A Réal Bargain 7 RMIS., 2 XATHS, FINE LARGE wooded lot, nr. lake and trans., was $25000; reduced to $17,500; your own ternis, or will* relnt. 720 Linden Ave.1 -Uni. 8383 or Wil. 5172. 72L14-Itc OR ALýE BY OW ER-6 RM. HOUSE 3 bdrms. 2 baths, H. H., gar., large beautiful. wooded lot, east of R.'R., Reasonablyý priced. Mlght rent furri. or, unfurn. CalI Glencoe .497. 72LT14-ltc FOR SALE-6* RU. BRICK BUNGA- kiw, H.. W. heat, auto. water -heater, 2 car gar, Cail afte'r 9 P. M.,,Wiimette 2928. 72LTN10-tfe -45,600-5 RAI. FRAM1E BUNG. LOT 92 X160. Near Northfieid. $tation.- N. S. Line., 1933 McDaniel Ave., Evanston.. Ph. Niles Center 21. 72LT14-ltp 74FOR ISALE-VAtCANyt LOW VACANT PRICES 4OW BUILDIN G CQSTS Buy ',iACANT NOW AND BUILD GOacoe .112 Zt. wooded honme site on wlndlng road near transportation and lake $8.250. Highland Park 109. n. wooded ravine lot Price $7,500. 122 Ft. exclusive Westmoor road eat of Ribbard $21,000.. 130 ft. overlooking Skokie lub, wooded .price $10,000. QUINLAN & TYSON, mnc. 714 Elni St,, Winnetka Winn. 2198 74Ll4-ltp BARGAINS IN VACANT 50 ft. x 200, N. E. Highland Park, $65 ft. 50x150, Northfteld, $25 a ft. 78x270, Northfield, $25 w.ft. B. H. BARNETT ]Roorn 4 526 Center St. Phone Winnetka 965 74LTN14-ltr RAVINIA. LOT, 90X170, WOODED, owner must seli. Make offer. Walter P.. Smith & C.o. 387 Park Ave. Glencoe 70 t 74LTN14-ltc se EXCHANGE -REALv»tTTc North Shore Owners, c Attention! FOR SALE DINING ROOM TABLE and 'Berv* la good condition Cheap. Phi. Winnetka,2414. 86L14-ltp F~OR SALE4-UPRIGHT PIANO, CHECAP. la good, condition. Ph., Winnetka .851. 86LTN14-ltp GAS 'HOT AIR FURNACE, PRAC- ticaily new, ample for 8 of 9 ?ooin hse. Bargain. Call Mr. Warren, Winn. 3070. 8LT14-ltp LAWN MOWERS, 12 INCH, $3. 13 inch, $9.- Wheel hoe, $2. Single day bed $8. 1258 Asbury, Wmnnetka 1419. ý88L14-1tDp FOR SALE--GIRL'S BICYCLE. IN good conidition; Ph. Wiimetteý 1482. 88LTN14-lte NOTICE 0F AUCTPION SALE 0F GOODS-Notice, is hereby, given .to Miss V. Rowden, M. R. Corcoran,. J. B. Ducoing, Mrs.- Amelia Kuhn, F. Foster, C. M. Davis, J. H. Picken and to al others that may be. interested hereln, that there wiii be sold at public auction,. at the wareroom o)fRensch Fireproof Warehouse, formerly Warble Storage and F urniture Co., 521 Mainà St.,< Wii- mette, 111 , begfinnlng at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the lS5th -day of August,. l1'31, to satisfy, the , Warehousemnan's Lien, now heid by the,.tàidersiigned. .. Miss V. Rowden-Loi No. 1848- Truink. M. R. Corcoran-Lot No. 1698- Trunk. J. 'B.. Pucolng-Lot, No.,. 1602-ox, gas stove.. Mz-a. Amella Kuhn--Lot No. 1589- Trunk, bundie drawlng papei', easèl, 4 cardboard boxes. F. Poster--Lot No. 197-Vanity dress- er, dlning table, bundie table pads, four bcd rails,' four bed ends, mnattress,, spring, gas jstove, box glass, kitcheni table. CÇ. ZM. Davis-Lot No. 1409-Buffet, 2 stands,.2 windiow 'seats and pad, bundie.j bed siats, 6 bed sides, 2 uph. arm chairs,j 2 dressers, bed spring, 2 vanity dressera, 2 iron bed ends, 2 table boards, table top, table base, washig, machjine, 2. dressing stols, 2 mirrors, *2 bedroom cnair,, wrltlng desk, 2 hampers, wash bolier, 6 springs, 6 dining chairs, book- case and shelves, 2. brass Jardiniers, tabourette, 10 bed ends, bundle ta- ble leaves, library table, serving ta- ble, 2 stands, corner chair, 2 center tables, vacuum cleaner, hall bech, trunk, .7 mirrors,. à bundîca ,iron bcd rails, S pictures, chairi cente r 'ta-; ble, hall mirror, 2 White chairs, white sto ol, carpet sweeper, pail and contents, 2. floor- lamps, 2 dressers, b u n d 1 e cuirta.in sti'étcher, 8 boxes, 2 cases, 5 barrels, dining table, top, 2 dining table ,Mr.. oif Deti :NIrs.,1 nue.T their li lie in J. 'G. Munro and daugliter,. Miss jean Munro, 1l119 Elmwood avenue, are spending a month. ia San Gabriel, Cal. vis5iting 'Dr. and Mrs. Heirbert: West, formierl1v of Wilmnette., Williams B. Mouflon, president, ofý the ViIageof Winnetka, -and Mrs. *A ndrew MAacLeish of Glcencot, past presiden t of- the Chicago Woniayt's club and of the Giecae,.iWoiéuak's,.Libr ary ciubý twdll L'e on the speakeers' programn at a m'leeting, of the Peace caravan, at 4 o'cèlock oit the Village Green, Winnýeika. Tite caravan i: making a journev jrom. the Pacific ta the Atlantic oceans and is stopping in cities along the woay ta secure signatures for World Disarmiaient pet ilions. Thîe carat'an is imaking the tour under filic auspices of the WVomei's Itrainl ege CASHIER ON VACATION > Miss Millicent Bauer, cashier in the office of Village Cýollector E. H Kerr, is on vacation., She' is touring in Wis- consin. Miss. Bauer left on August 1 and wvill be gonie two weeks. Citizens Bank," spn thieir summner cottage in nort]lhern. Mt ichiganl. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Holding of 309 Seventeenth street and Mr. and Mrs. Hugli Orr. of Evanston, tnotored to Lugerville, Wisconsin o Ver 1t he week- end. Mý r. and . Mrs. sons, Paul and Greenleaf avenue.- Josephi Cole and Harry Cole, 717 will drive to the 1 will be gone until Mr. and Mrs. Martin jergensen, 506 Park. avenue, spent several days last week on 'a motor trip to Wiscoasin.' -0- Mrs.,,Alva Sower-s of 537 AbbottS- ford 'road,, Kenilwvorth, entertairied her brid4geclub yesterday.' Betty Marie Caristen of Chicago lias spent the last ten' days as the guest of Joan Benner, 1420 Maple avenue. Dr. and Mrs. G. H..-Weaver, 1020 Ashland avenue - returned last week' f rm a .ive weeks' -tour of the west' coast and the, Canadian Rockies.-