Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Aug 1931, p. 44

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* D.~ 15 cents a lin. i one paper, 25 cents a lune lni any two papers. RaUtee-30 cents a lin. in ail three *papers. MINXUiM CliAnGE ONE DOLLAIL Average otf Ive words te the lUne. No black face type used. 14% dIseount on ail cash With *order'ad*ertlsemente when brouglit to our office at lI312-Central Ave., Wlmettel, or 481 Lincoin Ave., Wiaaetkaý Deadline for, Inse riions 'asife advertlsements wlLbe - the. WII.METÉTE LIFE or aIl three papers.; Wednesday 9 o'clock for. the, W'NNETKA .TALK. and Thursday: 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. 2lephones: Wilmette .4300, Winnetka 2009, Greenleaf 4300 or Sheidrake 5687. a LOST AND POUND ]REWARD l FOR 2, SIZE 26 BOYS' BI- cycles dlsappearing from ln front of &23 Essex road lii Kenilworth. Brown and whlte 1Ranger, red and White Shelby. Ph. Renilworth 2948. 2Ll7-1tp LOST MALE PUP. .BLACI<'AND) white -wirehaired 'terrier. 859 Vernon Ave. Cai ,Glencoe,69q. 2LT171tp LOST-IRISR SECTTER, TULSA DOG tax on collar. Rewàrd. Ph. Wittne.tte 2749. 2LT17-ltp B ANTIQUEs ]FOR SALE-OLD WALNUT CORNER cupboard: Snall .pine chest of drawers, retIilshed.,653 Hill rd.,Wlinn. 462. 5LT17-1 tp 8*BUILDING ANDO CONTEnACTINSi CARL BENGSTON CARPENTER AND BUII4ER BEMODELINO AND RÊPAIRING PH4ONE WINNÉTKA .2480 8LTN4 4-tfc PATENTS Bell your patent or invention by exhlb- iting your model or' draxvlng at,.,he Second and Greater INJTERNATION- AL PATF;NT EXPOSITION, CHICA- GO. Thousands of rmanufacturers'and patent buyers will lnspèct new de- vices and patents for mparketing. Very Iow rates.. If you bave no medel,, drawlngs and.,'descr.iption wilI do. -Send for f re pamiphlet. B. Haniiltoýn *Edison, Managing Director, Interna- tional Patent Exposition.. ,Merchan- dise Mart, CHICAGO. 9LTN,1S-3tc, AUl Iinds of Carpenter Work Don.e JOHN BOESCH Ph. Wilmette 2165 22 MUSICAL INSeTRUMENTS F OR SALE-LARGE UPRIGHT> PIANO in good condition. Cheap.. Phon -ý Wlnn. 851,. 22LTX17.-ltp 26 PETS FOR SALE REASO.NABLE- PEDt- greed, éocker, spaniel, puppies' al colors. A ls o 2 Irish setters. J. A. Blow, 2305 Wa.ltei, Ave.,, Not-hbroonk. Tel. Northbrook 45. 26LTN"ý17-ltp as RDIOS LOCAL4 IiISTRJB-'UTOR AN EX%,CEïLLENT ÔPPORTUNITY FOI! AN ORG-AN.\IZFD DISTRTITOR **M Qn" ilElectric ai has four tubes-o-perates frôni lighit socket with- o)ut Antenna- Snall anid weighs 8%, lbq., Beautiful Mode'rnistic lacquer finish in a var-iety' ofcor. SeILi to Hlomes, Offices, Stor-es, Bre shop, Fiiingstations. etc., forý $15 vollpflete wlth tubes allo-wing big coi- mnission for your-self and.sesnn WVxÎte Noith Shore Distibutor 702,Elmnwood Ave., WjImette. II. 38 .LOANS LOANS - TO0 PROPERTY OWNEE, s. Make. and buy let and 2nd mortgages. EVANSTON B3OND & MTG.. CO ' 618 CGrove St.. Greenleaf 560,1 38LTN36-.tfcj 41 SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE EXPERIENCED HELP. A better employment service for 'the Xorth Shore homes. References personalIy investigated. NO CHARGE TO EINPLOYERS n-.Tr Telephones Winn. 2662, Davis 7777, Hlghld Pk. 2520 COMPETENT WOMAN WISHES TO take care of children day or night' 35 cents per hour, also have colkge daughter that cari do sanie. Ph, Wil- mette 4203. 41LTN7-lnc SITlUATION,,WANI'ED-"FEMALE. EX- p erlenced whitegirl wants hôuge work with small family. Good cook. ]Best of ref. Telephone Wlnn. 1793. 41LTN17-ltp EXPER. MAID, COLOREDb, WANTS position as, cook! and gendrai. house- work. Phone Beverly 3934. 41LTN17 ltp GERMAN GIRL 33 YR.L OLD WANTS generai 3 yrs. with present emipioyer. Pauline's, Winnetka, 2662. 41LTX17-ltc RPELIABLE HIGH SCHOLà0 GiRL, winnetka. Care of, children, house- work. By Week or hour. Winnetka 1906.. . 