ýmATiNEEs sATrURDAY. SUNDAY and HOLIDAYS DOOrm OPenu1:30 Show Statu a: a'P. M..,ýCoginausu Evnna ting Week Domrs Open 6:30o--Show Starta 7 P. M. TONIGHT-FRIDAY and SATIJRDAY Stars of «C»zmarron."..and USjdppyn M.HARtD. COOPER »OUNga Shirts Tonight and Fri. 7:3à; 10:20 Starts Sut. 2:55; 5:20; 7:40; 10:00 ""TEE LION HUNT" ADVENTURES IN AFRICA Comédy . . . News . . . Hunettes Sat. 31tL Prices to 1:00 pou. Adulte $Oc, Cbluldren ait Ail Tmës 10e SUNDAY, MQNDAY, TUESDAY, AUGUST 23-24-25 ""SMARtT MONEY"' EDWARD Q. ROBINSONjSd JAMES CAGNEY St4Irts don., Tue. 7:U; 9:50 Starts Sun. 2,20; 4:2i: 0:80; 8:3i; 10:530 Cý'omedy . Parauteunt Art . . . Niews' WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. AU$IJST 26-27 ""WHITE SHOULDEIRS" JACK HOLT « MARY ASTOR - RICARDOCORTEZ Ceimedy .. Tom Howard, Aet. . ..News FRIDAY .nd SATURDAY, AUGUST 28-29, "TUENIGETANGEL"9 NANCY CARROLL and FREDRIC MARCH RACLVE wOMAH".............. a KING ...Sea' WIFG EX. LIE"P... Ruth Chatterton and DBLIC ENN I ...........r"...... TAX ES". . . . . . . . .. ý . . . . . . . Mitut 6Greeu nad !Rd NURSE" .............Barl OF, EXPERIENCE".............Hl Jack Hoit, as the cait indlionairc w/w ipi thelInidst of Broe lights zwith nmoncyi star in the draina, " ders," at the Teatro We'dpsesday and Thur 26 and 27. Varv Astoi Cortez gi'e Hoit pli about in: this fascinat Risc of Jackie( Is Swift ané From comparative( series. of "kid" comed rotles ini feature films :nonths. is the achievei year-old Jackie Coop Richard Dix in "VYou Kid," at the Teatro Thursday, Fridav and gust 20, 21 and 22. Jackie ,won the call in Startling Role - -v.The Teatro del Lago management takes pleasure in announicing another thrill that worn't soon be forgotten. This is "Smart Money," the film starring Edward G. Rôbinson-who is so vivid in themernory of the -theater- going-public as -'Little Caesar." hi "'Smart llney,"' to be shown 'on Suinday, Monday and Tuesday, August 23, 24 and 25, Mr., Robinson is seen. in a role eqÙally startling and he portrays it with the unique gen- jus which makes any o: bis char-...... acterizations4. .eveûtoôf impor-' tance in thé talk- I world. He plays - Nick, keeper of a small town E. G. Rcobinso. ., arber shop, wilh gambling as a side line. He is literally the big f rog in the smal I - pond and keeps his henchmen in ad- I .*miring awe. Nick's gambling aiways Lwîns, but his-weak point ýis an inor- * dinate love for blondes, and his love- South Anieri- making. always fails. finds hiniself Mr. Robinson is supported by'a large to uy's white and comPpetent cast, headed by James 'te burn, WdICagney and beautif ut Evalyn Knapp. Whtel Soul- Others are Noel Francis, Morgan XVal- rde! ,1 Log o lace, Patil Porcasi and, Maurice Black. ýr and Ricardo 1i akHl sSa nty t think t"White Shoulders,"ý a taikie drarna- tig story. tzation of- Rex Beach's nove1 of mari- - tal maiadjtistments, will feature Mary Astor, Jack Hoit and Ricardo Cortez iiýooper at the Teatro del Lago on Wednesday J.I Amazing and Thursday, August 26 and 27. obscrityin a This film, directed by Mel Brown, obsuriy ~1 awho also djrected Amos 'n' Andy in jesto taringtheir first talkiig picture, m.oves'through within a few ment ~~ ofsve the glaniorous settings of New York's ersen itî up~crust toý.the Riviera and other del Daoo n .sSouth- America in, a procession of dra- Sdel LAu-o matic episodes. Throughout runs the .Saurdv, u-the Rex Beach type of romance-hard- I ~er ilHoly-hitting and flavored with actiôn every - -. $tep of the way. Arie ýnwyrk, AT TEATRO DEL LAGO amney are planning to spe.nd delightful houirs Arien at the Teatro del Lalo which will of - Oliver1 fer attractions, including "The Nigbt nwyc)K Angel" witb Nancy carroil and'Predric retrees March on Friday-and. Saturday, Au-, gust 28 and 29. 1.. . 1. 1 ý *Dix, as Jim Donovan, monarch of 'a New York gang, is f orced through the death of a pal to take over tbe rearing oif a young boy, Out of this associa- tion cornes a great love and the desire to send the,.boy straight. But Donovan's everY nove for good is misinterpreted and heý is hurled into a mnaelstrom,,of trouble* which tears the boy f rom b is atims. The climax . . ah, but that must beseen1 at the Teatro del Lago. s- , , , W e m ý Î_ 1 ý