Underwriter designation. Mrs. E. M. 'Merrili and'son, Walter, The Amnerican College of Lif e Un- 1106 Greenwood avenue, returned last derwriters, which rnakes' these. week f rom Lake Geneva, Wis. where awards, was established by outstand- tbey spent five weeks. Thiev are now ing leaders in the life insurance vo- inl Grand Rapids, Mich. visiting Mrs. cation for the three-fold purposé of 1-enry Stinison. (1) encouraging and fostering, train- ing of, students ini educational. insti- tutions for the career of professional lie underwriter, (2). cooperating Nvith educational institutions- inigeier-tl life-insurance education, and,ç3) rec- ognizing properlv (Iualified .fi e 'Un- derwriters, with a Professional. desig- nation. Both Mr. Dodds anid Mr. Budinger are' well known on. the niorth shore. Mr. Dodds is conniected ith, the Nýorthiwestern Mutual Life Inisurance con'pany, ivitl. offices, in Evanston. .Mr. Budinger is connected with. the Franklin Life Insurance conxplatiy oi Chlicago. The Chicago charter of Chartered Lufe underwriters, of wvhich these two nien are now iinemibers, .ill.,hoil a nl.eting.in4 Septemiber to iveilcoinie thie new C. L. 'S.1 Homie Rentai .Activit Inerecases Along Shore Quinlan andTyson, miic., report in- creased activity -in the 'renting .oi hennes along theë north shore. F. Fletcher 'Garlock, associated, with; Ch ase -Harris- ForI) es corpora- tion bias rented,the 7-roomi brick Col- onial at 1.09 Fuller lane, \\Winnetka. Mr. Garlock and f'aniily are rnoving here from Rochester, N. Y. The 7-roorn English brick home at 260 Vernon avenue, 'Glencoe, lias beeîi rented to I. G. Ivison, who is con- nected with the National Cash Regis- ter .company in Chicago, Mr. frison is moving 10 Chicago'froni 'Australiai where he lias been conne cte d wi th the same ,conpafiy for the last eight. y7ears. The new brick home at 1203- Ash street, Winneétka, lias been rented t0 Byron Goldstein of Winnetka., F. M. ýOrndorff, of the Winnetka office Wvas the ,broker in the above transactions. 4 In. order that they m-nght aid ini the free distribution',oi ice to the cjty's poor, George and jack Redding, Vaughan jolinston, and Suzanne and lè s. La -7 St Fan1I 1710 rne fes LO0K at the long list of valuable prizes that wiIl be awarded for the Jes! 37- letters submitted i the Kelvinator Comparison Contest. Think of it - mor e than $ in cash and merchandise prizes. $5,000.00 for Ffrst Prize-$1,250.00. for Second. Prize!. Eveérybody i-l eligible! Anyone can win! See the Kelvinator ]Representative Jisted below for fuli information. Contest ends August 3lst. Don'tdelay. Win oue of tiese valuable prizes. Get started TO-DAY! READ THE WANT ADS EEARlETE PRIZES YOU CAN WJNt lst PRIZE 2ud PRIZE (Càsh)........1,250.00 6~78-0 478.00 * - Mrs. Earle Scott an-d daughter, Mar-~ !ha Jane, of Buffalo, N. Y., are spend- ing a nionth with Mrs. Scott's sister, Mrs. 0. G. flaily, 618 Tenth street. Mrs. H. V. Ferreli and daughter, E~velyn, of Marion,-, Ill., are visiting Mrs. Charles J. Michelet, 1028 Sheri- dan. road for a -f ew dàys.