if we kflow DeIore-[hjJii te tureau ot the story that we~ arc witnessitig. A book suich as Bacon's "Operas Every Child Shiould Know>' is a goM' general reference work to own. Tt* contains "descriptions of the text avd music of' sorne 'of the most faulons, masterpieces" along with a short bit about the, author and the 'historical background of'eaçh'opera. Tiiere ate some seven teen operas discussed, in- cluding. "Il Trovat.ore," "Carimen," "3ý,arthia," and "Aidla." Thiough lés,; coiffete lian thie for- nier bo0ok, McSpIad(deni's "Stories From Great Opéras" %vill be ýof aid to thé opera stiI(lent. TflecOperas'.are told as stories, and nleither ýthe librettos nor the imtlsic are iicid(ed.. For tho,;; Nvhio mirelv wisli to kliow the plots of sonie oýf the better known onies. this volume. is suggested. If it is the \Vagncrian ,operas that, lintriue -ou, th.ere'.arc two o col:- that vou should' know about; Mc- Spade's"Stories Froin W'agner" is perlîap-s the sini)le'r, anid while a greater nfifll)r of \agnecr's imaster- picCCs ire.cisciissed, there is flot t-ie ,thotroutghnc'lss. and. comleteflcss of, treatîment that 'the .,saine .oples rire giveni in Aunia Aice Chiapin's '\V'oiîder- Tales From \ýVagnier."1 This volume (lealjs ith. just, :.fi've of,\'Vagn-er's -t 1i - "Th c Flving Dultciniain, 4"Tauniiiliser," "IIohengrin,""Trs and sole."and "The .\l astersingers of Nrenbcrg" lut on accolint of its music stutient, to appreciate this book to tfe fullest extent,. for it concerns itself rather with the motifs, the re- frains and the tone effects than wit]î the actuai opera stories. It i4 a bit of a step from the austere and heavy ,.Wagner tale 1s to W., S. Gilbert's "Mikadio," but this Iigïht and anîusing storv of Japaný told in music will"ever remain a fa.vorite, and even if you hiave'never had the fortune to, liear it., vou can. catch much of it's Oriental spirit from the briglit piç-. tuËes and, text. of "The Story of the M\ikado" told by W. S. Gilbert. ]Pleasaliton's "Fairvla,*id of the Opera" also0 car res this gay ai. hrighter nxote and its initerpretation.of somIe Of our lighter op)eraàs is indeef! fairv-like. -And finallvi there.is a book for the. ve .rv, y'oun gest opera-goers, Akir.'s -Opera Stories from \ýVagiier." whieh Mrs. Blernard Brown,: street, has lef t for a f ei ini New York. and Washii e Frins' athletcs in Telephoues WILME Ir Ç21 .WIMEI.Ar;,22 e A00 CLOTHIESMANT MAKE THIE> MAN.. bat. Today a man 'worth is not based 'on, thel kind of clot.hes he wears. Clothes may flot niake the man. . but very often tbey do. help the man to 'prove bis, worth. Tbey oftenopen the door of opportunity and bis TuE VILLAGE. Phone WILMETTE 781 Evanston P-hone CLEANIERS, Lg1»., Pho ne GLENCOE 654 ÇREENLEAF 7441, WILMETE2.1 CAB, SERVICE HiERBON 'GARAGE, 732-lZth- ST. Each man. owns and drives bis own cab. Thî8 is a guarantee of safe andsane dËrimg. Rates by Meter, Hour or Trip 24-HOUR SERVICE Miss Lillian..