ýiwQ.ATS Vivid Shdc Rich Brown-Wood Green -Wine- and the ever-popular black-are the season' s oufstanding colors. >vel' edi- of' Ile Straiqht Lin0 In contrast ta last year, Ibis year the tri- angle silhouete is in- verfed, with the width aboveIthe w-aisI' taper- ing fo straighter hem- Drapa f1lockJInc col- Introducing a Right-About Face i MiUlinery Fashions!? EMRESS EUCENIEHýATS As LOW As ifsa .vouonary fashbon ,à bt very intriguing end becomng, one 0f 'Course the hats mus b. worn cor-' reC4l- to b. smrt--tit.dforward' over tk. right Mye exposing the bair on thé Ieft sidui. A variety Of styples ..sOmi quite. modified.- Black, brown, green, nav ... ail headsizes. Ili the NEW Mihinery Sectiot-LQR' eod or, North. Back. toSchool, in A."B. I ce. P-ERCALES A Very Special Seilling at 19 ya rd 1 -iý No other fabr ic is more pracfical and inexpensiv- yet so smart and Iona-wearina. A. B. C.. >rcèswili ew V lonnet ssiseve.' In the Hotisewes Section-L~ORD'S---Pirit Floor, East Ieoom MAIL AND PEONi1 OEDERtS PROMPTLY PliLLUDr