Presents Coatsý. For Dress - - clothes mean style, pi-us quality. out oats embody both. of these. principles. and makethemn the ut most in Value., There are many models in .a variety of furs -and materials. Two representative garments are sketched attheleft.ý On the left a black Cherkessa clotb with* a blue fox collar and trim on the ileeves. Collar can be worn as. sketcbed or dropped ta form a suplice effect ............................................ ....................$165.oo At the righf is a dark ,red Charda clotb trimmed with Persian fur on, both collar and cuifs. As with all our coats a crepe de chinae Iiiing and, interlined ............................................................$95-00 Gi COT FAsHiiiNs-SecoND FL~OW For Sport do . A I I 1 -ZÉ, 1