,1 Excitiog Millinery Netvs! 200, NEW PANAMAS (Imitation) you. .34 Yo!osure to want ai PAN- meriso'ver, so why not. select if today. The SAVING ki eyW RTW IE- Brimmed styes .. . in vaga- bond, sailor or droopy ver- sions. Plain or fancy. bands. Ail headsizes. In the Millinery Section- LORD'S-SeCo-nd, Floor I cause theylI wash perf.ci hIt1 *- Glove Section- LORD'S-First Ploor. f $93600 Ev.rything about this davenport speaks spocial value. Down-fll.d pillow back, deep spring seat, Queen Anne legs. Fine int.ripr construc- tion. Upbolstered ilarge selection of fabrics. As to its appeara.nce, look at tbe' picture-come and se. it for yours.lf.. Formérly $1151 The M-atchng- Chair shown' etthe- left is now only. Made .nner-sl 1if you 'l This beautifui Drum Tab solid wahnut. The. top le *diarm.$.r. The four legs fipped. Thr. are two drai from $21.50 dur.inq Auqui $4250 în to the. b.st standards of mattr.ss comfort. Superior onstruction, heavy roll *dg., covered i n fine ticldngs. oking for an EXCEPTIONAL mattr.ss value, know this id-odlay. Offered in full, twin and three-quarter szes. LORD'S Purnitiure Ploor-the Entire Third .now a 591Pr' LORDEn ie ALI ROADS LEAD TO, LORD'S-FOU-NTAIN ,SQUARE- -AN-STO...DIAL ýGREN