ,.(Afer plav sweeter golf than Ms Arhmstrong did. It seemted as if sbe c ould. not make a m-istake and there were only ttwo hoeësý in the, entire .eighit.een Nvere she could have hoped ta do,,better. A 7 on the 339 vard eigbtli bole was duie to a poor second shot whichi founid a trap) and this bale seerned to bother ail the. contestants. Miss Armistrong's other l)ad bale was the 433 yard twelfth and à 7 hiere vvàs duie to a trip ta the ditcb wb7icb fornms the right boundary of the. fairway. To offset these two mistakes, Miss. Arnistrong shQt a brilliant 3 an. the 233 yard -fourth and the distance and trapping of this short liole niake it anie af the Miost difficult .pa~r 3 haoles ini the. district. Miss Armnstron.g played A the par 3 hales exception'- ally.well' aiîd lber 2_on tbe 141-yard tenth,' wbere the. play is overn the Pond, careas the result of. a wvon-- derful iran shot and a fine plutt. Mý.is3; Arm strong bas ýa pawÏerful-swingP an(' the 'great distance she gets off the tee makes bier plav on the .rest. 0< each bQlé much easier. Mrs. Pati Chase of~ Winnet'ka scored an 89 in, this year- and lier mianv friends ar-, glad to see lier anxong the conites- tants. Mrs. Pardue's card. whicbi folà lows, inake an initeresting study: Mrs. Pardue- Out.. , 5 3 5 5 54 453-2e womenls pa-t ()Ut 5 35 6 5-453-40 Mrs., Pardue- SIn . .5,5544 4 4 55-41-80 ,Wonens paWr- In ............5 54 3 445 5 5-38-78 Mr*. Naira Leada Field Returning a. fine card which read 94-9-85 Mrs. J. L.. Nainxi', of Suniset Ridge led the, ield in the regtîlar Ladies' day weekly tournamnent at Sunset Ridge. Mrs. H. L, Stickler finished second. with 107-19-88. Mis.s Virginia Ingraîi, of Winnetka, h a,! the' best grass card af the davy and lier 93 wasfine golf considering the wvind. Mer low han dicap of 2 gave lier a laiw net of 91 and third place andI Mrs. W. E., Saverlv finish&l fourtb witlî a card of 111418-93. Mrs.D11. Fav, of Kenilwortil !ed; tlhe Classg B and C -oliers with a cr of 109-27-82. M-\rs. G. 1). Kanlej; Winwetka, ivas secbon('l withI 24-375 8 Mrs. D. J. Domnalue fiIIis-lIed thIiri. wvith ' a card readinig 12273I-91 anC. Mrs. C. D. 'Mitchell, of _Winnietka.I wa- fourth witb a low net o-f-16-23- 93. Mrs. J. N. Heath.-won 'thé put- ting event W.ith a total of 30) and t[j e entire field tborougbly enjoverf t h - play. Clucas Scores, an Ace Playing with Miss Grace Cluicas, James W. Clucas of Wiliimette sccii-.' .an ace on thie 175-yard eighth hoble at Tecbney Fields. This' entitles him to qualify as a member af, the hole-in- one club and wins sundry cases of ginger aie, golf balîs, pipes, etc., foi the clever Wilmette gol1fer.. Rearù Goes to Westniorêland Thomas Ream, who *was n».er Of the, Calumet Country> club', for il years, bas accepted a positona mnanager'af the Westmoreiand Couni- trv- club and we are, glad -ta welcorne a man of bis 'alility ta the north shore.. cuinner wnicn iuuuoWeu. Walton Leade Field Howard Walton of Winnetka, shôt a brilliant 70 in the Chicago Distriet Golf association .teaiù matches at Sutiset Ridge and bis clever play> helped' the local tearn to defeat the Medinab, CounitrV club plavers, by a good margin. Rial Rolfe of Ridgemnoor,* jack Westland of.the home club and Chick Evans of Edgewater, returned card-s of 73 in this event and these N ortl' Shore team matches are fast ýdevelop- ing a field of verjý fine g olfers. Bill Graffis a Corner Young Bill Graffis of Winnetka is onlY Il years old but he.bits the ba!I like a veterani and it %von't be long before Herb Grafis iil be a back niuxber and Billi vill be thée re.,! crolfer. of the fainilv. Clark a Swnurner, H-arold Amnes Clarkof \Vnîtais a 1)al of ýBîlFs but, now that thev have a p)rivate s\vîiîiiig pjool, Har - tld is devotiniijiore tîmle. to s %î- x'iiiing'tli lie is ta golf. Haro'd a- mnits tlîat Bill is a, beýtter golfer but- lie thinks be lias. an edge iii water sports and the; tivol boys get a rea .kick, out af their play Miss Nash Playing Wei Mviss Sonîia Nasb, t1xe I13-yearl! daughter of Chaàrlie Nash af \Xil.- mette, is, developing ' a fine golf gain.ý' Jock Anderson of Tecbniv FielcN; says that Miss Nash hità. thé bal ike a3 man and ber cards for ine bales are seldoin over -;(). Bill Nash is oniy four years oaid aid lbe devotes bis trne ta putting. ' ell. is a good niney -yrand if, yapu bet bhiîn a b otta pop on a putt thaàt hall gocs in, the hale on bis next. o Hu.tçLison Winsi.Junior Titie Jock. Hutchison, , o f Glenl Vie .efeate aurie Ayton, Jr.,of E'v- anston, I ýup. ini37 bales for t'l.e Chi - cago District' Golf associationx Junior chamiPionship and the final match be- tween these two clever stars was as fine an exlhibition of golf as tlie writrhas >ee1n iï vears. VonUie Jock's Win writes anifther p)age il the. history of twoait> Mrs. Pardue's .3s on the second., ai M. ole:lllgWl ninth holes were a big heip to ber. DaeiTsh poesslaina lune One of the feature hales ont the 'carid was the long 600 yard fiftlj, whbicîî Ridge, reports that Miss Evelyn 'Fol-. Mrs. Pardue played in men's par ger spai n. gl.Sesae and ber whlole card shows a con sis- cousistently' around 90 and this j' tency that only cornes f ram years "lof clever golf for a player of héèr ve:arS. taurnamient-experience and a wonder-EvsiyIfns fuI contraI af. alilber clubs. The E&CI* writer remeinbers -Mrs. Pardue and tbick Evans- ox .jAgewater pae ber sister,,Mrs. Elizabeth Klotz Ben- fIliais during the. "-eký as tbe glics. nett, Wben they first startedilay p f I-Ienry J.' Brieda. Air. BrieLa bael --M "Ititgrniçn îu,.Laurie Ihookee. hismidronapproacix far to the letel Of the green: bu)t Ibis Pit .chIlai'er til.- grassy maunds' was Perfect anîd he hoîed a twventy-foat pteorahl mn 4- Jock played an euttfaîy le approach ~at' the, short. eetet and bath of these boys wil, bea watcbing in tbe conrn un amets (Contiued On Page 37) >11 OLIA8,lA........T»ueRosevelt NE1W ORLIANS, IL .............. The Biervilie ToOeLvON , ONT ...........The King Edwvard NL#.G"A P ALU,. ONT.............. The Clifton VINDOOI. ONT .......... TheiPrince Edward, KINOSTON. >AMACA.b.W.L .The Constant Spring,