Learn ToucliTyping! 8 to- 14 Year OIds. are invited-to enter a 4-weeks' conteSt. with a 'brand .newü ROYAL PORTABLE as the FIRST PRIZE RULES: il Entrants, must be within the age limite of 8 end .14. 2. No one May enter wbo bas had any- typing experience. 3. The cantest involves four (Saturday) lessons in' tvping, by competent instructors, an& without charge. 4. At, the end of the four weeks, the 'contestants miust stand a test in typing, with acceuracy the only goal. The most accuratelv-written piper wins a new Royal Portable worth $60. 5. Not more than 500 contestants cen b. accepted, and thev mnust lbe accompanied by parent to register. .. Registrütion begins Saturday, September 5, and closes Saturday, Septenmber 12. The first typing lesson is on September 12. 7. There wiII be three other merchandise prizes. THIRP FLOOR I Chandier..S., Fountain Squarle Evanston of St. Augustine's guild, and also Was an energetic member of the auxiliary.' Funeral services were 'held f rom the late residence and f romn St. Augus- tine's cburch. with Dr. Hubert Carle- ton, oficiating. Burial was at MIemorial Park cémetery. Mrs. Palmer is survived by ber bus-1 band, %Slie B. Palmer, by a son,' Doug- las,, of Seattle, Wash., by tbree daugh- ters, Mrs. John. Rock of Ogle4sby. iI. ,Mrs. Lawrence, Tower.,and Miss Norah- Palmer,: both. of Wilmette, by twvo hbrothers, EdWard Middleton of Toron-' to, Canada, Harry Middleton of Mon- treal, Caniada, by two sisters., Miss, May Middleton and Miss, Ethel Middleton. Tbere are four grandcbildren, Patri- cia Jane Palnmer, Douglas Wylie Palm-. er, L.awrence :Tower 'and Jacqueline Ro~ck, Kathleen and Davida Lout-scb.. daughtcrs of Mr. and M rs. Mike F. [Aoutsch, 2,301 Wilmiette avenune, are spending three veeks ini Lansing, 111. visiting their sister, .\Irs. 'Alice Tiltges. E. W. Burke, 20.5 Eigbitee'nthl ,treet, is spending ten dayi* at Mac- kinac Island. He is with the laix finm of Burke, Jackson. and l3urke at 100 North LaSalle street. Chicago. MisMuriel M.\ower, of Highland Park spent a feiv davs Iast week with MÇrs. Frances Mow'ers, 510 Fifth street. f F FERRY HALL LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS Day: and Boarding Highb School and Junior College for Girls. Sixty-second year opens,,Septem- ber 16, 51,J. Open té visitore at ail time*. including Sundays. For further. information and cata- log address ELOISE R TREmAIN, Principal Telepbone-=Lake Forest 3. According to some wlio- attcnded the battie, so many persons gathcred near the base lines that the Wilmette Pioneers flot only tripped over a tangle of legs but also had considerable diffi- culty in solving the "h.idlen bail". play., whicb, up. until la:st Sunday had been regarded' as football rather than as. basebali strategy. Near Riot Resailte A near, riot resulted when the Pio-, neers knotted the c ount in -the> fourth inining,, but caini reigned once more when Lund took the lad several, ch ap- tcrg later. .Hal Schllueter. the Pioneer twirler, reallydeered. to win, declare many spectators. who_ watched the Pioneer outfielders stumibling, through the crovds in vain efforts to snatch what woùld otbcrwise have been easy pop flics. When Lund was on the defecnse, however, thé crowd rev erently mo ved back, antl,'even handed the bal, tc. the outficlders. * Lst Pioneer Stars Outstanding Pioneer stars were Phil Scghi, first basetnan, and Frank Roemn- er, third' baseman. Wally.Lusky made bis debut withi the Pioneers, playing, a snappy gaine at short., On Sunday,. Septemiber .6, the Pio- meers were scheduled'to pla-y.thc \Vil- mette Chamber ýof Commtierce teai, 1 but somehow the dates gotî mixcd. The Pio- * neers, nevertheless, ilI play ýan other good teani at the WilImetteý Villageý Green on this date, Sunday, Septem- ber 6. Mrs. H. C. Hintzpeter > Taken by Death Aug. 25 Funeral services for Mrs. Eugenie E. -Ilntzpetcr, who died Tuesday, Aug- ust. 25, %vere held at the late residence, 212 Sheridan road, -Kenilworth, last Fr1l"- day af ternoon at 2 o'clock,' with the Rev. George D. Allison of the Wimette *Baptist .church.o fficiating. . W7innetka chapter, No. 942,.Order of the Eastern Star, of whÎich Mrs. Hintzpeter wvas Ia mem1Icr conducted the services at the grave* in Rosehili cemctery. Mrs. -Hinti.peter, .wbo lhad been -a resident of Keiiilwýortli for seventeen * ycars, was interested in social service work-mhich she uindertook xvith an ener- gy and kindness that won lier ninv new SERVICE TEL. GRE. 02 21 SHERIDAN RD. AND ISABEILA ST. EVANSTON Mrs. ilenderson, was Margaret Le before her marriage. -o- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Siegel and their son, Dick, of 305 Seventéenth street bave returned f rotb eir vacation which wvas spent visitinîqrelatives and f riends A-t, Wisconsmn Rapids and Appleton, Xis. BUS