Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Aug 1931, p. 37

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wee. ~aI ttAKIue vaJ.44LTN61-te .46 HELP WrO.-MALE AND FEMALE COUPLES WANTED W'HITE 4In famlily. Mr. do serving-drivlng; wife must be good'cook. Wages $175 xno. l n famlly. 'Butler and. coo;k work only. Bést of ref. req. Wages $150. 4 adults. DrIVlng-servniganid somie yard. Wl fe Cook, general. Wages $150. PAULINE*S AGENCY 748 Elm St. Winnetka ?662 46LTN16-ltc 48 FOR SALE-AUYOS Reoz zd clf New Auburn, Sedain at.-a discount. We havýe a 1931- Hupmoblle 8 sedan, 6 wlre wheels., car isbrtnd new; sels ;for $1,800 wili seil for $1,500. 1931 Ford Phaeton, 6 Wire wheeis, trunk. raëk, calr cannot be told froni new, $485. 1932 Nash, light 6, sedan $750. 1929 Nash convertible coupe, speciai 6. $550., 1929-Franklin Phateton with tonneat wiids4hlel, driven1,0 miles, 1,000. STANDARD MOTOI;. SECLJRITIES CORP.* 1119 Chicago Ave. Uirt 0057 Open evening,; until 10 <'l0() 1929 :PACKARD SED)AN Standard , A-i condition. 1403 1Pratt BlVd1. Chicago. Ph. Rogers Park 8687. FORD DE LUXERASE.LT 1!e30. Side mounts, rumible s-at,>trunk raek, etc.. Bargain. 1220 ForestAV, Wilmette. .481,T[NI 6-itl 1931 CHEVROLET COACII 4 MOf(NTfIS old 2,800 miles,' demnmtrator $400. (On,. third down. Ph. Wiliiette 1455 evoi- nlngs. . 481,TNIfi-1tl 50 - AuTrO SERVSCE GENERAL AUTO RP~TG A your oivn garage. -'xprt wrnii shlp guaanteed. Very reaisona hie. Catli Wllmette 4866.. 50LI 6-1 tp, 51l FOR RENT-ROONS FRONT ROO.M FOR RENT CONVE NI- ently located for ail transportaition, gentleman preferred. Ph. Wilhiette 3925. .5LT1-lte LGE. CLEAN ROOMS AT REA.9 price. Runnlng wate*r ln aIl rms. Cen- tral Hotel, 629 Main St. Ph. Wilmnett, 1080. frLTN13-tfe Ace( 'ferences,- LARGE FRON T ROQOM F URN. DE- sirab - e east. 8ide location. Private Ikit- chene and gà*rage. if demsired. Also very îleaant ,(e, roôm. Reasonable. Ph. Wiinîete 965R or Kenilworth 86. PLEASANT IFUlNIS.HFD 1100.11WITHi private family.. Suitai'bie for 2. Con- ventent to transp. Garage availabie.. Loe.ated at 955 Elîn St. Tel. Wînnetka 2468. 51LTN16-ltc PLEASANT FURNISHIED ROOMS, ail con *veniences, re1n i.iblock to N. W. Station and, business. 629 Park Ave. Ph. Wi'lmette,2345.,5116-ltc ýNICE LARGE ROOM FOR RENT, running warm water, near -transporta- tion. 3.3, Prk Ave. Wilmette, 11L. 51iLTNl6-lti) NrCELY FURNISHED .1ROOMS. PR!- vate bath ifwanted. 910 Elm St. Win-- netka 2336. 51LTNý1 -Itc 1100M FOR 1. OR 2, XECAR ELM ST. station, Winnetiki. 554 Arbor Vitae rd., Winetka-. . àl'N16-1tp) FURNISH1ED ROOM IN PRIVATE fam.ily. Phone Wlnnetka 1686. S.51LTN1.4-tfc I'LE.A SANTl FRONT ROM NEAR, tra ns. iln Winnetka. Reasonable. Phone, Winntka 10.511TNl6-lp 1 OR)P 2 ROM~S FJRNISHED LIGHT housekeeffing. NeAtr transportation. Ph1. .Wiina'tte 1913. 51LTN16-1tp 1110M FOR RENT ENI MN PRE- fe'ired. $5. Cali Wiirnette 1691; afte r 5 1). m. . 5]LTN16-Itc 52 WANTED TO RENT-flOOtaS YOUNG, MAN, MEMIBER Of Shaw\nee Cotun try Cltub, (lesires1ooni in xtre.îiely' private hoieç,ý located1 pre- ferably nSheridan or IVichigan tliAve., o Lake, Av.ez. reference. Ph. 1,53,ý Box. 40, an.d south Excellent Write' 13- XVili mette. 52L1ý6-fl» ý or I eIIIVU Ii lrotestant cup>lejI. ~ivans ton or WilmeUe. References ex- changed. Address B-152 Box 40 Wii- mette. 641î6-ltc se FOR RENT-APARTMEPNTB WINNETKA,. APARTIMENTS FOR RENT. roonis, tle Ibath, dlec. refrlg.$50 1% roonîs, 2 bedrooms, elec. refrlg. 