giè'ncoe îneluuîve whose uaanuzeappear in Ithe LUApIone iU 4rectry, or wau tre reglar subscribers to elther WILMETTEl LIFE, WINNETKICA'ALK ,sr GLNNCOE NEIWS. Raoteç-15 cents a 111e In one aper. 25 cents a lpne In aniy two papers, 3cents a line in ail three papers. MINIMUM CHARGE ONE 1>LLAL Average of five woids to the Ulne. No black face type uued. »S %ldtenuat es ail cagh wltbeider.gdvertiseuients wIaea brought - te our 1~at 211 9Cetral Ave., Wllnctte, or 641 LimoinAve., Wlnàetka. Deadii8 for Insertions- Casfied advertlsëentis wlll be . theWIMETELIFE or ail tbree papers; Wednosday 9 o'clock for the, WINNETKÂ TALK -and 'Thursday 5à o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. fTeplhoneu: .Wilmette,4300, Wlnxinetka 2000, Gréenleat 4300 or Sheidrake 5687. 8LosT AND POUND 22 MUSICAL INSTrRUMENTS FOUND - pAiR OF BIFOCAL SPEC- GR AND PIANO BARGAIN i,,tacles. CalWlnnetka 2000. May, be FOR SALE-GRAND) PIANO-ON *LY -had by ldentitying, and paylng for used a short tIrn*e. On'account of pur- ad. 2LTrNl5-lip chaser. being unable to complete pay- LOST BLACK AND> BROWN MALE ments, we will transter the account pup, child's pet. Reward. Ph. wîî1 - to a responsible party for balance due * mette 1630. 2LTMi5-ltc $319.84, and arrange easy terms if desired. This, piano origlnally sold for *FOUND-A BUNCH 0F KEYS. OWN- $717.00 and is.guaranteed the same or may have samne by paylng for tbfr w gnié aganfr oe ad. Cal Willrette 4993. 2LTNi5-tc 'new; ôrý arenunlar ainfr some-.A - Starclç Piano Co., '228 S. Waébash S AtIQESAvenue, Chicago, Ili. 22LTN15-Ite ~ A A TT1. ý fT T FOR S ALE j- A FA1.IZ' V' U, hltchlng posts, $25. 255 Poplar St., Wlnnetka. Phono Winfletka. 2114. 6LTN15-11tc S UIPLING AND CONIrRACTINC - CARL BENGStON - CARPENTBR AND> BUILD*R IUDMO»3LING AND REPAIRING PHONE WINNETKA 2480 8LTN4 4-ttc *9 ausiNESS UER VICE Bell your paetoInvenion- by exhib- Iing your model or drawing at the Second and Greater INTERNATION- AL PATENT1 EXPOSVITION, CICA- *GO. 'Thousands of manutacturers and patent buyers ýwillI nspect ne'w do- vices and patents for marketing. Very lnw rates. If you have nu model, *drawings and description wlll do. Send for freé pamphlet. B. Hamilton Edison, Managing Direetor, Interna- tionial' Patent Exposition, Merchan- tieMi, cHJLCAGO. 9LTNi5-3te AillUniof Car>ener Work, Don. JOHN B eCn Ph. Wllmette 2165 DRSSMAKINSi LADIES' GARMEN2 remodeled and repa Àve., Wilhette, Ph. RED PERINGESE WITH. BLACK ýmask. Reglstered. Fine pedigree. Fe- male. Nice disposition. Wlnnetka 1971.' 26LTNi5-itQ DR. F. C. 13USCH',BOM, DOG AND cat hospital. Bathlng, boarding, out- door runs. 1000 Ridge Rd. Ph. IVil- -mette 5004. 26LTN14-2tp 38 * LOANs LOANS TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Make and buy lst and 2nd mortgages. EVANSTON BOND & MTG. CO. 618 Grove St. Greenlenf 5600 - 38LTN36-tfe 41 SITUATION WANTED-Fl[MALE EXPERIENCE D HEILP, A btter omployment, service for the North Shore homes. References personally, investigated. NO CHARGE: TO EMPLOYERS, Tolephones 'Winn., 2662, Davis 7777, HlghId PI. 2520 PAUfLINE'S EMi'. AGENCIES ,, 748 Elm St. 634 Davis St. 8 North lot -Wlnnetka Elvanston Hlg4ild Pk - 41LTN9-tfcý e Jr. as.*e.. 4 yr. refe 2 yr. refer Local ref. esvea gS a t>J VUUJLU. * SECOND - CHAMBER Swedish girl 30 yr. 4 y;. rot. Irish girl 35 yr. 2 yr. ref. Germah girl 27 yr. 3 yr. ref. NUTRSE MAIDS Engllsh girl; 4 yrs.. .12 yrs. NS. ref. German girl 35 yrs. 7 yrs. referenco. Scotch girl 28 vrs. 9 yrs. Winnetka ref. French girl 30 yrs. 18 mo. rot. English girl 33 yrs. 5 yrs. rot. Ail references on' file. Tel. Winnetka 2662i * PAULINE'S AGENCIES 4 Northi Shore Offices 4iLTNi5-ltc WHITE GIRL WISHESGNRA h lousework. hait ort whole day, go' homeý nights.; Ph. Wllmette 2038:.ý 41L15-lnc GIRL WANTS GENERAL HOUSE- work, haît or whole days. Go home nights. Ph. Wilniette 3945. 41L15-lnc WHITE WOMAN WITH CHILD DE- sires work, general or mothor's helper. Good rets, Small wages. Ph. Mrs. 'Happ, Wilmette 3839. ,4iLTN!5-1nc WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK.,REF- erenes,. Ph. Wllmette 3945. - - 41LTN15-iUc EXPERIENCED STENOGRAP1UER adbook keopor .dcésires either tefm- porary or permanent work. Ph. WiI-, mette 4134. 