Mr. Witherspoon writes fromi Salz- burg, where he attended the festival says, that moving scenery is stili used at Salzburg and that "6we are now tÔo sophisticated and we have seen too many. marvelous tlings done on the. screen to* get the oldl effect from, what is after al a radier childisbh affair. 1 knoW, of no theatre wihcani rival outr own in'.effective lighting >on, the. stage." He writes that helias. found great interest in, our Civic opera, and that artists. and * conductors aIl want information as, to its plans for the future, as well as details about the new opera bouse, wbichbasexcited much curiosity and comment abroad. * Rudolf Bockelmann, one of the leading baritones of the -Ci-i-Opera company, is most popular at Bay- reutb. He is taÔ return to Ch icago ini time for the caming sea son. Mr. Witberspoon believes that bis tripSlas given him a new picture. of * post-war operatic conditions - u Eu - rope., He concludes by savingi -I hope ýwe miay soon have our own traininig school for yauniger artis1ts SO that we nlay create our owu stars, and educate themn according to Our standards, ivbich are in many, ways very different front what are accept- ed over bere." *Believes Women May B ring.A bout Peace Yvonne Gall, charmning soprano of the Raviniia Opera çomipany, beli1eves that içoneîi will establish world * Ieace. for. only are new fields oa i-r fo, vonien. being oiic!ed by thlitI- ternational Federation of Business and Professional WVomnen, sbe says, '*"but tbrougb their activities interna-. OM tinl rédsi 'ill undoubtcdly 'bave a réal and. firm founidat .ion. I arn positive that,.the nw Interna- tional Women'ys nioverncut wilI. be the eventuial solution tao a world Peace-Iasting and permanent. Peace iSUp ta the women!". T7he. garciauis primia doua 01e1o to say that she cati foresee a natural * growtb of international friendship) of a permanent nature tbrough this federation. "Our Madamne Landiner of France is, au active worker," she. *says, "anid I would dIo anytbing ini miy power ta hielp bath. mny country- wamen and iny friendlv hnstesses. * -o- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert.A. Lundahl -of 224 Ralcigli road, Kenilworth, spent last week-end in northern Wis- consin. TI'bir' son, Herbert, will re- turu ta Wiliams college about Sepý- temiber 15. utBLGIiS MINDAY, S]EPTEMBEIR 14 Scuid The Togsfefore Vois Seud The. Tots' EARBNS,TUE APPLAUSE: 0,F MOTIIERs Miraclean discounts even the b. ard, usage chil drenà give clothes, and is- espeeially beneficial to them, bc- cause Miraclean does more. than dcean and brighten' the surface. it frees the fabric' "pores"' of ail dirt and impurities-thus allowing the air to penetrate the gar- ments and refresh the body... Miraclean faithfully restores the clever, child style and re- moves every trace .of germ and soil. «Now -before sehool opens plant. in ,0Wu h * q 'J 'i