road. The garage was used for the niany exhibits. Green branches filled the corners and the entries were placed on square boxes painted 'red. orange, and tan and placed at di if- erent heights, gieing a rather modem-ý istic effect. The e'xhib>its were ar- ranged in fine.sections of two classes each. First and- second prizes* wée awardedas .follows: * Section , 19 class 1, arrangemeènt of foliage in terrace jars-first prize, Mrs. John Oleson for a large pottery jar with high bush cranberiy; second prize,- Mrs. Frank NZason, large pot- tery jar with sumac; class 2-arrange- ment of flowers in lusterý-first prize Mrs. C. Howard Bent, with- large luster vase, yellow and'lavender flow-. ers, second prizie, Mrs. Oliver Barrett., *brown luster pitcher with orange lantana. Section 2, class 1, ivhite lowers in white container- * .first prize, Mrs. Chiarles. D. Howe, foi her arrangement of .baby's breath an!~ * snow on the mountain in white con- tainer; second prize, Mrs. Lindsley, for a white container with white pe- tunias ;.class 2-first., prize, Mrs. Oile- son, creani colored vase. with Queen' Anne's lace; second prize, Mrs. Rob- ert Burns, ight grey-green vase withý * Section 3, class 1, arrangement of vines or floivers in bottles-first, Mrs. WV. W. Wbeelock, green bottie withi rubrurn i hes; second, Mrs. Alfred Flodge, large green bottle with bitter- sweet vine. Section 4, class 1, wild flQwer ar- rangement-first prize Mrs. Harry J. WVilliams, plain glass container with mixed wiid flowers ; second prize, qM >, Mrs. Williams, black glass container, With wild flowersý; class 2, arrange- ment of grasses-first -prize, _Mrs. Howe, copper vase with grasses; sec- ond.prize. Mrs. Nason, vase with grasses., Section 5,'class 1, living room ar- rangement in metal container-first prize, Mrs. David R. DeCarnp, hand *nýiadebrassjar with zinnias in russet owu Work of narringtc Stolp of Kenilwort' Beam. son of Mr. ai LlDavid Whi Spcéa and Ni.- f oronto, ls,N. Y.,-, De onstrati.ons SOUVENIRS TO-. AýLL ,V.ISITORS Prigidlir.-Jub6ilée Celebratlng '15 years of Achievement I YOU ARE CORDIALMYINVITD' TO ATTEN Se. how the. Hydrator maires even wilt<pd vegetables crisp and fresh- how the Cold Control inaies possible a wide variety of delicious, frozea desserts-how the Quickube Ice Tray enables you to remove ice cubes one at a tisne or a whole trayful. You'Llbe amazed.,by the. dramatic tests which show how Frigidaire's finish withstands hard knocks,. scratches, dirt, grease, heat-even fire itseILf For Porcelaini-on-steel forms prize, Mns. Tom Dix, blue pitcher *with yellow gladioli; class 2-arrange- ment of white flower$ with only one other color-first pnîze , Mrs. Nason, old Chelsea. container in blue, and wvhite with blue scabiosa. and white s. -DOW1iTOWN DISPLAT BOOM: 161 If. WemgamAve. TeL Bma4olph 4961 Evanston u l -101Sherman i Ae. - Co* Greeuleaf 4480 W. G. Beyrer liai18 QENBRAL OFFICES: 219 B. North Water St. TeL WhitebalI 0141 Central Ave.. *Wilmtt. el 1-1265 UMM