Aiming to simplify driving condi- tions in the city for the benefit of visiting motorists, the various gov- ernmental groups of Chicago in con- trol of the city's stieets and boule- vards in the several park districts are planning to enact a uniform' traffic code, according to the,,Chicago Mo- tor club. Taking the lead,. the city council* reetyefacted a ýnew- traffic od nance. It ýwas ,drafted by a specia1 committee, in co-operatowihrp resentatives, from the South, West, Lincoîn,, North Shore and other' park boards. It is expected that the boards soon will pass ordinances incorporat- ing the saine provisions as those adopted by the city., The conflicting provisions of the varis ordinances which have been in effect were the cause of mnany ac- cidents,..somiie of wtvhich were serious, andcaused no end of confusion, the motor club pointed out. M4any. resi- dents, as well as the tnajority of ont __ *of town car owners, unwittingly vio- lated the regulations because thev were unaware of the different-pro- cedures, prescribed in different sec- tions of the city. As an instance of the contradictory nature of the. ordin«ances, the motor club Cited the fact that a left turn on Ridge boulevard or Sheridan road north of, Devon avenue, thorough- fares under the control of the north shore district, is permissible in the face of either a red or green traffic signial, whereas on any of the west side boulevards, under the control of the WVest'parks board, a left turn in thie face of a red signal wopld result in arrest. ___Under the ordinance.passedby the council, 'l-eit>turns can -be m1ade onlyý on the green signal, except where signs or police indicate to the con- trary. The latter, condition applies on Michigan avenue, where signs, prom- inçntly displayed, annouince that left turns can ie nmade on the red signal onfly. The ordinance also provides that Stop,. Danger and nther warninoz SSeeking to avoid the, expense and« delay of condemnation proceedinigs. Cook county in the future will pay cash for ail rights of way for road, building which'iii the..past have been soughtfrom property ominers' withi-> out cost, County CommissionerHom- er J. Byrd, chairman of the roads and bridges, commnittee, declared recently. Difficulty in, court actions when1 prop- erty owners refused to part wi th their land caused the change in policy. The saving effected b diminishing1 con- demnation proceedings wil ofst> h cost of the riglits of way, Byrd said'. The new policy was made known ta property owners, of' Elk Grove and Palatine. townships recently when tentative offers for rights of- way for state route 53 were made. The road will begin at the' Indiana state line and skirt Chicago for eighty miles tn a point near Libertyville. U. C..Abel Leads Ail Competitors in Tire Contest U,. C. Abel, .bead of the Abel Bat-. tcry and Ignition Service, 716 Elm' street, Winnetka, champion, Goodyear tire salesman and runner-up in.manly local golfing contests, ýis nowv going af ,' champ" records ini the latter game. He lbas just received ,a set of Mac-ý Gregor Go-sum rnatched wooden golf clubs, with steel shaf t, first prize award- ed by the Goodyear Tire company in the Junie sup)er-twist sales contest, for the best letter oni "How j1 Super-twist- cd and mnade the sale." "'SupeÏ'-twist' is the cord used in the mianufacture of Goodyear, tires," Mr. Abel explains, 'and it was the volume of tire sales in June -which brought. him 'the. clubs from* thé coin- pany. "U thougbt I could play golf with those old clubs, of mine," the chanm- pion tire salesman explained, as he took bis stance and swished one of bis new clubs throuigh the air, "but, 0* boy, watch iny smoke now." Mr., Abel' is now "up in theé-air" ST >E'E EST. VALUEý EVER INTO* ORD BUILT A CAR .49Q0 (P. 'O. B. Detroi, pius ires gla and deliver-. Dumpers and l are tire extra et iow £055.> H-. leaveland, of the cepartment of 8.8 CARS PER MILE public works and buildings, had this For every mile of higliway in the to say about the situation: "It is United 'States there are registered 8.8 most tinfortunate that this delay is in motor vehicles, according to the Chi- prospect, especially when every ef- cago Motor club. Gibraltar, with forty fort bias been made by theý highway, motor vehicles per mile of h-ighway,, department to launch the biggest bias the most, while. .Japan, Russia and. construction programn in its history so several other' nations possess only .1 as to>provide eniployment.,for many Of a motor veh-icie per mile. thousands of men.! UIteC Dr 71518* I you wil