1-B of .WINSOME,'DRE,SSýES ..in satin or Crepe, made exclusively for usi whichmeans more value for your moàney th-an ever before-such, Iovely things at su-Ch lo w prices. Priced ............... ...... ............... and w w STGRM COAT.S ýof Jersey Rubberized ýfabrc in colors Sizes 16 ta 42, priced...... Sizes 6-ToT4, priced...... $3.50 $3.75 Protect the youngý folk s fro mthe. Cold1 fal storms wifh oneof these beautiful coafs priced 50 lowý at this time. J to go priced Separate Skirts with bodice for the littie folks and waistboand for the, older girls made of the new wool skirtings, al& colors, priced .25 You will want an extra skirt for going foschool, with a sweater to match. M1DDY TIES ýof SILK with your school outfit, 50c I~_ I Save Money by Shopping Here' Four .Deliveries Daily ~ortIsen d 1 148 WiIm.itt Ave. Always Quality Beforo Price Phonos Wîlmete.588-,589 A "