THEFIRST -FALL SHQwING OlFAuTuMN-' 1931 MODIES- F rocks Of Soft 1Crepe Suits of Sup pie Velvet $16050 Subtly it.rpreting the graclous linos of new Fait- fashion the frocks and suifs which comprise our ntwrh olcinwil forma perfect basis for your now wardrol>.. -'One-Piece Frocks and Three-Piece Suis Riclicolorings, IuxluriomIs fabrics and softening touches charac- first Fait costumes, as .xemplified in the suit of trans- parent velvet and the one-piece crepe frock Mlustrated above. Apparel Sho ps-Second Floor Delicate Pastels Chavacterize Neùw New Coats' August-Priced 511lk Undies In Fitteci Styles achieve th" ultimate in coat fashions. Select your new coat now . . . et unusual savngsl Apparel ShoPs-Secomd Floor, ininifios offer à vost glection of Iovely colerings andsyl. Liugcrie-Secosd F5o, West i Awvaiting You!, In a, Fali Sale j Oulu