* "Donovan's Kid" Holiday week-end will'be celebrated at the Wilmette theater inii oteworthy* asion- Onl Saturday, ýSeptemberý 5, dreams *of delinious. fishermian will ,come true as to si ze, nuinber and shape o f their catches in tbe filmn, "Monsters of the De ep." Bobby Jones will1 off er an- other sports angle in "ýThe1 Putter,." the first of his series on.-"Flow I Play Golf." At the Saturday Mat inee onlly, a chapter of the serial, "The -V7alishing L.egion," will be shown., "'Younig Donovan 's Kid," easily onie of the best of current, producý- tions, will star Jackie Cooper and Richard Dix at t Ih e Xilmette. .. theater on, Sun dav ail !ion- * dav,. Septeniber ilt anid 7. There . w*Il be miatinees ~ : x on Sudavand ~ M\1ondav conltin- 1i0tis f r o ni 'clock "Yountg steps oat of . te pages of Rex B le a le 's ficirv Jackie Cooper nlovel, "Pig Bro- thier."' It bias to dIo with an East Side ruffhail<of the pre-war period. who. becausé hie is giveni a sevenl-year-old ývaif to foster, decidecs he will go ,traight and giveup the bad liie. He gets a job iii a steel mill,? but thte court, tales his -%vaif-charge,>awvay The. mai l)ecomes implicated in ,criîîîc againi and the story goes' inta a wlirl- v\îidý of action. Off o "igt Angel" on Tuesday and Xednes4ay. sep- teinber 8 and.9, the Wilmiette thieater wvill preseît -Thîe Night Angel," xith. Nancv Carroll ad. Fredric Marcll The action drainla is, set ini capital of Bolien ital of modern Carroll is seen of thi1s fascinlating Prague, forînerly the mia~ andl now the cap-, Versity T1heater WiIl Present Two Carefully Selected Feature Films on Each Program The announcement of a change of Policy of the Varsity titeater of Ev- anston carried in tihe advertising colunns ofthispublication, should be of interest to every theatre-goiîi resident of 'this comrnunity.., ?1 The Varsity theater,' allvays repre- sentative of the idéals of the northi shore, is bringing to its p atrons ,a wealth of out.standing pict'ures -and by its decision to present two features on each program. is openling the gate- wav to a new field of. entertainment. Thie motion picture entertaiiîment for, the 'fail and winter season as in- dicated byr the new attractions, will be better this year than ever before, and by playinig two attractions on each, program, the. Varsity Will Vie able to bring to the north shore re.si- dents, every one of -the season's suc- cesses, the manage ment points out. It Nvill not be necessary to omit eveu one, of, the efforts of outstand'ing stars,* writers and directors. Teilla of New Policy "The new policy tvill enable, us tii select thé creami of the s'eason's at-* tractionis,"ý declared Manager J. J. Sampson, a resident of Witnnetka. "In making this change, we are n'ot onl1Y keeping, pace. with, the pro- gressive spirit of the ntortli shore, comimunities, buit Ne are bowýinig to the inisistence of the most discriim- inating thecater-goers. "The Varsity theater alwavs lias been regarded as being truly repre- s.entative of Evanston, Wiiiietka, Glencoe, \Vilmnette, and environs, and we feel that as an institution suIPplYý ing the entire north shore section. with wholesonie entertainmient and recreatiion, it occupies a definite 1lace In our-Comînunlity lifeý" "Any change mie make in the Var-, sîty's policy," lie, added, 'especiall'. One which is for 'the better, wec feel will be Of interest to every .resident of thehorth shore." An extraordinatry jine-uip of blig Pie- tures lias been. annourîced forS the, Var- isity, theater co-inc.identaI to the change of policy whereby the theater Will Pre- tient- two features on, eachi prograrn. The newv policy ment into euffeet Wednesdlay, Sefltemiber 2.. ngltand Barbara. Staitwjck. iIl eind the audienice of a, well-knowvn feii.ale evangeliset du(rinq the intense draina, "The. Miracle WVoizan," at the Teatro del Lago oit Tuesdayv and Wednesdai,, September 15 and 16. "The pictîire is well staged, di-. rccted, and phatographed,>' says Plwtoplay nmagazine. "T/he final thrili. ... is a fine piece of reailismi." PICTURES AWAITED Films schieduled for showing at the Wilmnette thecatre include "Quiick Mil- lions," with Spencer Tracy on Fni- day, Septeniber il; "Everything.'s Rosie,", starring Robert Wool-sey, on Saturday,, Sept eml>er 12;, "The Black Camùel," with Warner Oland on Sunl- day, September 13; and "A" Free Soul"starring. Norma Shearer,-NMon- day to Thursday, inclusive, Septemn- ber 14 to 17. !'!'~ I XekJeU7 MUse Cat~oon ýsatwrdaî, Sept. s 13BarE JONES la 66HOW TO PLAY. GOLF» Flrst Lesson-"-4Tbe Patter"l "'Vanhlas Legon-lat suai.-Mon., Sept. S -7 Nmatmee Both D])YS JACRIE O ER-. r,'~L 'II' k: -l' Also a. Coloe k toiue «-oveltyý and Vagabond Adventure 8cr- *r ot coul an et a keeper of a small town barber shop with gamnbling as a side line. He can mnake money, but he always loses wvith the blondes. Tonighit and tomorrow (Thursday and Friday, September.3,and 4), the Witmette..theater presents "Seed,Pt dramatization. of Chailes Norris' great novel John Boles, Lois Wilson and Genevieve Tobin are stars. Opens 's'. September Sth Chlldren's Classes In Chas MlTypes et Ph. Greenleaf 1125 or, Dearborn 3354 (Reverse Charges). Geo. O'Brien "Se»s Deneathl" Story Ü. S., Navy 89e Admnits the, Fa mily: "G irl Habit" "Chances" "WÔipen Love Once" "Nlght 'Nurse" - "Caught" "?Jewy Rlch" - "Guilty Handu" Hie WiD e flre Soon MAUREICE CHEVALIER I I i -i