Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Aug 1931, p. 5

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The inuurerable economïc and psycnologîcal obstacles, is closing after a brilliant summer next Monday night. The sen- sation of the. season., "Peterý Ibbetson~ is the final offering. Any other opera would- seemn an atnti-climax to this by Deemns Taylor, which.bas drawn great crowds -both'inside and outside, the opera, bouse each time. it bas been played.. "Peter Ibbetson," is .also scheduled. for Saturday evening of, thîs' week, having been billed especially for the financier and patron of arts, .Otto H. Kahn, by bis f riend, Whose guest be will be that niight, LouisC. Eckstein.ý Regardiess of what criticism.onenmakes of- the musical score. Whicb. is uneven and backward in fuù*lfilling its promises, the opera bas attracted and held atten- tion and approval. The. sensitive. and inspired acting of. Lucrezia Bon .and Edward Johnson, who establisb a niood that is unbreakable during 'the entire Performance,. is largely responsible for the popularitjr of the opera. Intimate Opera Visually, "Peter Ibbetson" is typical Ravinia . material. An. intimate, opera, it is staged with ail the tare as to-de- tai!' for %vhich Raviniia is noted. The scenery is elaborate, yet distinctive and flot at ail stagey.- Even fthe costumes of -théc chorus bave been selected %vith' unusual attention to individuality and, personal chari. 'The dreamn sceties are merged into the opera unobtrusively, a result of expert work back stage. The opera is nmade to seeni human and real, îîot a show. k. is the pantomnime, so perfectly attuned to the music, that graduaI ly weaves a spell on the, aud- ience. The draina is entirely satisfying to the eye. 1ý "Tosca," %with Yvonne Gai! and Mario Chamîée,' is to, be* heard, on Tbursday nighit. 'This i s" Miss Gall's third pere- formance' in :the title rote,' but Mr. Chamlee's first as Cavaradossi. E1dwvard Johnson anîd Giovanni Martinelli 'have had 'a flingat theý role of Cavaradossi. ..Giuseppe Danise will sing 'again the robe of the :villainous Scarpia. Getn- niiaro .Papi will conduct. The Wilmette post office will be closed ail day on Labor day, Monday, September 7, according to an an- * nôuncement by joseph E._'Phantz,. postmaster. There will be no, gen- eiral delivery; an d the regular Sunday schedule will be foillowed in~ disp*tch- * ing the, mail. *Miss Jean Nellegar of IEvanst, soprano and artist pupil of Edith Bideau Normelli, qîll be the soloist * <t the serzices in St. * A4ugustitne';. E/'iscopal church Simday morni ng, A't gust 30, at Il o'clock. Miss Nel- legar wiIl sing "God SIwIl Wipe -4*1Z,(,il,,4,1Tears," bi' Harker. *Miss Nellegar bias sung îfor many years ii St. Luke's Episcoplýà church choir in Evainston and has done solo work for. several years ini Evanston and north shore chuirches. Rev. G. A. MacWhorter 1at St. Augustine 's The Rev. Gardner A. MacWhorter, assistant rector of St. Luke's clnirch, Evanston, conduct the services in St. Augustine,'s Episcopal church Sun.- day, August 30. Dr. Hubert Carleton,' r ector of St. Augustine's churcbi, wil return from bhis summer vacàiion ,to take charge of the parish Sunday, September 6,. 'it is announced. 'The Rev. * Mr. MacWhorter lias been iin chare ofthe panish duning August.ý PRE-SCHOOL MEETING All teachers in. Wilmnette schools will mneet on .Saturday afternoon, Senhtrnhpr. 