carpeted floor, artistic pictures and, homehike fie-. place, the living room in our new borne presents an inviting picture of genuine cornfort, witb 'no, trace of cornrercialism.. In tim es -of need, this iest fui room. j: 1'ours touse, as patof our su petiot setVi ce. The Oldest Establisbed. Undertakers on the Immediate North S bore UNDITAER nTe, House 0-f1Personal Set;vie" 1114>8 GREEPNLEAF AVE. WILMEE 654 554 CENTErFR ST. WiNNE-TKA 404, Superior Ambulance Service Licensed Lad Assistant 1; o QWUKR STATE MOTOR O0L BATTERIES AUTO STRA&oE DAY & NIGHTf FOR YOUR VACATION -TOURING Dirtyp, sluggish inotors laek power and Over- heat easily, sometirnes causing irrparable damage. Before you leave on your trip allow us to tune up your motor, test the brakes, tighteni the, steering gear and have the car greased and oou cbanged. A litile expert attention bel ore you start inay savé h ours of delay and inconvenience. No matter «'hat the job may be you con trust 'as to do it thoroghI POLISHING GREASING REPAIRINO. TOYINIG SERVICE, DAY, &NIGIIT ai Cisaut Ga~au.~. 332 LINDEN AVE. SeToni or Conaplete Garage Service M'e WILMETTIC 47 CO*' SER VICE Wlet 5 4M 45Main.. SýtrçeetSA E ýSALES wilinetté,95