Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1931, p. 48

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PACKARD, bas rapidly at- tained its position of promin- ence throughout Chicago and the, north, shore because it bas enriched the used-car ýmarket;. with -outstanding examples of distinctive mnotor car-s.. Here are some of the'unusual value s that will attract this, week's buyers,: Packard's Used Cars Priced In. Keeptig With -the Times' $201 Down, $30 Month ly Buys Packard 426, 6-cyl. 5-Pass. S edan. Extra, good. $354 Down, $49 Monthly Buys Packard 526, 6-cyl. 5-Pass. Sedan. *Rebuit. $409 Down, -$58 Buys.Packard 5269 6-cyl. 5-Pass. equipment.ý $354, Buys Packard Down,> 526, 6-cyl. Monthly. Sedan. Special 1931 $49 Monthly Pbaeton, 5-Pass. A classy $513 Down, $72 Monthl y BusPackard Std. 8, 633, Club Sedan,5-as purchase. A choice $513. Down, $S721otl BuyrsPackard Std. 8, 633,.Sedan, 7-Pass. Low niileage. $683, Buyà Packard Down,* $94 Monthly 726, 5-Pass. Sedan, Std. 8. New-car guaran tee. a resolution hie lad successfully intro- dluced at a recent board meeting.. the resolution deaIt withb pollutioni cau.:d by conditions ini Thrti creek in the soutbern section of, the. couity, andl *as directed to the- Illinois.:,State ,S.àliita'ry Water boardi, the city of Chicago, Heights, tuei 1village of South Chicago Heiglîts, and hie Blooni Township Sanitary ,lîtrict,.alid to "such other municip al and( lirivate corporations as are coul- tril)uting to tiîis pollution," it was indicative of a nîovemnit'spreading tiîroughout. th 'e couuîty, andi aiready îtarte( iniithe Des PlIaimies river ini the'nortlî sjl tion., Speaking of tuie:canpýaigii to check p)olution' of tlîe For-est, Preserve strcaîuîs, Presidie'ut VVbiiaai said: "TeForest Preserve district -is whiat nighit gelîeraily, be termied ini a broader semiseof the meaning a.river iaiidscape project. If lias about :75 m iiles of streanîs anîd fully .73 muiles of those water areries.,are polluted. that tue iy. by scientific treatnîient tlit te iater at about a (lozeul p)oints lias been îîîade sauitary for jiathiig' and the genierai pollution is, o)ne of the reasons wliy tie district us goung In. for' such types of swimîî- mimng cemters as Cermiak pool at. Lyons, where. thie water tests even .better than some drnuking water. "The streamns of the For-est Pre- serve include about t1iîirty. miles of thie Des Plainmes river, nîncli of thé, uîort'h hranch of thie Chicago river, Skoklit, Sait creek, Thorn' creek, 1,ittle Calu iet and sonie -otiier snal streain." HONORS BRIDE-TO-BE Mrs. Joseph Joyce entertainled a large grottp of friends on Satiirdav, August 1, at lier hom»e, 531 Esse-x road,. Keniiworth. Tue jarty was a' hosiery slîower in honor of lier niece, Xfise Heleui Ayres' of, 5420 Sheridan i-oa(i, Chicago, whose niariage to GCeorge Eric Drake of New Rochielle, N. Y., xiii take place August 29.. Willard 1-T. Tb2ver 12- Rôh~r a two weeks' period. iTe enrollnient wvas exp)ected to exceed 300 IWv the .Opeiig day. Bob) Zùpp'ke of Illinois will jolu with Coach Dick Han'ley of North- western in putting on the football Work. The latter :ill give thieWa r- lier, sy stein of'footb)all white Zuppke Witt teach thé systenm whiclî le. bas S:uit Up at Illinois. Taiks wiIl also be given by a 1n uni- .)er' of other promninent. coaclhes and -x-coachces,' including Judge Walter Steffeh of Carnegie T1ech, Arnold Horweeil, formeriy of Harvard, aliî Jesse Hawlèy, f ormerly of D)artnîoutiî. l)uke Dunne, formner Elle Coach! at Northwestern and lai-ya rd, wîfl give a lecture on fhue piy Arthur "I)uteh" L.onborg, baskeêt- bail Coach at Nortiiwvestern ivil. offer a course un bseki tirS ports including track,, swiîniuig iiand ad- ininîstration, Witl)e given by Franuk Hili, Tomn Robinson aind K. . Xii- son' respectively, al i enibiers oi the M\ortiWesterui athiletic staff. T'he sclhool iiich i ast year at- tracted 285 coaches lias growîîl to the iargest two weeks' coacbing scboo iln the country. UIt started .5ve vears ago witlî j nerrlIment of scventy-five coaches,anîd lias stea(iily -increased -acb y.ear. COING TO WISCONSIN RAPIDS Mr-. anid Mrs. Martini Kalmies, .602 Ridge avenîue, aud thecir dauiglîter, Elizabeth, are leaviiîg uîext wcek by' unotor for WîN1scoisini Rapids to visit MNrs. kalmes' iiiece, Mrs. Fred Sie-el Mrs. Josephi Steilier, 1451 WXVilnîtte avenue. aid lier daugbiter. Miss Lor-,, etta Steiner, are aiso goîîîg, %wîtb the Kajinîe ses. Mr uu rs. Ï)ou.glas S. Crooks. 609 Culniior, road, Kerlworth, .re- turuîed iast- Saturday froni a two w eeks' miotor. and-boat trip througli Michigani, stopp)iiuîg at Sault St. 'Marie and( resorts in iiortberî Vsni. Dr. George Safford of Wiinîette, wlho is sPenldinig the sunîmiier ai bis suminier home at littie Point Sitlle, Midi. wzms the *iwcst of Mr. and Mrs. 925 Linden Avenue Hubbard Woods. 16M0 Shermi tEvanstq Greenlemi V. A SMITII--Dîstributor ian Ave. 90M Linden Ave. onl I-ubbard Woods f 0700 Winn. 65 mou

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