Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1931, p. 32

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DeEms * ayiors new opera, "Petel Ibetson," on Fricjay norning of thi. week (July 31) at Il o'cock, aý t the. home of MI-s. J. Lawrenct Ft Houghteling, 731 Prospect avenue, Winnetka. The lecture is opento aill and a smnall admission fee wvill bc charged at 'the door. .Mr. Smith wi'll be assisted bv- Editli Rose, oâncert pianist, and Raymond E.. Middleton,. young baritone, who is to create the role of Jack in John Ertskine's, operetta, "jack and thé Beanstalk." next faîl. The history of Du- Maurier's storv, ".ePeter Ibbèt.son," will be told. and Mr. Smith will also describe the world premiere, of the Tavlor opera at thile Metropolitan Opera- House. The opera wil be given its Ravinia* premiere on 'Monday niighit,.August' 3, and will be repeated the sm week, on Saturday, August.8. Lucre- zia Bon w 1Ill be heard, as the Duchess, of Towers, and F.dward Jhsna Peter, roles thev created at the MNfet- ropolitan Opera. House. .-\fredo 4 Gandolfi, %vi1l 1e hearçl as Coloniel Ibbetson, and will sing the oii1v aria in the opera, a setting to De'Mus- set's poem., The opera is to lie di-* rectec by Wilfred 'Pelletier. At bis lecture on Monday> morn- ing, at the home of Mrs. Williamn Sherman. Ha-, 645 Sheridan road, Winnetkà. Mr. Smith conîpared the Massenet 'opera, "'Manon," and Puc-. cini's "Manon. Lescaut,"' showing how * Prevost's storv was adapted by both' composers. He illustrated bis talk with recorditrgs of both operas. The 'romance of. Manon Lescaut irst being rialevy, wno wrote ab on the subject. Both, Balfe and7 ber wrote settings for the work fore Massenet and Puccini. only survival of Auber's work is Iaughing song which Patti and( Curci often used in the 'eson si of "The Barber of. Seville." Trhe librettos for the Puccini Massenet settings are laid outu entirelyý different plans. the Puc work. which was done bv the c poser. and a group of bis friends, sissnf a strinz o f ,It-cie'hré Name Bridge Hostesses t Mrs. E. M.- Antrint of Wilmette and Mrs. J. M. Lansinger will lie the hostesses at the luncheon and bridRe next Monday uut 3fo the women members clf Club Vista d'eLaot- ner 'way honte atter an absence. of' over a vear in the Hawaiian Islands. She returned via Los Angeles, Cen- tral America, Panama, through' the Panama' Canal to Cuba then to ýNew York. Miss Conrad's parents.. Mr. ;and Mrs. Frank J. Cnaform'lvo 11141 Sheridan road. Wilmette, met their daughter in New York and have spent- the last four weeks touring. the east and Canada,- and visiting points of historic initerest. .Other. gu ests at the White's. house rortv include Mrs. H. E. White and daughter, Marie,' of Cincinnati; '.%i»s' Li1,sbeth Goss of Vilmette; -Mr. anId )Jr s.' C. P. Peck of- Pasadena. Cal.; Miss Bessie White of- Wilmette.. ,Mrs. C. B. Laurence and 'sons. Lionel, and Charles. of Boston. Mass.: and, Charles Courtier of .udington. MNich. *Exhibit,, Musical e At the -garden partv, antique. andý *craft exhibition and musicale wlîich, is to bc. held on u nday after.noon, Au- gust-2. at the >homne'of Mr. and Mrs. *Ross J. Beatty, '260 RavineDrie ,Highiland Par-k. Ill., the musical 1)ro- grain \viJl be giVen by Paul Hi-ppen- steel and, Mrs. Ethel Seidel Hippen- steel-violin,. flute and piano, trio. Mr. Hippensteel formerly was witlî the Phiiladelphia Symphony orchestra. Mrs. Hippensteel is a member of the Women's Symphony orchestra. and Miss Hilda Burke of the Clhi- cago. Civic Opera company. Children Have Circus isevm- A circus of varied program was . t h e leld Wednes'dav afternoon, July 29 ballet in the basement of the homne of Mi-. 