Samunel Insufl, Jr., as chairman of the campaign. Organization for the drive has com- menced and campaign headquarter;. have been established in the Otis. * building, 10 South LaSalle street. The caxnpaign. will be a joint effort in behaîf of the relief organizations of *Cook county, the five Iargest being the following: American Red Cross, Chicago.,Chapter,ý Catholic Chariies of! the Archdiocese of Chicago, The jewish Charities of Chicago,. The Salvation. Army, and United: Chari- ties of- Chicago. *These relief organizations. for the Iast year have been operating in a * co-ordinated. programn approved by the Governor's Commission on Unemi- ploynient and Relief. These relief organizations will flot, conduct individual campaigns for * fnds this faîl, but thei.r money-rais-, ing drives will be, consolidated into one big campaign. The campaigii ob- * jective of $8,800,00is designed to cover thé reguiireiie.nts of thé relief agencies tpo October 1, .1932 inicluding the increased burden resulting frQmi * present economnic conditions. The amount, of . money needed to care for destitute farnilies anid home-, less mnen and,,wýomeii was determnieèd bythe plans, an& estimates commit! tee of the joint Emiergency Relief Fund of Cook county which made a care fi study of the work done hy al the relief organizations during thé past year. * .The moniey raised in the canipaigni. will be.- disbursed hy the J oint Emier- gency Relief J!und'of Cook county to the. established relief organizations which wili carry oi i the actual work of caring for those, iii need. Those relief organizations such as the Red Cross and Salvation, Army whichi always imake their aiilualýcamin- pign for-funds in the faIt will con- duct - 11 i idividual drives, iniCook countythis fal. The other relief or- ganizations which hlave been.conduct- ing solicitation for funds will stop at once so that .ahl drives for funds by- these organizations will be united ini- to one. Mrs. W. H. Hutson. i1112 Elmwood The program for the new term will m include classes in drawing and painting wi f roin the model, stili life, composition, dr design, book and magazine illustration, TI advertising design, industrial design, Ci Neuso[I andIQh Cerard, and ,r a week at 7i h. I ents, se Ivey, IRowe the surnmer with her pa and Mrs. Richard J. Mu Oakwood avenue. Mi hé former Betty Mulvey.' THEF El.V..INATOR, 1~ T 9IMEgreatest Contest n Electrie le- friger.ation History-with more. -lion $20,000.00 i cash and ,mereban- dise prizes -will soon be over. OnIy a few days more-and then the Judges will select the prize.winning letters. 0o- Miss Catherine Marie. Bermingham, youngest daughter of Mrs. Walter Ber- iun'ingharn of 718. Laurel avenue. was hostess to a group of young people 'at a dance- given in her honor Thursday. eeigof Iast week.