You 'll Say.> "6DELIGTFULY CLEAN...! yes, Madam . we believe yo u will "delig Y:fly ean" after-yo view your. garments cleaned in' our modern plant. We know that you real- ize the value of dlean garments.. as only perfect cleaning. carn produce.. s0 we have equipped- Our plant to please.. you. We give you the kind of work you. like. Garments cleaned in our plant corne back to you, looking like new. a. with their life much increased, because: Of the came we give them. No odor 'of cleaning fluids on garments we dlean. Not»hling butf that wholesomeodo which ail clothes that are "delightfully dlean" possess. Sunday, Auguet 9, the Rev. Jerome E. Wehber, pastor, First Presbyterlan chu'rch, Janiestown, N. D., will preach at the 1.1 o'clock morning vvorship hour. Sunday school at 9:301 a. .Cis-' for ail ages. . August 19, the Rev. John A. M'CAlée, pastor, Westminstier Preebytenian chg.rch Topeka, Kansas, wll suppiy, the p>ulpit. of ou? church. Musical'prograni for August 9: ýPrelude-"Barcarolle" (G minor) .... .......... Rachffanlnof' Solo-"I .Heard the' Voice of Jesus Say".....................Harriss Offrtory-"'Memories".Dcis' * Postlude-"Rococo"........>. .Palmgreni Emma Rounds, orlganist; Edward Otis, -Bass,. sololat.1 Cails for service of any kind, incéluding pastoral service, can be furnlshed at al tue b»-:commuinicâting with the chureli secretary, or W. G. Colvin, 709 Elmwood avenue. Metk odist Ckurch Over two hundred arid Ofty personç attended'the service last Sunday rnorn- îng .This was due to the fact that many have already returned froni their va- cations anld that some out of town visit- ors were present. "Under the Juniper Tree" will be the significant theme of the pastor's sermnon niext Sunday morning. It will serve ais a sequel to that o! last Sunday on '<Weaving and Unweaving...Rainbowe."l Th uretwl sn t hss-rie Thequtet wlll eing at ths e cgre Amngtehynsugy thcor- gaUtion W Il be that one sung, by Rollin Pease as a solo last Sunday mornlng. Remember the speciai services at the fleePlaines Camp graunds each week- end. There Ie a service eachi Sunday night at 7:30; Many of our boys and girls are awav at the Scout* camps. September. 12 at 4 :30 bas been set as the hour for the weddlng service of Mis.% Anne Louise Hughes. St. Jolzn's Lutheran Willnette and Park avenues, Wilmette Heirman W. Mayer, M. A,, pastor 406 Prairie avenue. 1'lephone 1396 Church telephone 3111 3ERVICES Prayer with addreËs at Il a. n. The.rector has lef t for hie vacation in Wisconsin. During bis absence the services, will be in. charge of the Rev. G. A. MacWhorter, whose addresse ls 919 HInnian avenue, Evanston, Ill.., Stele- phone Greenleaf 2808. Anyonè requling theý services of iL clergymân çan get In touch with hlm at this address. A-ny mattere connected with the church can be referred to'Henry Fowler, Junior Warden, 1404,1 orést avenue,'or to R. N. Wade,, tresure,. 723 Central avenue., The rector's address during Auguot wil be Rev. Hubert Caneèton, c/o F. Kugtler. Heart-of-the-Pineës, Peican Lake_ Wis. Mission Clzurch, Parish House, Oak street- John Bengtson, pastor 1Winrietka à379. m 'orning -service .......... .-il a Y. P. service......... ...... 5 P. ni. Miss Floreil Speaking Evening service . ..........7:45 p. mi F'nda, raermeeting.....8 P. m. Seanttiravian language useil Sunda.y morning, afternoon and Wednesday eve- ning; Engllsh Sunday evening. Baptist Cizurciz Rev. George D. Allison, pastor Union service'.Sunday mrorning at the First eong>regationlal church. Preacher: The Rev. Robent Gordon, D.D., editor of "The Baptist," oùr',denominationa. weekly paper. Ourchurch school le on vacation until Rev. George D. Afilion and famly are at. Camp McKinley, Boulder Junctltrn. Wis. Filipino Boy, New Trier Student Last Year, Dies Word has reached here of the deatir in the Philippine Islands of Gasper Abena, 1 iipino boy who wa's aJunior at, New Tir Highschool, last year and, who made bis home with,. Mran Mrs E.G. eiitléy, 804 Elmwood ave- nue, Wilniette. Word of his death was accompanied by a letter of appre- ciation f rom his familv for the kind- ness shown bu bhy 'nürth shore. reýi- dents who helped .him earn his, W2v Wihuette,JIlinoi PHONES 320-321 Evamston., Phone-Greeenleaf 6660 Ieditor of "The Baptie-t-." Th evic is held at Il O'clock. The Church echool continues Its one- hour session begnining at 10 o'cloclo Sun- day morning. The Beginnees antd Pni- mnary departrnent *]Ill meet, under the direction of. 'Miss, Dorothy ,Boyington-, during the absence of Miss Wheelock on *Mrs. Rose A.« Frank, 726« Lieve Thiîrsday, july .1 Mr. and Mrs. Williami A. Ri hard- son, 1233 Lake avenue, drove last week-end to Camp --Hickor * ili to visit, their 'daugh terPhylli'9- Is and son,- ,et, returned a fortnight