Open- Today-- ýShop and Save!é 81 0 ýC H.URC H STR EE T (Opposite marshitll Field: 60 Co.) DELICATESSEN Ail cf auready to serve dol- icacies prepareciý by an expert .chef in aur saitary kitchen on the permises. Wisc onsi's Finest SWISS CHEESE, carefully selected for fine texture and real. Swissy'.'flavor. See it 1cut from the mammotb 2 wheel. Lb...........32 BR ICK CREAM4 CHEESE-Sbipped directly to us from the 1 best dairies. Lb.. ... 7 SUMMER SAUSA - Thueringerstyle.ALb..2. 5 LJ FRANKFURTERS - Rchter or Os- Car Mayer,2 Pure Wieners, lb .....2 C HOME-MADE SALADS- French Potato, Mayonnaise Potato, Ger- man Potato, Cole SIew, Vegeteble, Kidney Bean. Speciat introductory offor to acquaint you with21 their goodness. Lb.:.... 2, ROASTED' CHICKENS - Stuffed with a savory dr.ssng and roasted brown. Each........89 IN OUR BAKERY THURSDAY ONLY QUALITY: .MEATS, LEG 0F LAMB- Genumne Sprînj. 5 ta b I each lb... 24C ROAST BEEF-Boneless' Native RRoKçastfRolled, cut from governmentgraded beef, properiy, aged, large endo, lb......... LC, SPRI NG CHICKENS-Fresh. dressed,i fened and scientifically fed. Fryers or, Broilers. 2-lb. average, lb......... milk fat-. 32Zc1 SLICED BACON-A speçial ;ugar-cured ba con thfit we feature 3 bs.7f For this sale..............for7 c HAMBtJRGER-Fresbly ground to. order, eco- nomical and 2 b 29 wholesone'............or29C POT ROAST-Cut from government I graded corn-fed beef, lb ............L21c FRESH FISH AND SEA F0005 EVERY DAY - BUTTER CIov.rland CreamQry._ but- ter, seIectecl by pur lbutter expert frorn Wiseôèitsins finest creaïnèrles. ln on, or.29c FRUITS AND, Sfrictly n.wly-Iad egjgs, shipped by truck di- r.ctly te us from nearby farmu. ln cartons.27 Doe......... VEG ETABLES GROCERY DEPT. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE- 'Good to the3' Las t rop-lb.......2C SWANSDOWN CAKE:2 c FLOUR, pkg,........LL Red SALMON, tail can... ... A qu*art of GRAPE JUICE, pure and bealthful 34cý CANADA DRY GINGER * 'Hstess" carton of l4 12 boffles........ TOMATO JUICE, No. I size, 2 cens for.......... 15C GRAPEFRUIT, ,wbot, segments.,1fin- est Florida pack No. 2 si2e, 2 cens for ........37 ATO.UR FOUNTAIN SODAS, an. lvCo (Thursday, Friday and Stituray OnIy)> MALTED RASPSERftIES, fre. boa...1 . . .... 5 Lt.endI lusci.uas StACK- SERIES front Washngton. 2 boes. f25r