70.00 5roons, light & airyý, eec. refrig.. 85,00 Convenient. jocation. Best value'in Win- netka. QUINLAN & TI-YSON, bic. 714 Elm:'St., Winnetka Wlnnetka 219)8 DON'T WAIT TOO LONG IF YOU WANT TO LIVU' IN THRE hest képt-up apartments on north shore see "LIN.DEN MANOjR" today. 1095-1101 AMERRILL ST. HUBBAIID WOODS 1,. 4 tnd 5 rooms with colored. tue bath roonis. H. W. CLARIS Winnetka 3380 . 980 Linden Ave. 56bTN16-Ite 1519 H1INMAN AVENI\UE- EVANSTON. A> PISTINCTIVË ADDRESS A l)e.utiful, SIuacious apartment, Six roorns and three baths Wcood-burn ing. fireplaces E levator service with operators Garage, and. car service in building Do6r mani in, attendance lnimed. andI Octoher lst occupancy. YOUÏZ INSPECTION INVITED 56LTN16-ltip 3 ROOM FLAT W1TUI PRIVATE EN- tralice.. Eniffyed couple. îîreferred, 3 blocks Eln Street station. Winnet- ka 1823. S6LTN16-ltp) F0OI! RENT, ATTUZ. NEWLY .FUR- hi>;hed apartinents Z, 3, and 4 riis. See before ail takien. Pli. Wllmette 2399 eor 2427. 56LTN16trc 1062 GGEST.,' HU.TBIR WOODS. 5 rrns. steaun heated apatrnent $6à. Key at 954 Lindlen. Ave., .HÜbbýard. '%Voods. 5eS6LTN16-ltc 4 ROOM RITCHIDNETrE APT. UX-ý phrey ýBuilding. Cali Wlnnetka 98 or 3328. ,56LTr;46-tfc 2 R-M. HETE PARTMI,,Nl. CATLý 1937 Willmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette .4978. . 6LTN16-ltp, B~rick Colonial; 3 bedrms., 2 tile baths..........................$115 Modemn Engllsh brick; 3 bedrms., 2 bat4is....................... 135 Near Lake; studio liv. rm.4 4 bed- rnis., 3 baths ...... . 225 GLENCOFE... Artitie white Colonial; 3 bedrms., .2 bathe.......................$1 Bricek.Colonial;* large lot; 4 bed- rms., 2 baths, oih heat.....15 Beautiful French brick: 10 rms.; 3 bedrms., 3 bat -hs, cholce loca- tion, oh heat............. ...... 275. TIIGHLAND PARK Early American Colonial; 3 bed- rms., 2 baths, 2 porches ........ $150 Near Lake; modern brick; 6 bed- rms., 3 baths ............200, QUINLAN & T"YSON, Inc. 114 Elin St.,. Winnetka Winnetka, 2198 60>LTN1-Itc FOR RENT Fine North Shore Homes ,NORMAN BRICK, 4 BlDrtOOMS. 3 baths, H. W. 011 heat. ýEiect. refrig., club room, 2 car garage. Highly à?, tractîve.L...................... $200. Tudér.,engiish. Brick, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, club room, 2. car gar., H. W. Ou1 heat..'Elect. refrig. and dishwash- erý at Loeust land Ashiaid, very choie................ 1......... $25.0 Norman Engiish, 4 bedrooms, '3 bath e, à 1% story living rooni and master bed-.' rooi,. 2 car garage, One of the ýmost beautiful on North Shore....$5 Many,,other hiouses ln Wilmette, Kenil- worth, Wlnfletka and Giencoe, e185 Up. B.:tILLS REALTY, mct.> 1649 Sheridan Rd. Wilmette 3740 270Z Ashland Ave. Gre.,3144 6OLTN16-ltc CHOICE HOtTSE IRENTALS Weil located furnished or unfurnished American brick Colonil. 4 bedrms.,. 2 baths, breakfast rm.ý, sun rm,, oil heat, 2 car garage at a very reason- able rentaI. SoutheaÊt Winnelkalt 7 rnis, ElliIsh est'. tage, .4 bedrms., 2 baths, large living rm., garage att. at $150, Wc have a c hoice list of homes for rent, Caeli. us for further details. E. . tuits Real:ty. Co. 460 Wlnnetka Ave., Winnetka, 1800 gOLTlG4tc WILMETTE.HOME ATTRt. >7 RM. HOUSE, H-W.HT., beautiful Wooded dbl. corner lot fac- lng Park, conv. echools, trans. Garage. Fumnished or unfurnielied. Possession Sept. let. 852 Park Ave., Ph. Wii- mette, 199)9. G OLTN16'-ltp ay- w': E TE LIFE am, t I Il I 1 il,

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