12. t 2:30 flo'rin nthe we nave dnt ewith your donations and surprised at wvhat we have to seli. -Mrs. Henry Cutter, chair maft. The Economy *Shop .Io spon8ored by the Wllmette'Womian's club. Pro- ceeds are directed to charlty.. onJc il tnvy wîsn the service con- tinued, Mrý Schultz %varus. f Dr. Schermerhorn at. M. E. (A-reh. Sunday, Auugs 30 Dr. William D. Scbermerhorn of Garrett Biblical institute will preach at the. Wilmette Parish M.ethodist cburch -Sunday morning August 30, at Ilhe lo'clock services. Dr. Scherme- horn leates. soon on. a world tour in which he will study the hist ory of the native, churches, in mission lands.' He bas been -associated with th e Wilmiette church for several years. Dr. Horace G, Smith, pastor1 of1 the Methodist, cburch, who is vacationinfg at [.udingto)n,, Mich., %viIl returni to bis piulpit Sunday, September 6. The Methodist, Church school is scheduled to open 'for the autumn termn Suindaýy, Septemnber 13,. it is announiced. Rev. McCormack at Union Services The Rev. William E. McCormack, pastor of the New England Congre-, gational church in Aurora, ill preach *at the union services in the Wilmette Baptist churcb Sundav mnorning, August 30, at il o'clock. Mr. McCormack bas-,a wide ac-, quaintance in,. Wilmette, having been director of religious education in the Fir5t church several years ago. More recently he was di- rector of the Pilgrinx Founilation at the University of Illinois. He recently assumned the pastorate of the church in Aurora. The union services, started early this smnier, combine the regular Sunday rnorning services of the First Conigregational and Baptisi churches. ROB CONRAD HOME Burgiars Iast Sunday night en tered the home of J. V. Conrad at 715 Seneca road and made away with loot to the valuie of several liundred dollars, it was reported. A Classifi.d Ad in Wilm.fte Uif. wilI 8.11 las+ season's garments af à profit to you. cail WiIm.1t, 4300 ýiuaenient uistivt as eeen alîng adi- ivantage of f avorable weather condi-ý tions during the past few weeks to carry out its surface drainage plans in the Skokle, isevidenced by the report of Superintendent A. H. Meier to the Abatement district'board at its meetingý Thursdày eve .nng of last week. During the past montb a total ot .35,750 f eet of, new ditching bas. been completed, Superintendent Meier ex- plained, which brings the total for the season up to: 88,660 feet. Attention ýto Low Are& This work has been going on at various places throughout the' district, but that particulae section lying betweeo the river *and ýWagner road, and Lake and Winnetka av enues, where 'there were several large areas of Iow . spots, bas been ýreceiving particular, attention. This will be particularly- pleasing news to the patrons of the Wilmette Golf club, it is explained, which, ear- lier in the season was inclùded in one of the areas most densely iinhabited by the annoying mosquito pests. The hot dry weather of the past few wecks bas resulted in the drying up of every pool in the Skokie area, which bas not only reduced to a minimum the 'nosquito.breeding but bas also affcfrled the district officiais an opportunity to *get into every part o.f the area a-id eithier open up old ditches or niake new ones preparatory to the early [al rains which are due very soon. Plea for Cooperaition The only mnosquitoes now breeding are the Culex, and there are few places favorable to their tribe. Along the edge of. river banks thiere area few stagnant pools wbere the Culex thrive, and the district inspectors also report they have f ound a number, of oîd tin cans and vessels of various *kinds, containing water ii them in wvhich iverr fôund the Culex clan..' *Property- owners, it is pointed out, should. see to if that these containers are. not permitted to lie around. Mil- lions of itie' Culex pests are hatched out in these very places, and the Culexç is the mosquito that finds its way'into your bouse, and in fact, is the -only kind . of mosquito that is breeding at this ,tiine of year, Superintendent Meie~r says. VIE43 31 LAV I Kior> Howard E. Norton, 6 14 Central avenue, will be awarded a silver cup for taking first place in the Channel swim Monday night,' Augugt 31, at the tank-skie dinner given by the Sharks of the Shawnee Country club. The cup will be presented by Ar- thur . G. .Staniten. of Evanston, pre*si. dent of the Sharks.,

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