41bTN17-ltp MIDDLE AGED WO-MANX,- WISHES, posltion as h 3ekeeper fôr married couple epot. or old couple. Ph.: Wý7ilmeétte 5109. 4iLTN17-ltp ORWEGIAN WOI'IAN WANTS laundYy at home. Wili eall for and~ deliv-er. N. S. Ref. Pli. Winnetka 3248. 41LTN17-ltp WANTED-WASHING, IRONING, OR c1eaning by tie day. , Experienced. Refereiicee. Ph. ,Wilmyette 1987. 41LT17-1nc WIHITE 'WOM.\AN W MANTS LAUNDRY work; also experienced in cô-oklng. serving, and sewing. Refere-ncesz. Tel. Graéeland 1515. 41LTN17-ltp. EXý--PERIENCED NWHIT1E WOMA 1ÀN, wants laundry or cleafling. 'Mondays and Thursdlays, Cali Wiliiette 4288 after 5 :0 41LT-Nl7-lnc NEAT COLORED GIRL E.-XPERI- enued ec(ok, gefleral housework. 3 rs. N. S. reference. Stay night.o. Ph. Englev.ood î782.. 41LTN7ltp (;IENERAL 1{OTSEWORK - NEAT colored girl, good cook and laundrtss, * care of cliildren. Good refe'rence. Ph.1 Oitkland 71.4ILTN17-ltp CAPABLE WHITE WMA212,N WISI{ES position .as:cook in privatefamily. Ex-. Veilent N. S . *rf. 6 years in last posi- t ion. Phone Wi4n. 519W., 41LTN7-ltp: EXPERIENCED W 02UANX WAN_ýT S., work ; washing, iroaiing and cleaning. . Ref. Ph. Wiliiaette 4S0. 41,LTN-1Ç %WA',NTED W'ASIIýG. AND IRONING1 HANDY DEPENDABLE MAN WISHES position'as houseman. Cannot drive caY. Is wtlllng to -start for $50 a mnonth. Rets.- Cali 1ghland Park 3369. 42LTN16-mZtp EXPERIENCED' SWEDISI- CHAUF- feur, 10 years experience, 3 years last Place, north shore refe.reinces. Cali Glencoe 1914, LarÉ. 42LTN17-ltc RELIABLE WHIT.P, MAN -WANTS ceigwlndow wasRhing, gardening or. any odd jobs. Ph. Wildlmette 3254. 42LTN17-lnc EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS AL- teration or other brick repair work by daje or job., Cali Wilmette 383-9. 42LTN17-lnc PAINTING, WÀLL WASHING., WALL paper cleatied. Any kind of work, steady or odd Jobs. Expd. man. OIson. Ph. Davis 2153., 42LTN17-ltp, YOU7NG HUNGARIAN MAN .WISUiEs position as gardener and hbusèman. can dlrive car. Ask for Weinhart. Ph. Wilmette 2567. 42LTN17-Inc EXPkiERIENCED MAN WANTS GAR- dening, furnace work or general house-- work, N. ýS. Ref. Ph.. Winnetka 3248. 42LT.N1-ltp EXý,,PERIENCED MAN, WASH WIN- dows,- care of lawns, garden work, etc., Winnetka 1552. 42LTN17-ltp POSITION AS HOUSEMAN, B3UTLER, .Chauffeu'r. Can do Cooking. .N. S. Rêf. Cali Greenleaf G558. 42LTN17-ltp) BOY 18 WA-'NTS WORK WILL TAKE odd jdjbs. Cali Wilmette 4288., !2LTN_ý17-1nc EX,-PERIENCED GARDENER WISFIES or.N. S. references. Pli. Wijmette 3073.42LTN7-lnc EXPERIENCED GARDENER WISHES %vork by hour or daly., Ph. Wilmette 1691., 42LTN17-lnc FOR EXPRESSING AND HAIJLING, calf Wilmnt4te 5i26. Rýeasonahile prices. -42LT-N17-lnc GERMAN MAN WSHES ABOUT 2 hours mwork each day, Age 30 years. Tel. 5126. 42LTN1 î-lic 43 SIT. WTO.-MALE AND FEMALE cao h.Rgrsrr ?ïs. r-fliA*&** s,>.,. innLvKa zau.. oe<. A. WI <1'17LTN17 -ltp .. ..41LTN17-Ite IWTOWN , DECORATING* CO. DO PART TIME WORK BY HOUR OR *yoift decorating now and save moneY, week. Call Gleticoe 1837, Ma. Taylor. *xport Painting, Paperlng, Giazing, 41L17-lnc e. Outside 'work a speclalty. Esti- màate ýfroc. 4SQ6 No. Spririgfleld Ave,. GOOD RELIABLE GIRlL WANTS Cbica.oPh. Keyetone 688Ô_., piosition as nmaid. ln omail family. Tel 17LTN16-4tp Wlete15.41LTN17-lc turu for «'smaiàll saaryý. Gcod living ,43LTN1 7-ltp quarters for himself and ç%ife. N. S. r-ef-.Phonie Winn. 271,6. .42LTN;17-ltc 44 HELP WANTED-FEMALE EXP. GER3IAN HUNGAPRIA'N ,MAR- WANTED-YOUNG GIRL BETWEEN ried- man wishes Position as 'ehauf- 20 and 25 years as nurse for 2 chil- feur, gkardener, housemnan, buitier. Long dren. High school educattion, resident North Shore references. Ph. Wiimette ý0f fiorth shore preferred. WYhite. Prot. 26.*. 42LT";17-lnc Ph. W innetka 2616., 44LT17-ltp T

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