FIRSI FALL at Golden Anniversary Savings Outstandin g Is 1Th s Group Of Sh .Col Frocks in Sizes i1 to 17 for the Junior Miss * nthe Appariel Sec tioi-LORkD'S-Second Ploor ALL-STA R SPEClALS Thursday te Saturday TWO FOR THE PRICE 0F ONE *FALL SILKS. Biat crepes, crepe de chines, radium btocades- and.moires, 39 inches wide. Fall's new shades. 3,000 yards at .2 yards88e LORD'S-First Floor * GIRLS' WASH FROC KS in sizes 1 to 3 and 2 to 6. Clever new styles for Fali. $1.95 values .2 for $1.95 LORD'S-ýSecond Floor *WAMBA CRIB- BLANKETS part wool pink and blue. Fit snugly around baby and tic down. $1 .95 values .2 for $1.95 LORD'S-Sccond Floor -*y YOUTHÎS' ýSHIRTS collarmattmched style in sizes 121/2 to 14!' neckband. New Fait patterns. $4! shirts .2 for $1 LORD'S-First Floor able knit white cotton, i)w'n everywbcre as a 10c luc, now .2 doz. $1, LORD'S-First Floor. 1~ . 1 . . ý 4 ý . - . ý .1-1 1 ý .11 ý . - Il ý ý 1 , ý