Fin , imte SELFISH MONEY- Idemoe admoney in1,g: is selfs money. It. works for no one and does no one any good. Speculative money, too,. is selfish money. It makes, a .show of working, but what littie it.accomplishes i s ýdone,, for someone else than the one who worked'fr10,an saved it. Money in a savings bank, or in safe investments, is unselfisb money. It -works bard> night and day, 365 days ini the year. And it works for the ones who worked for it. Th ebankis >fi ldwit working'for yu TRUST REAL ESTATE unselfish mnoney. Is a part of it 5a. m. until, 3 P. m. Saturday aa. mn. until 12:30 p. M., 7ut:19 P.,m .7 unt