41LTN15-Ine MAID OR COUPLE COLORED, GOOD cook, general housework. 5 yrs. exper- ence. Good. Roference. Ph. Oakland 5333. 41LTNi5-Itp CHILD'S NURSE, 35, AMER, RE- fined, willing, cap. full chge. Exe. ref. -$20-$25. Write B-145, Box 40, . Wil- mette. 4iLTNi5-ltp COMPETENT, RELIABLE COLOREI) girl would like KOferal housowork oi cook. Best N. S. refereùoces. Ph. 'Wil- motte 336. 4iLTN15-Inc H OUSEKEEP'ER E F FI C I E N T, trustworthy, French-Amerlcan, cook- ing, excellent references. $10. Ph. Wilmette 4944. 41LTN15-linc YOUNG WOMAN 'SOCIALLY AC- . Quaintedwants position .as copanion to an .elderly .Woman or as a. maný- ager of. home. Address B-144, Box 40, Wlmette, 111.4LNi-t EXPERIENCED 'WOMAN WANTS' laundry or cleanlng 'Mondays, also Thursdays. Caîl Wilmette 4288 aftor 5 :30. 41LTN15-ine GIRL ATTENDING HIGU SdHOOT, wishes place as mother's helper. Ph. r- ir^ilN*NIE-ML COMPErENT WOMAN WISIIES TO SIAINWMTf4AL nt to tako care ot children day or nlght F'ILIPINO CHAUFFEUR AND~ BUT- ie 35 conts per hour, alio'have college ler, wlth clty o2perlence an~d roter- e- daughter that can do saine. Ph. WiI- once. 3920 Lake Park Ave. Ph. Joe r mette 4203. -41LTN15-lnc Oakland 1992. 42LTN15-ltp .5 e.,iCO.ORED WOMAN WANTS WASH- WANTED - POSITION AS'HOLISE- k-) ing to. takce home, wil also do day man, youn g ian, age 25, nu experi- , work, .cleaninig, washlng, etc. Rot. Ph. once, willing to bain4Cai Wlnnetka te Davis 7875. * 4LN5lp 189&. LTi-t ttIjiN15-1tc MAID TO ASSIST WITH UPSTAIRS work, servlng, mending, pressing. Go home nlght.s. 76 Locust Rd., Ph. Win- netl<a 3464. 44LTN15-lte 43. HELP WANTED--MALEK BOY FOR CARE OP LAWN AiqD ODD Jbl3. 2 houirs dally. $3 ppPh. Wiennetka 8213. 45LT'Weit * Il * f 4-'-- 94,0. 4IL I netka f. Filipino 32 yr. A-1 Butler- Valet 7- ,Driver, 6 yr. references. Gernian 30 yr. Butler -z- Drive and Gar-' den, [1/2 yr. wlth present employer.t Ajnerican 35 yi'. First class chauffeur. 1Il yr. Winnetka, re ference. Gerian 28 yr. A-1 Gardener and green- house man, 7 yr. with present ei-. ployer. Tel.. Winhetka 2662 .PAULINE'S AGENCIES 4 North Shore Offices 42LTN15-ltc SITUATION WÀNTED-GARDENER, American, agéý 52 yrs., experienced outside and greenhouse work. Ref. Address R1401 Central Hotel. Wil- mette, I1I. 1:-42L15-Inc JAPANESE MAN WANTS GENERAL housework position, good cook, reli- able. and 'willing worker, 8 yrs. last place. Write. H. H., 5733 Kenmore. Ave., Chicago. 42LTN14-2tp GENERAL HSE. CLEANING, WIN- dow washing, drive car,. landscaping, serving and waiting table by experi- enced young mnan. WiIl work steady. Ph. Winnetka 1397. 42LTNiS-lne CHAUFFEUR. AMERICAN NATION- ality., Âge 35. Single. 19, years driving experience. Mechanic and haindy man around house. Best of ref. Ph. Gleneoe 1346. LT1-t WANTED- POSITION ON PRIVATE estate, a-s--gardener, by middle aged Amerlcan, tully capable to take ful charge, married, no chlldren. Write B-95, Box 40, Wilmette. 42LTN11-tfp WANTED POSITION, AS CHAUF- feur. garidener. and housem an. Ex- perienced. Ph. 'Wlnnetka 3338. 42LTN15-l-tc EXPERIENCED MAN, WASHI WIN- dows, care of lawns, garden woXk, etc., Winnetka t1.552. 42LTNI;-j-Il 43 SIT. WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE E,'XPERLEIENCED COUIPLEs Excellent No. Shore references. Gema cupeWHITZ4 Geriancoule35 and 40ylr. Mr. A-1 driver-Butier and yardmdn. Mrs. ex- *cellent cook. i1.yr. with'. î»'esent 4em1- ployer. 4 . Dutch couple, each 4ýyrr. gon d- ill- round. man. -Mrs., good coOk or up-, 4 yr. No. Shore ref., Scotch' couple, 40 yr.. housenai-drive, yard. Wife excellent cook, 4 y*n.No Shore rot. COLORED Colored, 48 yr..9 yrs. with present em- ployer and the, best of references. Colored,. 34 yr. a very neat. industrous coupe-ilk4 yr. Winpetkà references. We place experienhcedl help only. Winnetka 2662 PVAITINýE'S AGENCIES 4 North Shore Offices 43LTNlS-ltc YOUNG GERMAN COUPLE EXPE[it- enced, with North Shore refèrence, wants position. Licensed chauffeur- and good cook. Cail Winnetka 186,,