This announcement was made to- day in a special statement prepared. by Charles. G. Dawes, ambassador to England and chairman of the expo- sition's finance comniittee, before he departed for' Wasbington en route to resume bis. ambassadorial duties. in London e. Dawes' statement dis- closes thgt he personally s.old $.1,000,m 000 worth of: exposition, bonds during bis brief- stay. The statement in part follows: Stateiseut le Dawqi "0f' the ,$lO0000 bonds of A Cen-* tury of Progress, s ecured by a. 40 perentleno he gate receipts, $6,555,000-have been sold. without in- dividualý or corporation guarantee. The remfaining $3,A45,00 are secured by individual and* corporation guarani- tees. The said guarantees amoïfnt in the aggregate to $5,571,00, in addi-, tion to the lien on gate'receipts. O0f these I have sold on this trip sometbing ovýer $1,00,0W00leavin.g about e2,400,000 of guaranteed bonds to be sold as needed during the lat- ter part of next year. "lOwing to our contra-cts for sale, of exhibit space, which have heen :--Made and are being mûàde, much o; wbich is being paid for iii advance tc *save discount for cash, it Nvill pro!17- ably flot be necessary in order ta> complete the exposition to niake anv additional solicitation. of funds frorri the public." Naines Large Purchaers Among the large~ purchasers &f space named by General Dawes are the American. Telephone and Tele- graph company, International Tele- phone and Telegraph coinpany, Western Union Telegraph company, Radio Corporation of Anierica, Balti- more and Ohio railroad, and Illinois Central Railway company. In addi- tion, Ambassador Dawes pointed ont. W.S. Knudsen,, president of thle Chevrolet 'company, has just a n- nounced the >signing of a contract by General Motors corporation for. the expenditure of. approximately $,0, 000 for a building to bouse that cor- poration's exhibits at the exposition. "We have had available of its own. funds for this exposition at this very present buildings costs due to geîî- eral conditions bas, resulted in the letting of building contracts much be- low the original estimates .ôf cost. "It is these two facts and the ex- ceptional andearly demand hy enter- prising busintss. concerfis for exhibit space wbicb are Iargely ýresponsible Miss Helen Jean'Shepherd, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Shep- herd, 1642 Maple avenue, bas re- turned to ber homie froin the St, Franci's hospital ini Evanston. She * is1 reported to be doing nicely. tnat in minci that the remodeling work was undertalcen. Mrs. John L. Hoffmfan, Illinois road entertained ber eucbre club at I ber home Iast Monday, evening. -othe Kelvinator Dealier listed bélowo -a copy, of the Standard Rating -Scale Score Cared andu ceck any De Lume or Standard lVodel Kelvinator agaisêt h. -a letter, 200 words or lem., Ou 6Visai I hve learned aboust Kelvin- aor" and send it (with the Score Card) to Content Judges, Kclvinatooe HE .greatest content hi .T Electric Refrigeration History! More than $20,e 00000ni cash and mier- chandise prizes offered by, Kelvinator - for the best letters on the subleet - , iL