Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Aug 1931, p. 40

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No Seuefit. lere "As Wilmet.te will use during the next twenty years about 2,904,140,0(K) cubic feet. of water, it would niean that we wilI pay Evanston towards their water works plant $29»,414 be-. sides paying six percent interest. tu o ther words, it wouldindicate that while one-planit couldmore eco nonm-, icallyproduce water for the twoô vil- lages.than two separate plants, Wil- mette.would derive no benefits. "if they,(FEvanston) gave us. water at 4.69 we would be paying $290-,414 toward the. cost of :the. Evanston water works and they would own ii, andi at the end of twentv vears. we would have nothjng to irepres ent our, $290.414 paid Evanston. We woulàd be paying them.n six percent, interest on this sum over twenty vears. "Ini additionto the .0469 cents per one hundred cul)ic f eet> we would, of: course, have to pav, our local pumPing charges. the $50,000 to con-. nect with Evainston ant also $30.000 for an atiditional eleva ted st orage. Makes Cost Analysis Now let me analyze iii genieral what the seven cent rate mieans. Titis means that over andi above .0409 cents they waint an additional sumù of .0231 cents per one hundred cubic feet, andi during the twentv years this woid equal $670.856, so tlhat thiese two suinis equal $961,270 over and above E%- anston's cost. ."Bear" thîs ini consumption ilme also. thlat as the cost (le- receive no sucli Lehie Photp Dr. Frank, Orman Beck, 2000 Sheridait ,road; Eato,zîtiose, reconciliation trips for yirou/'s front thé, north shiore have bren succetçs- fui/y. coiuiucted Io centers of inter- national hiterest i Chica ' (o for the lasi severol vears. sailed ectl for flurote Io make a stud.v' of internationîal 'and social cdhin Ilig itincrary will include Englanid, Hollahid, Gerinany, Polanti, Latvia; Li- tliuania andi Russia. In Holland he will meet with the International Council of Reconciliation to discuss the* European unrest, and' in Russia he will be the guest of Morris Stolar, Anierican news- IV**t"Ii. In lis a *.O Plite, tIule . *skippered by' HlI lliott, lhas been chosen to represent Lake Michigan. Mr. Denison's Hummier stood 'ont clearly as the best of the boats in tL~e récent elimination series, but because of conflic t with business interests Mr.* *Denison stated that lhe was not able tomake the trip. The substituting sloop, thé. Carol, is also a Sheridan- Shore, boat with a, good record, having taken- third place in' the. éliminations. Mr. Elliott will skipper the boat in the International series and. Sam Goss, former. comn- modore of Sheridan Shore, will be lhis crew. .Wet Smack, whIicli won second placeinthe eliminations, hias beeti put into,, condition for the Great Lakes cbampionships and wilI be shippied to- day to Peoria where the races. will be hetd Friday,. Saturday and, Sunclay. Charles Pajeau. will' be at, the tiller Of Wet Smack with Max Hayford' as crew. The Wet Smack, built last year, has had a fine record this seasoin, but Pal eau. is flot yet satisfied thiat lie lias got the niost out of the sloop. Witlh Hayford as crew and'Pajeau at thé liilm, the 1bôat shoulti have a- re:il sail for the çhampiopship. Hayfor4 two years ago won the Great Lakes titie skippering Twinkle Ditto, but last year Sheridan Shore, sawv the honcr go to Majella II, Illinois River fleet boat owned by' Raîp)liBradley. Open Grid Ducat Sale for Northwestern Games About 115 members of the North- western. university naval R. . 0. TX C. are packing their sea chests prepara- tory to leaving next weelc on a sev- enteen-day cruise on the U. $. Battle- ship Arkansas. Tbey will leave by train. Wednesday, August 26, and will. put to sea thé next day from, Hamp'- ton Rôads. In, company with naval cadetsof' the Georgia: Tech, Yale and H-arvard2 units,ý the only other naval training corps mnai ntai ned in colleges'by the governiment, they will have thé op- portunity toput to practical test al of the, nautica> knowledge they have gained in classroom, lectures and. study. They,.will be* givenevery kind of duty aboard ship 'and wiIl be un- der strict maritime discipline. $ail from Hampton Roads The Northwestern and Georgia Tech- men'will put to sea. together at Hampton Roads. They wilI cruise to Boston where, they will pick up the Harvard and Yale units and then will proceed northward to Nova Sco- tia. The tiom'eward trip will 'fôlola the same course, reaching Hampton Roads September 13. Practice on, suminer cruises is re- quired. of .ail members, of the uni- versity naval corps to make themn, 9,gbefo ere in naval science. Whether, they take the trips: after. their :freshman and sophomore years is optional but ail are requjired to take the junior-ýsenior çruise, which this year was held to Bermuda in June. Lt. John E. Gingrich of the North- western naval 'departmnt will be in command of the 'unit, andi another we builti a plant of our ow:ï, aid atiditional storage. the total would lie $80,000. This means that if ive bauid a water works of our' owfl 1 star wit wehave $80.000 that..w wudotherwise spend to.takç water from 'Evanston. "In addition toi this,-if we take water from Evanston we woul1d pa-% four-tenths of a cent per hundred cubie feet expense for opcrating booster purnps, and during the twent v years this ,would total about Resumes Rehearsals 'of Lutheran Church Choir Charles Dobson, director of the Minmette Eiiglish Lutheran churchÉ choir, atid 'barÏtone. soloist, witlh the Zoo Opera company at Cincininati,. la-, returned fromn an eiglit weeks' season in« the Ohtio city andi is rcsuiiniig re- hecarsals andi completing orgatiiza- tioni of the choir for the wviter sca- son. season nas just been. openea, ac- cording to annpuncement 'from Max Hayford,, ticket manager. Applications will be 'filýled'. the week before each game. Upý to the present tinie the season ticket sale has- been in "progress andi Mr. Hayford reportcd that the number of, applications i s .kceping- pace with the 193 sale. It will continué until-the day of thîe first ganie. 'RETURNS TO DESK ý u.J.IX. IC#J.4. Iof the school of cc Tlilden Wins, Loses in Evanston Exhibilt. More than 6,500. spectators turnedI out, at the Northwestern university :ouse friay ndSaturday to see the fains Bill Tilden, professional ten- nis Champion, play sômieof the worst andi . sme of the best tennis of his long career, andi incidentally to ap- prove the debut of pro tennis upon CIvanstncortsri. - ease our taxes. It is also proper to ) waste, anid it la. ceftainly waste lontinue to pay such-a profit on the chase of water that ini itself would d our own water works. anti be a,. tns of'relievinga a distressing un- Ioymbent situton.', 0o- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilson, 1335 Gregory avenue, left August 15, for a vacation outing at F~ox lalce. Mrs. Cora Bo\W of' Blaine, Wash., spent a day. last wveek with Mis.- Hoyt King of. 711 Forest avenue. 0---1 Inc ame Ou .GU JLI 01 I 5AUSUP Wlt Mrs. 'Eunice Merrili and son, Wal- vengeance, and thôugh Kozeluh was tér, 1106 Greenwood avenue, left playing excellent tennis 'he céuld not week in Grand Rapidis, Mich. famous camion-bail service was 0 ' functioning perfectly, andti wth spec- Dorothy Killen.of Evanston recent- tacular volleying andi billiant place- ly spent. a week with her grantipar- ment shots he kept the baunding ents, Mr. andi Mrs. D. J Cross of Czechoý-Slovakian on the -ru for 1401 Forest avenue. three straight sets. - I

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