1Au - and Mrs. Earl D. Lyon, 1504 Eliîi- k. be- u.ood avenue. T'le managers of the The affair.were the youthfuî' Suzanne and Sthe Sarah Jane Lyoni, George and Jack 3alli-ý Redding, a.nd. Riclard Relihien. There cene were twenty-five side 'shows, and candy and- pqpcorn were. sold. ini and quantities. ,Movitig --pictures %ver .e upon shown of shéeep-shearing iii tlhe West icc ini and Thomas Edison's youth,' and corn- there %vas also a' Rrazy K<at comnedy. Con- rnents were made for the enter-tain.. ment' of the Cross' Continental Dis- armiament Caravan scheduled. to ar- rive in Winnetka on August Il. Junior.,Dance Shawnee Country club, wiil hold aà Junior dance on--Friday, J!àly. 31; 'Photo bY Tower Studio 1r. . J. Foe-stall of Wýýiietka, vice-president of the Mlount Holyokc Col/cge alimnnae and a director of, the Chicago Mozint Holiloke cliub, i s a leading spirit in the club's nèet *projcct of fost6risig riffbscription miemberships in Town'i Hall series. 'T/e series utili bring to Chicago in the flu tuelve zworld-per.sonalit-ies, startinq October 17, zwith William; In the succeeding, eleven weeks there wil be prsented Hon. .Winston Churchill, Mary Garden, Countess Mar- git 1Bethlin, Rafael Sabatini, Baroness von Hindenburg' - Cosntd' Hamilton, Evangeline Adams, Lennox' Robinson' Princess der Ling, .Jehan .'Warliker, H. V. EKaltenborn. The international aspect of the series attracted the club which will use theý proceeds f rom its project for the Schol- arship f und.' Mount Holyoke Col- lege and alumnae have long been noted for active interest in' international affairs and Mrs. Porst2Illih's'bee i/i nonor <n ner eignth birthday. Hostess. at Beach $upper Helen Stephens, 424 Warwick road. Kenilworth, celebrated lier fifteenth birthda.y at a beach supper at.Whichi site was hostess, last Priday' evé.ning Shore Chamber Music association' wil! open on October 18 with a pro- granm by the Mischakoff string quar- itette. The' quartette, directed lw Misch.î' Mischakoif, the' distinziuishied concert mieister of' the Chicago Svýmphony or- >chestra, has become outstandi'ng, dur- Iing..its comparatively short existence. Recause.its many engatpements makp: itincreasingly di fficult ticui e até4 the association is -particularlv fortu - nate in resenting this brillnt e 'n- semible on the north shore so early in the season., On November 22 the Muenzer Trio will be heard. These -three artît corne as old friends havingplaved hé- fore enthusiastic audiences ea'ch sea- son for the past,.fi ve. vears. Thev have. won a1 unique place for them- selves on the. north, shore. The. Philharrnonic String quartette, led by John Weicher, -wilI play-in,i- a rY 1o. .Mr. Weiéher is assistant conce 1rt meister of the Raviinia Opera Orchestra. He lias hee'il soloist a nunîber of times àt Rav'ilia this stîm- nier,,,delighting his' hearers iwith bis bea'uty of tonle and finislied initern re- tation. He \vas fornîerl àa meniher of the Gordon quartette. The mern- bers of this quartette are John Wei-cher, first violinist, Elmier Swan- son, second violinist. Walter Han- cock, viola, and Richard. Wagner, * cello. The series wiIll 'close earlier than usual this year. The last concert .wi!l be given by the incomparable Lon- don String quartette on Eebruary 7 " The "zestful Londoners"-so 'nàmed by Ernest Newman-hiave -playel here to capacity audiences 'for the pas.t two years and there are* alivavi urgent requests' front subscrjbersfo their return. Season tickets' scr~ frorn Mrs. A. B. Spach,, 228 Leices- ter, r oad, .Kenilworth;'Mrs., R. 'E. Patterson Miné, 1311 Greenwood avenue, Wiltnett'e;' Mrs.. Richard Tuthill, 1416 As9bury avenue, Evans-' ton; Mrs. Homier E. Cotton, 555 Hlili terrace, Winnetka; Mrs. P. 'B. Koh- saat, 130 Green Bay road, Glencoe, or Mrs. Edwin J. Kuh, Jr., 134 Ravine Ad. a danice av evening, ivilIl 'b e a Entertain at Shawnee, Clif ton Darling and b is brothe r, George, 1538 Highland avenue, were h tsa inner Party at Sawne Country club last ýFriday. senior

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