Lucky. baby! And we mean there is going. to be a lucky: .baby. in, Wiltte eçach of the, follo wing months. The'first baby, boy or girl- born in September, ýand each month thereafterg with:ý Wilmette as its future homeft, will, receive- a han.dsome. gift from each:mcrchant whoseadvertise-, MOTHER .. aShampoo and Wave From: the: VanDuerm's Beauty Salonf Mother,' as soon as you find it convenient. phione us for an appointmnent to have a shampoo and wave as a complimientary glft of this well known beauty shop. You wiIl be delighted with the change ln appearance our beauty treatments will, VAN DUERM'S BEAUTY PiîyliIs NeBride, Mgr. 1135 CENTRAL AVE. PHONE' k - (u-% rt~.. I ( SALON w.ILmETTE 3154 BEAUTIFUL FLowE-RS YAre Our Gifi' t is mir sincere wiýsh to present to the new Wilmette citizen a bouquet of flow- ers or a plant with our best wisbes. FRANK HLAVACEK. & SONS PHONE WILMETTEý FLORISTS 2186 RIDGE AVE. ýT LITTLE LADY SNHN vice for Baby MARKET PHONES 2800, 280-1, 152 813 RIDGE Children's Hircuatig a Speciais> BELROSE BARBER SHOP E. J. Beir.ose, Prop. 1124 CENTRAL AVE. PHONE WILMETTE 3786, THROUGHOUT T H E MONTUS, THIS PAGE, SHOULD B E0 N TENSE INTEREST TO, THE :MOTHERS -AND FATHERS .0F.-WIL-m METTE BABY GET ABIG Welcome at Taylor's ".ère à is,; a special gi ft package picked out by Ales. Taylor (and she knows how 10 pick out baby gifts). Send Mother ini and we'11 do the rest. Youl'l find Taylor's infant depart.ment in- teresting and complete. TAYLoRs DEPARTMENZT S.TORE j1125 CENTRAL AVE. PHONE WILMETTE 1914 THE The Fat her of the EIRST SET 0F TRIPLETS Gets a Lucky Break from Eber's. gHere dad, is a new custom tailored suit-latest pattern and material. Remember Eber's feature the finiest of tailored suits made to order. ERBER'S Establisied 1»03 11M WILMETTE AVE. PHONE WILMETTE 18 i i.